

This was published 6 years ago


Serious tax debates need more than vested interests muttering darkly

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

It’s like clockwork. Whenever tax reform is proposed, vested interests start to mutter darkly about “unintended consequences” and “black holes” in the costings.

Yet this week’s intervention was extraordinary, even by the standards of politics-as-usual.

The front page of The Australian on Monday screamed the headline, “$10bn hole in Shorten’s retiree plan”. Similar stories ran in other News Corporation newspapers in a concerted attack on the opposition’s plan to reform the dividend imputation system and remove refunds for excess franking credits.

Treasurer Scott Morrison issued a media release with a link to the Treasury report on Monday morning after the print “exclusives”.

The gist was that Treasury studied the opposition’s plan and found it came up short because it failed to take into account “behavioural changes” – in other words, that people affected by the policy might avoid it by selling dividend-paying shares and buying other investment assets.

Frankly, this is rubbish – but more on the economics of it later.

First, let’s examine why Treasury was looking at the plan in the first place. Treasury’s role is to provide frank and fearless non-partisan advice on policies under consideration by the government of the day.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit:

Reform of franking credits is not under consideration by the government, yet Treasury was examining the franking credits tax policy at the direction of the government.


It’s hard to justify spending Treasury resources costing an opposition policy the government itself has no intention of adopting and that has already been costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office. Morrison says he ordered the study “in the interests of public debate” because Labor refused to release the PBO costings.

It would be in the public interest for Labor to release the costings, including the underlying assumptions and any caveats on the advice, but the Coalition didn't release PBO costings when it was in opposition either.


Labor used a government department to cost a Coalition policy at least once when it last held office, back in 2012, and Morrison has done it several times, but it never used to be standard procedure and the trend should be resisted.

The government is using Treasury for political ends, and simultaneously throwing shade on the PBO – an independent organisation established in 2012 with broad support from both sides of Parliament. The entire point of the PBO is so oppositions can independently cost their policies without burdening Treasury.

Parliamentary Budget Officer Jenny Wilkinson responded this week with a statement that the PBO had access to the same information as Treasury, did take behavioural changes into account, and stood by its work. She went into this in more detail at the Senate Estimates hearings last month.

The government’s real target is Chris Bowen and his growing credibility as an alternative Treasurer. Bowen has everything to lose: when he was Treasurer in 2013 under the short-lived Kevin Rudd 2.0 government, Labor went to the election with a $16 billion black hole in its costings. If that were repeated, it would be devastating.

Back to the economics. The notion that the government would be left short because of behavioural change by individuals misses the big picture. It’s an accountant’s view of tax policy rather than an economist’s perspective.

Treasurer Scott Morrison followed up News Limited reports criticising the Opposition's retiree plan.

Treasurer Scott Morrison followed up News Limited reports criticising the Opposition's retiree plan.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Can people potentially affected by the policy recalibrate their share portfolios to reduce dividend-paying shares and invest in other assets? Of course.

Does this matter when considering the overall tax take from the whole of the tax base? Nope, it’s not that simple.

The main people caught by the proposed change are retirees that pay no tax, whether as individuals with a low taxable income or through self-managed super funds in pension mode. If they own shares in a company paying fully franked dividends, they receive a full cash refund of their portion of the 30 per cent tax paid by the company, even though they’ve paid no personal tax themselves.


Under the Labor plan, the franking credits would be worthless once the shareholder’s tax liability is zero. Everyone on a higher tax rate can still make full or partial use of franking credits to reduce their taxable income.

If a zero-rate taxpayer sells a share because they’ll no longer get a franking credit refund, this doesn’t necessarily mean a loss of tax revenue to the government. The share still exists, and there is still a dividend and a franking credit attached to it. What matters from a public revenue perspective, is who buys it.

Follow the money – or in this case, follow the share.

If the share were bought by another zero-rate taxpayer or fund, there would be no net effect on tax revenue. That’s unless it was bought by a pensioner, who is explicitly exempt from Labor’s policy, but since most pensioners don’t have piles of cash, this would be small beer.

If it were bought by a super fund in accumulation mode, which pays 15 per cent tax, or a low-income earner on a 19 per cent rate, those taxpayers would be able to make at least some use of the franking credit.

However, if it were bought by a taxpayer with a personal marginal rate of 32.5c in the dollar, 37c in the dollar or 45c in the dollar, or by a foreign investor, then the taxman would actually gain net revenue.

For example, a taxpayer on a 37c marginal rate would receive the dividend with a credit for the company tax of 30c in the dollar. The taxpayer would then have to pay an extra 7c in the dollar to meet their personal tax liability.

Meanwhile, foreign investors don’t get franking credits at all, so if they bought the share, the government would simply bank in full the company tax already paid.

I ran my hypothesis by respected independent economist Saul Eslake, who says it’s “absolutely right”. He sits in an unpaid role on the PBO advisory panel though he did not work on the franking credit costings.

“It does ultimately depend on not only the magnitude of the behavioural response of the part of people who in the first instance are adversely affected but also precisely whom those people sell their shares to,” Eslake says.

Despite the sophisticated modelling at Treasury and the PBO, that’s probably unknowable. The point is if criticism focuses on the behavioural change of people selling the shares, that’s only half the story.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the Money editor. Ross Gittins is on leave.

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