

This was published 6 years ago

Credit ratings could be 'trashed' under proposed new laws, hearing told

By Nassim Khadem

Safeguards need to be introduced to ensure Australians don't have their credit rating damaged if laws allowing the tax office to report debts to credit agencies are introduced, according to the Inspector-General of Taxation Ali Noroozi.

On Wednesday afternoon Mr Noroozi told a parliamentary hearing into the ATO's annual report that the Turnbull government's proposed laws should require the Australian Taxation Office to inform taxpayers with an alleged debt that they can lodge a complaint with his office, and hold off reporting until the matter has been investigated.

Concerns are mounting over proposed laws to report tax debts to credit agencies.

Concerns are mounting over proposed laws to report tax debts to credit agencies.Credit: Arsineh Houspian

The federal government's proposed Transparency of Taxation Debts laws will initially apply to businesses with Australian Business Numbers and tax debts of more than $10,000 that are at least 90 days overdue.

In those circumstances the tax office will be able to notify credit rating agencies of the debts.

The ATO has been consulting with stakeholders and insists proper safeguards are in place to protect taxpayers but several submissions to an inquiry on the proposed laws have expressed concerns.

“I think the intention is that my office plays a safeguard [role] to make sure in instances where things don’t go right, that my office catches those so that a small business or an individual doesn’t have a devastating effect of having their credit rating trashed, if you like, mistakenly,” Mr Noroozi said.

If the proposed laws are introduced, ATO Deputy Commissioner Robert Ravanello told the same Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue the agency would “ramp up slowly” starting with “egregious” cases of phoenixing and serious organised crime, before moving to small business taxpayers.

He said the ATO would always write to the taxpayer notifying them about a tax debt and the taxpayer has 21 days to respond and can ask for a review. And should the Inspector-General be already looking at a complaint relating to a particular debt, the debt would not be reported by the ATO until that complaint had been resolved.

But groups such as Self Employed Australia's Ken Phillips had warned in a submission that ATO already has “draconian powers" and that if Parliament were to give the this ATO additional power "it would further extend the ATO’s ability to bully, harass and destroy small business people”.

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