This was published 8 years ago
The good and bad of Donald Trump's tax plan and what it means for you
By Nassim Khadem
US President-elect Donald Trump's tax plan will have flow-on effects, including reducing the amount of tax paid by US multinationals in high-tax countries such as Australia, experts say.
Chartered Accountants tax leader Michael Croker suggests Trump's policies – most notably his plan to cut the corporate tax rate – might reshape the way US thinks about paying tax in Australia.
"The hope is that vast sums – $US2.5 trillion says Trump's website – currently warehoused offshore would come home [to the US]," he said.
Croker said if Congress managed to pass Trump-like reforms, the Australian Taxation Office's Tax Avoidance Taskforce could find itself dealing in an "argy-bargy" with US tax authorities.
"I don't think Donald would take kindly to [Australia's] tax integrity laws impugning a key ally and trade partner just because it has finally managed to modernise its antiquated international tax laws," Croker said.
"He [Trump] might even pick up the phone to our PM and impart some Apprentice-like wisdom."
The OECD's head of tax Pascal Saint-Amans has encouraged the US to adopt the key plan to stop multinational profit shifting – known as the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) plan – noting that revenue raised from multinationals paying more tax in the US rather than sending them into tax havens could allow the US to cut its tax rates.
KPMG tax partner Grant Wardell-Johnson said Trump's "antipathy to international co-operation suggests he is unlikely to embrace the OECD's BEPS agenda".
"While Trump is seeking to promote business activity 'at home' rather than 'abroad', this ironically may give rise to implicit support for measures which assist US firms reduce taxation offshore," he said.
Here's a summary of Trump's proposed tax changes:
1. Business tax cuts
Trump had said he will cut the company tax rate from 35 per cent to 15 per cent.
He has also proposed a 10 per cent "deemed" repatriation tax on the foreign earnings of US-based companies.
He also wants to allow businesses to immediately deduct the cost of asset acquisitions, however, they won't be able to deduct interest expense on any borrowing.
The theory is that this reduces dependence on debt, but Wardell-Johnson said it could attract "odd structuring".
The Washington-based Tax Foundation says cutting the company tax rate would cost an extra $US1.5 trillion ($1.96 trillion).
Given 15 per cent is lower than the average corporate tax rate around the world, there could be benefits. Experts point to Ireland, and more recently Britain, as examples of countries that cut their tax rates and are attracting foreign investment.
However, this is also largely due to more favourable tax incentives that have been offered in Ireland. Apple has been ordered to pay up to €13 billion ($19 billion) in back taxes, plus interest, to Ireland after the European Commission found the software giant had received "illegal state aid".
The Tax Foundation says that while it has not modelled the impact lower corporate taxes will have on reducing profit shifting, "an increase in reported income in the US could somewhat mitigate the revenue effects of the corporate rate cut".
According to OECD figures, multinational profit shifting is reducing US tax revenue up to $US135 billion annually ($176 billion).
Wardell-Johnson said a lower US company tax rate was likely to increase pressure on the Turnbull government to reduce our corporate tax rate.
PwC's Australian tax leader Pete Calleja agreed it could push Australia to move. "While the majority of OECD countries including Britain have reduced their corporate tax rates over the last decade Australia is yet to do so," he said.
Here's a summary of Trump's tax agenda:
2. Changes to the tax rate paid by individuals
Trump wants to reduce individual income tax rates.
At the moment there are seven tax brackets. Trump would reduce them to four, lowering the top marginal tax rate from 39.6 per cent to 25 per cent and creating a large zero bracket.
He would also tax long-term capital gains and qualified dividends at a top marginal rate of 20 per cent.
The Tax Foundation predicts under the tax changes those on a middle income would see their after-tax adjusted gross income (AGI) rise 19.7 per cent and those in the top 1 per cent would see an increase in after-tax AGI of 27 per cent.
"These changes in the incentives to work and invest would greatly increase the US economy's size in the long run, leading to higher incomes for taxpayers at all income levels," it says.
It estimates the plan would increase the federal government's deficit by more than $US10.14 trillion.
3. Elimination of the death taxes
Under US law, if a person dies with an estate valued at more than $5.45 million, they pay 40 per cent tax on the excess value.
Trump's proposal would eliminate the estate tax, opening up opportunities for the wealthy to pass expensive estates on to their children virtually tax-free.
While assets won't be taxed immediately upon death, the Tax Foundation notes that any appreciation inherent in the assets of an estate valued in excess of $10 million will be taxed if the estate is sold.
The foundation predicts the cost of eliminating the estate tax is $238 billion.
4. Pass-though entities to get taxed at 15 per cent
The US contains a substantial number of businesses located in "pass-through entities" that will be optionally entitled to the 15 per cent tax rate at the owner level, rather than higher personal tax rates.
"This will encourage workers providing services as employees to 'incorporate' into a business structure, given an 18 per cent difference between the top marginal rate and the business rate," Wardell-Johnson says.
"How this would be dealt with is unknown, but there are clearly strong equity issues associated with this measure."