

This was published 9 years ago

The negative gearing change that's already happening

By Michael Pascoe

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen is being billed as opening up the possibility of winding back some aspects of negative gearing – but the thin edge of that particular wedge is already in the door.

It's widely, and mistakenly, reported that Labor wants to reduce the threshold for the 30 per cent tax rate on concessional superannuation from "taxable income" of $300,000 to $250,000.

But the threshold for the Division 293 tax, as the Australian Taxation Office calls the Higher Income Superannuation Charge - which adds another 15 per cent on top of the usual 15 per cent contributions tax - isn't based on taxable income.

As the ATO explains it:

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen.

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen.Credit: Andy Zakeli

"The definition of 'income' for the purpose of this measure will include taxable income, concessional superannuation contributions, adjusted fringe benefits, total net investment loss, target foreign income, tax-free government pensions and benefits, less child support."

That "total net investment loss" means no negative gearing impact.

The same measure is used for calculating the Medicare surcharge levy, the private health insurance rebate, the seniors and pensioners tax offset and repayment income for the higher education loan program (the student debt formerly known as HECS) and student financial supplement scheme.

Governments of both stripes have been happy to quietly let the erosion, or slight curtailing, of negative gearing benefits go through to revenue.


Leave net investment losses and adjusted fringe benefits out and a range of government levies, rebates and repayment levels would suffer.

The 2011-12 tax figures showed 1.3 million members of the landlord class claiming an average loss of nearly $11,000 – call it a total taxable income deduction of about $14 billion.

However, the curious – and perhaps not quite credible – thing is that it seems the government of the day didn't think there would be much difference between levying the Higher Income Superannuation Charge on "taxable income" or the broader, no-negative-gearing measure.

When the Division 293 tax was introduced by Wayne Swan in the 2012 budget, the ATO estimated that about 128,000 people would be caught by it in the 2012–13 financial year - about 1.2 per cent of the population contributing to super. (One can reasonably suspect just about everyone earning more than $300,000 a year contributes to super, so good is the tax haven.)

The taxation statistics for the 2012-13 year are still a week or two away from being released, and the 2011-12 year statistics only provide a figure for the number of individuals with a taxable income of over $250,000 – some 136,060 of them.

Even allowing for 8,060 people to have taxable income of between $250,000 and $300,000, it would seem remarkable indeed that excluding negative gearing and the other bits and pieces wouldn't capture considerably more people, never mind income gains from one year to the next.

Hopefully the 2012-13 stats will explain that mystery.

Meanwhile the superannuation industry and property industries are predictably lobbying hard against any changes to anything that might disadvantage them.

The $1.9 trillion super industry is rolling out the line that the move to tax super payments of more than $75,000 at 15 per cent – instead of leaving them tax free – would be all too hard.

There is already plenty of advice of how to split, minimise and generally get around such a tax,

Which is why such a piecemeal reform is not the answer to preserving the appeal and improving the equity of our superannuation system.

A blanket reform to allow a 15 per cent deduction on the individual's marginal tax rate at all stages of the super cycle – contributions, earnings within the fund and payments from it – would restore faith in its fairness, curtail some of the excesses and still result in a good deal for the well off.

But that's far too logical, would impact too many voters and further outrage a very powerful industry.


Back to fiddling, then.

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