This was published 6 years ago
'This will hurt': Innovation stifled by tough R&D scheme, say founders
By Emma Koehn
Emma Lo Russo wants to invest in research and development to boost her business, but she is frustrated.
“I feel confident we are doing the right thing, but I’m not going to invest next year,” she says.
Digivizer chief executive Emma Lo Russo.
Lo Russo’s business, Digivizer, has been claiming Australia’s research and development tax incentive for the past five years, relating to a range of software development projects for its digital content tracking tools.
Hours of work
Lo Russo said the incentive had been invaluable in growing her business. But Digivizer, which turned over more than $5 million last year, is spending hours proving itself to AusIndustry.
The organisation is reviewing two research and development tax incentive claims that were granted to the business over the past two years.
“To go through the exercise of showing we’ve done the right thing, we’ve spent another $22,000,” Lo Russo says.
Digivizer has featured on several lists of fast-growing companies in recent years and Lo Russo says the company can clearly show the value of its research and development projects.
But with claims worth hundreds of thousands of dollars under review, she says her team has had to put significant man hours into showing how their software projects are creating new knowledge.
“I don’t know what this will lead to - it hurts us either way,” she says.
Issues with the scheme
Digivizer is not alone. A number of voices across the small business and start-up community have taken issue with the reviews process of the research and development tax incentive scheme in recent months.
The scheme, which allows businesses to claim a refund or offset for projects which build on new areas of knowledge, is self-assessing.
This means businesses put in their claims with documentation, but the onus falls on them to prove they qualify for the cash they receive.
The federal government has signalled measures to tighten the claims process, including introducing legislation to Parliament earlier this year to cap the concessions that can be made.
But businesses like Digivizer are critical of how the scheme is operating because reviews and audits, conducted by either AusIndustry or the tax office, can occur after cash has been given to companies.
The result is they may have to prove, in retrospect, their claims are genuine. There is the possibility they will having to repay the research money they have been given in previous financial years.
Eligible R&D projects need to show they are creating new knowledge, and require a strict outline including a hypothesis and research process.
A range of start-up organisations, including the 2018 Start-up Muster report and the 2018 EY Fintech Census, called for the R&D scheme to be more encouraging of businesses to invest in uncovering techniques and knowledge.
Another business in the IT space has told Fairfax Media it is under review from AusIndustry for its claims, in an “extremely onerous and frustrating” reviews process.
The review, which is still under way, is for small amounts of about $100,000 which were approved in previous financial years for research projects.
The company says it’s clear that when the research incentives program changed in 2011, “the level of complexity in how to go about the claim extended significantly”.
The intent of the scheme
The office of the assistant treasurer, Stuart Robb, told Fairfax Media businesses are ultimately eligible for making sure they're able to make an R&D claim.
A spokesman said reviews of past claims were conducted using a "risk-based approach", but those businesses keeping detailed records need not worry about proving the legitimacy of their claims.
BDO R&D tax partner Nicola Purser says reviews of R&D claims are tough for business.
"Companies that have in place the appropriate systems and processes to effectively identify, evaluate and record eligible R&D activities and their associated expenditure should be able demonstrate that they are complying with the program’s requirements," a spokesman for the office said.
'Aggressive stance'
But accounting experts working with businesses in the field question whether the scheme is working to its intended purpose.
"The ATO are now taking quite an aggressive stance," R&D tax partner at BDO, Nicola Purser, says.
Purser says she has seen recent client cases where businesses' claims have been under review by the tax office, even though they have considerable documented evidence they are adhering to the scheme.
She says companies are nervous about these review processes and are tempted to give away legitimate incentives because they are worried about the time it takes to object to a review.
"A lot of the time, companies are just rolling over and giving away expenditure, because they don’t want to have that fight," Purser says.
Lo Russo says the most frustrating part of the scheme for her is that it makes her think twice about investing in new knowledge projects in future.
"When you look at it, [the scheme's] reason for existence, I think we should be applauded for our use of it," she says.
"It's absolutely critical that the government looks at this."