

This was published 6 years ago

The 130 per cent power price surge that reveals a 'broken' market

By Cole Latimer

High wholesale electricity prices will be the new normal and while government actions to drive down power bills can reduce costs for households, the Grattan Institute warned that intervention to stop electricity retailers ‘gaming’ the system may make prices worse.

A report by the Grattan Institute found the wholesale electricity market is broken, with prices increasing on average by 130 per cent between 2015 and 2017 across the east coast, and there are very few solutions.

The Grattan Institute has accused electricity generators of creating artificial shortages in order to drive up power prices.

The Grattan Institute has accused electricity generators of creating artificial shortages in order to drive up power prices.

“Current prices are unprecedented but they may become the new normal. There is no silver bullet that will drastically reduce the cost – and price – of generating and delivering electricity,” the Grattan Institute report said.

It accused the energy industry of ‘gaming’ the system, creating artificial supply scarcity to drive up power prices.

It said this gaming has occurred in Queensland and South Australia, that there are signs of it in Victoria since the closure of Engie’s Latrobe Valley-based Hazelwood coal-fired power station in 2017, and that it may appear in NSW after the closure of AGL’s Hunter Valley-based Liddell coal-fired power station in 2022.

“[Gaming] is completely within the current market rules. It is notoriously hard to clearly identify, but may add as much as $800 million to the value of electricity traded,” the Grattan Institute report said.

Politicians should be honest with consumers about the harsh truth: high wholesale electricity prices are the new normal

The Grattan Institute

It recommended that energy regulators change market rules to address these “artificial price spikes”.

Electricity retailers have acknowledged that high prices and poor practices had reduced consumers’ faith in the industry, with a recent Australian Energy Market Commission report stating the industry is now less trusted than the banking and broadband sectors.


The government has since threatened to take as yet unspecified action to address these issues.

The Grattan Institute said small changes to existing bidding rules could help reduce power prices but warned against ‘drastic actions’.


“The reality is that policymakers can do little to force wholesale prices down significantly,” the Grattan Institute report said.

Earlier this year elements of the Turnbull government, namely the Nationals party and former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, called for the compulsory acquisition of AGL’s Liddell coal-fired power plant after AGL rejected Alinta’s offer to buy the plant. AGL instead committed to its plan to shut Liddell down in 2022.

The Grattan Institute said this will only worsen the situation.

“Reducing the cap on wholesale prices (which currently sits at $14,200 a megawatt hour) or intervening in the market to break up private energy companies should be rejected because they are likely to create bigger problems," it said.

“Federal and state politicians should be honest about the likelihood that higher wholesale price expectations are the new normal, and that intervention to keep ageing legacy assets is a poor long-term solution. Instead, governments should keep pressure on other parts of the electricity bill such as retail and networks.”

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