

This was published 9 years ago

Tears ahead for China-driven milk boom in New Zealand

By Michael Pascoe

Uppity Kiwis feeling boastful about their dollar approaching parity with the mighty Aussie might do well to stick to rugby for their kicks. Their China-driven boom is coming to an end as quickly as Australia's. And they have less to fall back on when it does.

Meanwhile, reports of Gina Rinehart going long on dairy farms could prove as reliable a warning as many another billionaire diversifying outside his or her area of expertise.

The New Zealand economy's resurgence has owed much to China's demand for milk products and getting in early for a comprehensive free trade agreement with the Middle Kingdom.

Trouble is, China has been busily investing and encouraging others to invest in increased and globally diversified milking. Just as iron ore miners have ramped up production both from existing provinces and new projects from Africa to Mongolia, New Zealand's farmers are facing increased competition from South America to Russia and all points in between, including Australia.

This time last year I was in Uruguay, a country that, in several ways, is the New Zealand of South America. It's small, agricultural, relatively peaceful (the lowest murder rate of the continent), has a similar population of 3 million or so and a large diaspora, manages to perform disproportionately well in its chosen football code, is socially advanced on several levels (gay marriage, legalised marijuana) and has ridden cows to posterity, courtesy of Chinese demand.

Chinese investment in Uruguay is obvious and remarked on by the locals: Chinese cars on the roads, new buildings sporting Chinese brands. And Uruguay is just one small corner of the global market China has been developing as a source of commodities and consumers. It's been doing that developing both as a matter of Beijing policy and individual entrepreneur's search for opportunities.

The ubiquity of the Chinese approach tends to be missed by Australian commentary focused on iron ore. The standard Australian view of Chinese commodity demand is based solely on a housing and infrastructure boom devouring steel.

It's funny then that milk prices have rather neatly matched iron ore prices since the 2013 peak. Who would have thought milk solids were a key ingredient of steel?

The first phase of the milk boom came in 2007 when the Global Dairy Trade index

It collapsed as the global financial crisis took its toll, recovered and reached a secondary peak in April 2013 of 1573. Iron ore had its own secondary peak


The GDT index held up through 2013 but was one-way traffic in 2014, back to 753 in mid-December. Iron ore averaged $US73.13 in November. Spooky, how those cows and iron ore miners correlate.

(In fairness to iron ore, it had come further and remains more spectacular. From $US28.11 through 2005, it crept in those contract-dominated days into the $US30s before leaping in 2008 to $US60.80. Then madness set in, averaging $US187.18 in February 2011, falling below $US100 in September 2012, before recovering to the February 2013 peak. For all the gloom about the past two years, on a 10-year view, it remains well ahead.)

With iron ore returning to earth, so to speak, it is bemusing to observe some of the hype around agricultural commodities. I have a fear that any minute now, Bob Katter will say something like, "if every Chinese just bought one more pair of woollen socks or a decent steak ...".

The reality is that the rise and rise of China (and other developing nations) of course means greater demand for, and consumption of, "Western" foods. The cooler heads know the laws of supply and demand have not been repealed; increased demand moves the price point, which, in turn, encourages increased supply.

Contrary to some of the more alarmist environmental views, the world is not short of potentially more productive agricultural land, given sufficient incentive and climate change notwithstanding. Australia alone has millions of hectares of the stuff, if we wanted to use it. The US is so oversupplied it can subsidise people to grow food to burn in cars. Africa remains, by and large, some decades, if not a century, behind the times and if just Russia, Ukraine and Argentina ever became efficient, Australian commodity farmers should consider another career.

It's why those same cooler heads know the stuff about Australia becoming the "food basket of Asia" is nonsense. Some produce should do better than it has. The China free trade agreement means many Top End cattle stations have a future other than bankruptcy or glorified subsistence farming. There is rich potential for the best few per cent of agribusinesses to capitalise on opportunities at the top of the market – the high-quality stuff – but the average farmers won't because the average farmers already don't; it's why they're average.

Which comes back to the hype around the kiwi dollar's rise. It doesn't look like a happy story at all, except for those seizing the opportunity to visits "bros" on our side of the "dutch".

Tourism is more important to the New Zealand economy than it is to ours, and we are their main source of visitors. At $1.05, the New Zealand travel experience is expensive: Noosa kills any kiwi bay of anything, there's only so much sauvignon blanc you can drink and the only remarkable part of skiing the Remarkables is the appalling dirt road to get there.

Barring the discovery of real hobbits, dragons and treasure, the place needs any currency advantage it can get. New Zealand is facing the same problem Australia has known too well: a dollar that is too strong for its own good and too slow to adjust to weakness in its key commodity export.

Michael Pascoe is a BusinessDay contributing editor.

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