This was published 9 years ago
We need 'ongoing' money to fight multinationals: Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan's federal budget pitch
Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan hopes the May federal budget will include more money to fight multinational profit shifting.
The Australian Taxation Office's key program targeting multinationals, known as "international structuring and profit shifting" (ISAPS), which was funded by the former Labor government over four years, comes to an end in 2017.
Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan hopes funding to fight corporate tax avoidance and other key programs can continue.Credit: Daniel Kalisz
This has been the key area where Mr Jordan has drawn resources to undertake audits of companies such as Google, Apple and BHP Billiton.
In an exclusive interview with Fairfax Media, Mr Jordan said he hoped funding to fight corporate tax avoidance and other key programs could be ongoing, as this would help him secure long-term expertise in the audit team.
Singapore's government has previously told Fairfax Media it is not a tax haven, but a value-adding hub.
"We have a series of programs that get funded. It's rolling on money and rolling off money."
ISAPS was one of those four-year programs. "We will have to make a bid closer to the event [federal budget] to have that [program] rolled over," Mr Jordan said. "I'd expect that to be favourably looked upon."
The ATO has started over 300 risk reviews of multinationals and has 48 audits in progress.
Through ISAPS, in place since July 2013, it has issued $480 million in assessments and recovered $422 million in collections.
On track to hit $1.1b
Mr Jordan says the agency is on track to hit $1.1 billion in liabilities.
He argued such programs could be part of the ATO's "base funding" so it could offer its staff some "security".
"If we have to bring people on to help us with this, we have to offer them a three-year contract," he said.
A base funding envelope would allow the ATO to "marshal the money to the areas" that require it.
They [Singapore's authorities] don't want to be a tax haven; they want to be a country that offers incentives for jobs. They're very co-operative with us.
Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan
Mr Jordan last month told Senate estimates they would stop "playing games" with big companies and hit them with tax bills sooner.
He told Fairfax Media that rather than seeing a dip in revenue, the impact of issuing companies with assessments sooner could "bring forward" revenue.
But he admitted the uncertain economic environment is still likely to affect tax receipts.
"BHP recently announced a loss," Mr Jordan said. "They're a big taxpayer, so if they're making a big loss they're probably not paying that much tax this year. We would know that, we would feed that [into the ATOs revenue projections]."
He said money from wages may also be lower as it was in 2013-14, when the ATO in its annual report noted it had been unable to meet its own revenue forecasts partly due to lower taxes paid by companies and individuals.
Net tax collections (total tax collections less refunds to taxpayers) in 2014-15 was $336.8 billion. This was up $15.2 billion (4.7 per cent) on the same period the year before, but $9.4 billion (2.7 per cent) below the amount expected at the time of the 2014-15 budget.
ATO not fighting Singapore for revenue
Asked whether he was worried tax revenue wars would shoot up because of the global plan to stop multinational profit shifting, Mr Jordan said: "Singapore doesn't get a lot of the tax; they want the jobs."
Singapore's government has previously told Fairfax Media it is not a tax haven, but a value-adding hub.
Mr Jordan agreed. He said Singapore's authorities were "not concerned if we tax them more".
"They might get marginally less revenue, but they don't make their money out of that, they get money out of wages tax," he said.
The OECD's global plan, known as Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), was about ending tax havens. "Everyone is trying to grab a bit of the money that ends up in Bermuda," he said. "There's [estimates of] $200 billion [missing]; there's some estimates a trillion dollars of American money sitting in tax havens. So no one's getting a share of that yet. And Singapore typically just gets a little margin."
He said Singaporean officials had recently met with the ATO. "They don't want to be a tax haven; they want to be a country that offers incentives for jobs. They're very co-operative with us."