

This was published 9 years ago

We are not playing dirty, you are, Uber tells ATO on GST fight

By Nassim Khadem

Uber has dismissed comments by tax commissioner Chris Jordan that the Silicon Valley technology giant has been playing dirty in order to win the media debate over a stoush on whether uberX drivers should pay GST.

The company – which has been lobbying state and federal leaders against any moves to bring it within the same rules and regulations as the taxi industry – said it will still be challenging the Australian Taxation Office guidance on its drivers being required to pay GST from next month.

Uber and the ATO have been at odds over whether uberX drivers need to pay GST like taxi drivers.

Uber and the ATO have been at odds over whether uberX drivers need to pay GST like taxi drivers.Credit: Fairfax Media

If the ATO guidance stands, uberX drivers who to date have not registered and paid GST, would be forced to, and prices charged by the company could rise 10 per cent.

On Tuesday Uber said the guidance was "a flawed interpretation" of GST law and the ATO had been acting beyond its duties as a tax administrator.

Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan says Uber is wrong.

Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan says Uber is wrong.Credit: Louie Douvis

"It is not the job of the ATO to create a level playing field to appease the taxi industry," an Uber spokesman told Fairfax Media.

"The current federal government tax review is the correct avenue to determine how new models in the sharing economy should be treated in an updated tax system."

In a letter also provided to media on Friday, Uber's director of public policy Brad Kitschke wrote to Mr Jordan complaining about the perceived level of influence the Australian Taxi Industry Association (ATIA) had during consultations over the guidance.

It supported its letter with documents obtained by Freedom of Information that show ongoing correspondence between the ATO and the ATIA in editing and altering the proposed guidance note.


"We consider this to be highly irregular," Mr Kitschke said in the letter.

ATO integrity defended

Mr Jordan has hit back at Uber for suggesting the ATO lacked integrity and accused the company of playing dirty to try and influence the media.

He said he had not yet received the letter from Brad Kitschke, which was sent to media first, and in any case, Mr Kitschke's statements were incorrect.

"While our advice on GST and ride sharing was not what Uber had hoped for, their statements are wrong," Mr Jordan repeated in a statement.

Imagine the taxi queue chaos if [taxi] drivers earning under the GST threshold could offer a 10 per cent discount

Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan

"Integrity is a core principle for the ATO. I have spoken often of the need for us to have building trust and confidence at the heart of the work we do. I do not take lightly, and cannot let stand on public record, claims that I, my executive, or my officers, have lacked integrity."

Mr Jordan was irate that the letter had been provided to media suggesting that the ATO had "irregular" consultation with the taxi industry.

He said the ATO began consulting with Uber since September 2014, and gave the company a chance to comment more than four months before the taxi industry.

"We are disappointed our consultations with the ride sharing industry and the taxi industry have been misrepresented in this way [by Uber]," he said.

Sounds like a taxi, then it probably is

Uber and the ATO have been at odds over the definition of whether ride-sharing services, which are part of the new emerging or "sharing economy" that do not sit neatly with old rules and regulations, constitutes a service like a taxi.

Uber said it was not advising its drivers to break the law It will write to them advising what course of action to take before the end of the month.

"To be very clear, Uber believes all our partners must meet their lawful tax obligations," an Uber spokesman told Fairfax Media on Tuesday.

"They should be also treated like every other small and micro business who need only register for GST at the $75,000 threshold – not from the first dollar earned as this guidance portrays."

But Mr Jordan said the ATO had given a "workable application of the law as it stands now".

"It is outlined in GST law that any person offering a taxi service must be registered for GST, regardless of turnover," he said.

He said tax law took the meaning of the word 'taxi' as its broad ordinary meaning of a car made available for public hire that is used to transport passengers for fares.

"Sounds like Uber drivers," Mr Jordan said.

The ATO's guidance was "a practical solution to avoid absurdities" in interrupting existing law.

"Imagine the taxi queue chaos if [taxi] drivers earning under the GST threshold could offer a 10 per cent discount," Mr Jordan said.

"Or would they charge GST and pocket it? Taxis would need two meters – one for drivers earning over the GST threshold and one for part-time drivers earning under."

Law ambiguous

But Uber said the ATO has no business consulting the taxi lobby on a matter that does not involve their members having to pay more tax.

"The taxi industry is actively lobbying against Uber and does not participate in this industry," the Uber spokesman said. "Nor has Uber been consulted by the ATO on the tax affairs of the taxi industry."

The ATO did not just consult with the ATIA. It "provided them with multiple opportunities to provide direct input on a document affecting only the ride-sharing industry, in circumstances where the ATIA's members are not ride-sharing participants", he said.

Uber also questioned why Mr Jordan was referring to the tax guidance as a "ruling", which it is not.

"In recent correspondence to Uber, Deputy Commissioner James O'Halloran also conceded that whether ride-sharing constituted 'taxi travel' is an 'uncertain area of the law'," Uber said.

"We therefore find it concerning that the ATO has rushed this guidance out when they are aware of this ambiguity."

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