

This was published 15 years ago

Swan goes for the three-Ts rule: timely, targeted, temporary

By Ross Gittins

In extraordinary times, the Government's stimulus package is hard to fault.

THE words for this week are "extraordinary" and "exceptional". They're not the sort of emotive words an econocrat normally uses, but they're sprinkled throughout this week's mini-budget papers.

They describe the breathtaking size of the deterioration in the global economy in the final quarter of last year, the huge downward revision this has prompted in the Federal Government's expected tax collections over the next four years, and the consequent need to apply a massive fiscal stimulus to the economy on top of all the Reserve Bank's dramatic slashing of the official interest rate.

Last May the Government expected a $22 billion budget surplus for this financial year. As recently as November it cut that to surplus of $5 billion. Now it is expecting a deficit of more than $22 billion.

That $44 billion deterioration is equivalent to about 3.7 per cent of gross domestic product. More than $29 billion of it is explained by the costs of the first stimulus package of cash bonuses in December plus the early costs of the package announced this week.

That leaves $15 billion of the deterioration explained by the expected decline in tax collections.

By next financial year, however, the overall deterioration of $55 billion in the expected budget balance, to yield a deficit of more than $35 billion (2.9 per cent of GDP), is explained more by the expected decline in tax collections ($35 billion) than the subsequent costs of this week's package ($20 billion).

The fiscal package itself will cost $42 billion over three years, although the lion's share of the money is intended to be spent in calendar 2009, when it will be equivalent to 2 per cent of GDP.

Of course, just because you spend an extra 2 per cent of GDP doesn't mean you'll increase GDP by the same amount.

That's because some of what the Government spends will be saved and some will leak into imports. So the Government's advisers estimate that GDP growth will be about 0.5 per cent higher this financial year and about 0.75 to 1 per cent higher next financial year than it would have been.


In preparing this week's package, Treasurer Wayne Swan has sought to comply with the three-Ts rule of fiscal stimulus: measures should be timely, targeted and temporary.

The timely principle says governments should apply their stimulus as early in the downturn as possible. Because things tend to snowball, the notion is that the earlier you act, the less things unravel. Similarly, the targeted principle says the stimulus should go to those people or on those purposes most likely to get the money spent quickly.

This favours governments spending the money themselves so that, at least in the first round of the money's flow around our circular economy, all the money is spent on consumption or investment.

This explains the support for spending the stimulus on capital works (now grandly named "infrastructure"). The trouble is, major capital works programs such as

expressways, bridges and railways can take years to plan and get approvals.

Almost 70 per cent ($29 billion) of the $42 billion is going on capital works projects. But Mr Swan has tried to ensure the money is spent quickly by targeting it towards lots of quite small building projects.

Half the money is going on repairing and adding facilities to every school. The rest is going on fixing black spots on the roads, building boom gates at level crossings and building 20,000 social housing and defence force homes, with about $3 billion going on a small business investment incentive.

All these projects are worth doing in their own right, they should be easy to get going and they should boost employment in the small businesses that dominate the building industry.

The remaining 30 per cent ($13 billion) is going on cash bonuses — transfer payments — of up to $950 to most taxpayers, parents of school children, single-income families, some students and farmers. Many households will get multiple dollops of $950.

The way to think of this is as a once-only, lump-sum tax cut. Whereas ordinary tax cuts are doled out at a few dollars a week, this one comes in an upfront lump.

Another difference is that low and middle-income families will get a lot more (and high-income families a lot less) than had the tax cuts already planned for this July and next merely been brought forward.

Clearly, Mr Swan's approach scores well on timeliness and reasonably on targeting, although this time the cash bonuses are going to many middle-income families who'll be more inclined to save them than would poorer people.

Finally, the temporary principle says everything you do must be a once-off (even if spread over a few years) so that it leaves no impediment to getting the budget back into surplus once the economy is well clear of recession. Mr Swan gets full marks on that bit.

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