

This was published 10 years ago

Tax Office reels after staff losses

By Georgia Wilkins

As Australia trumpets the need for a global crackdown on corporate tax avoidance at this weekend's G20 summit, the Tax Office is grappling with the loss of thousands of its staff, many in key areas.

More than 2200 people have now left the agency under budget cuts required by the government by 2017, including more than 500 members of its audit team. A further 2500 will be required to leave over the next three years to meet a target of 4700.

Thousands of ATO staff face cuts at a time when tax authorities around the world are poring over one of the biggest tax leaks in history.

Thousands of ATO staff face cuts at a time when tax authorities around the world are poring over one of the biggest tax leaks in history.Credit: Andrew Quilty

Recent cuts were made as part of the government's efforts to "reduce the footprint" of the public service.

The audit team is responsible for enforcing the tax compliance of individuals and multinational companies - one of the core roles of the ATO and in the spotlight following high-profile allegations of profit shifting by multinational firms.

The cuts come at a time when tax authorities around the world, including at the ATO, are poring over one of the biggest tax leaks in history.

The so-called "Lux leaks", published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists last week, exposed how hundreds of Australian and multinational companies used Luxembourg to shift profits and avoid tax.

The 28,000 pages of documents outlined secret tax deals, many struck by accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers on behalf of companies such as AMP, Macquarie Group, Lend Lease and the government's Future Fund.

Labor has attacked the government for cutting jobs at a time when the ATO is being called on to "double its efforts", in the Treasurer's words.

"It simply defies belief that the tax office could lose more than 500 auditors without this having an impact on tax collection," shadow assistant treasurer Andrew Leigh said.


"[Treasurer] Joe Hockey has been lecturing other countries about tackling multinational tax avoidance at the G20. But his own decisions seem certain to take Australia backwards on this because the tax office simply won't have the firepower to match up against big corporations."

The government has blamed Labor for the cuts and defended the regulator's ability to do its job.

"The [cuts] were initiated and banked in the budget by the previous Labor government," Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said.

"The effectiveness of the ATO does not depend on maintaining inefficient staffing structures."

ATO assistant commissioner Geoff Leeper told a Senate estimates hearing last month that nearly a quarter of the redundancies so far had come from the audit team.

He did not expect that proportion to change, meaning the audit team could lose up to 1000 employees in total over the next few years.

Mr Hockey has called tax cheats "thieves" and has called on Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan to "double his efforts" through more stringent audits of multinational companies suspected of avoiding Australian tax collections.

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