

This was published 6 years ago

The gig economy is a myth, survey finds

By Eryk Bagshaw

The 'gig economy' is a myth, globalisation is killing Australian small business owners, and men have significantly more autonomy in their jobs but feel less secure in their roles.

A survey of 17,000 Australians over almost two decades has found "there is no evidence of any growth in the use of independent workers in Australia," despite widespread fears of companies such as Uber and AirTasker flipping a century-old industrial relations model.

The findings of the Melbourne Institute's Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia research, released on Tuesday, show the rates of self employment have been in marked decline since the survey began in 2001, levelling out at 8.5 per cent in 2016.

The HILDA survey has cast doubts on the size of the gig economy.

The HILDA survey has cast doubts on the size of the gig economy.Credit: Jason South

"On the surface, the conclusion appears at odds with the widespread commentary about the emergence of the 'gig economy'," the survey found.

"If the gig economy is growing as rapidly as is commonly believed, then either it involves the substitution of one type of self-employed worker for another [as might be happening in the taxi industry] or it is largely consigned to second jobs."

The economy's transition over the 16-year period has hit self-employers with employees hardest.

The share of prime-age workers who are employers has declined from 8.6 per cent in 2001 to just 5.5 per cent in 2016.

"The decline in the employer share is occurring at the same time as the employment rate among working-age people is reaching record highs," HILDA found.


"This coincidence of declining employer numbers with high employment rates suggests that self-employment is not the engine of employment growth that it is so often claimed to be."

HILDA researchers Michael Leith Cowling and Mark Wooden found the most likely explanations were globalisation and technological change that have "worked in favour of larger firms".

Those firms are increasingly employing workers that are less autonomous than they were in 2001, who now claim they have to work faster and more intensely than they did before.

"Men’s jobs score considerably higher on the autonomy dimension, with the average gap being 0.4 points," the report found.

Men reported feeling their jobs were less secure, particularly between the ages of 25 and 34, where they rated their job security at 5.2 compared to 5.4 for women.

Overall, employment growth has meant that poverty and welfare dependency has declined significantly.

"There has been some progress in reducing income poverty over the 2001 to 2016 period as a whole," HILDA found.

"When the real value of the poverty line is maintained at its 2001 level of $18,187 it has fallen dramatically, from 12.6 per cent in 2001 to 3.6 per cent in 2016."

Th report said even among those in relative income poverty, average living standards have increased over the full 16-year period.

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