

This was published 6 years ago

Changing business structure horses midstream

By Max Newnham

There are many ways in which a small business can be owned and operated. The problem is if the wrong structure is used from the start, it can be difficult and costly to correct the mistake. Thankfully there is nothing stopping a business starting as a sole operator – the simplest of business structures – then transferring to one of the more complex business structures at a later date.

When a business owner does something primarily to minimise income tax the ATO can attack what has taken place under Part IVA of the income tax act. Under this section any schemes or undertakings that are principally motivated to obtain a tax benefit are at risk of being attacked.

You can transfer your business to one of the more complex business structures at a later date.

You can transfer your business to one of the more complex business structures at a later date.Credit: Jenny Evans

Thankfully moving from one business structure to another, such as a sole trader to a company or a family trust, can be principally motivated by such things as limiting the owners legal liability or needing to have a structure where more than one person can own the business.

Q. I am about to set up a project management business with four family members. We want protection for our personal assets and to minimise tax paid on profits made. I was hoping you could explain to me the difference between setting up a company using a trust with a company as the trustee, or having a company with its shares owned by a trust. Also whether it would a good idea to use a holding company to own shares or to take advantage of CGT concessions using a trust to own the shares?

A. The major benefit of operating your project management business through a trust with a company acting as trustee will be protection for your personal assets and the ability to access all of the small business CGT concessions for you and the four family members.

In the event of the business being sold for a profit, and with each of the family members receiving 20 per cent, they would be classed as significant individuals and could claim not only the 50 per cent general discount, but also claim the 50 per cent active asset discount, plus the retirement and rollover concessions.

The disadvantage of using a family trust would be profits must be distributed each year to the beneficiaries of the trust, which depending on the salaries paid to the family members working in the business, would be taxed at a higher rate than the small business company tax rate of 27.5 per cent.

If a company is used to operate the business the personal assets of the owners would receive same legal protection, more of the after tax profits could be used to help grow the business, but in the event of the business being sold the five owners could miss out on some of the small business CGT concessions.

It would not make any sense having another company owning the shares in an operating company, but it would make sense to either have a family trust own the shares or the five family members each owning 20 per cent of the shares.

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