

This was published 4 years ago


There's a silver lining for fathers in the COVID crisis

A lot of dads have been spending more time with their kids lately. Fathers and mothers everywhere are juggling work routines with child care, home schooling sessions and domestic chores during the coronavirus lockdown.

The flexible work patterns established during the pandemic are likely to persist.

The flexible work patterns established during the pandemic are likely to persist.Credit: E+

The adjustments haven’t been easy but the evidence suggests there’s a silver lining for many dads.

Research shows they want to spend more time with their children. There’s been a marked change in the way fathers interact with their kids over the past decade or so. The time men spend with their children has gradually come to resemble the traditional behaviour of mothers.

They’re not just hanging out with kids and playing. Dads have taken on more of the work of caring like pick-ups, drop-offs, feeding and bathing. Fathers are jamming both more paid work time and more time with children into their days.

Younger men increasingly report a preference for a dual-earner, dual-carer model of their household where child care and other domestic duties are shared evenly. But taking on more responsibilities at home is difficult for many men because of the norms and expectations operating in workplaces and society.


A review of work and care policies published last year by The Work and Family Roundtable, a group of academic experts, said fathers are often reluctant to ask for parental leave or more flexible work arrangements. “Too many new fathers continue to report their workplaces are not supportive of their use of parental leave and they fear it will undermine their career advancement,” it said. Dads are changing but many workplaces are not keeping up.

The constraints imposed during the coronavirus lockdown have put additional pressure on many households. Working mothers have been especially hard hit. Job losses and business disruptions have also caused widespread financial uncertainty and stress.

But it’s possible the extraordinary measures made necessary by the epidemic will result in lasting changes to the way households operate. Some could make it easier for fathers and mothers to balance paid work and care.


The lockdown has been an enormous unplanned experiment for workers and businesses. Many employers have been forced to try things they’ve never contemplated. And some of those new ways of doing things are likely to stick.

A working paper published this month by economists Titan Alon, Jane Olmstead-Rumsey, Matthias Doepke and Michele Tertilt identifies two channels through which the pandemic will “accelerate changing social norms and expectations”. While the study draws largely on American data the trends the authors identify are similar in Australia.

The first applies to employers. Many firms have rapidly adopted work-from-home and telecommuting options for most, and in some cases all, of their staff. This has never before happened on such a broad scale. The flexible work patterns established during the pandemic are likely to persist and become more entrenched in workplace cultures.

“Once businesses invest in remote-working technology and the learning-by-doing that is involved in the transition has taken place, going back all the way to the status quo is not attractive,” say Dr Alon and his co-authors in the paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Prior to the epidemic around one in four Australians regularly worked from home according to the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia, or HILDA, survey.

There’s some evidence remote working was becoming more common among knowledge sector workers.

A recent survey of employees in Melbourne’s CBD found almost two-thirds were working remotely at least some of the time. The average was 1.1 days a week, mostly at home.

But many businesses were still resistant. A third of respondents were not permitted to work remotely even though only 2 per cent said none of their work could be performed from an alternative location.

Greater scope for working from home wouldn’t only help parents to manage their work and care responsibilities. If a bigger share of employees take up flexible working arrangements it would allow more commuters to travel outside peak times helping to reduce urban congestion.

If the coronavirus lockdown means remote working becomes more widely accepted it would game-changer for the many fathers who find it difficult to arrange more flexible employment patterns. It would also benefit working mothers. “In many places mothers and fathers alike will gain flexibility in meeting the combined demands of having a career and running a family,” the economists conclude.


There’s a second way the coronavirus crisis could permanently alter the way households work. During the lockdown a sizeable number of fathers will temporarily become primary child carers and shoulder additional domestic chores.

Dr Alon and his co-authors argue this reallocation of household tasks will persist long after the pandemic is over. “These changes are likely to push social norms towards more equality in the provision of child care and house work,” they say.

The economists draw a comparison between the global upheaval caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the Second World War when women entered the workforce in large numbers. This is credited with shifting social attitudes towards women’s employment and paving the way for the post-war increase in labour force participation by married women.

They predict “a substantial increase” in men’s future participation in child care.

If that comes to pass many fathers and mothers would welcome it.

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