By Sue Mitchell
Shares in Australia's largest retailer rose as much as 3 per cent on Thursday after chairman Ralph Waters and chief executive
reaffirmed their forecast for 4 to 7 per cent net profit growth this year, saying sales trends had improved in recent weeks after soft first-quarter sales.
Impact discounted: Woolworths says it doesn't expect discount grocery chains to have the same impact here as they have had in the UK.Credit: Bradley Kanaris
Heading off shareholder questions about structural changes in the grocery market, Mr Waters dismissed concerns Woolworths might fail to meet guidance or that margins would come under pressure as discounters Aldi and Costco gained share and consumers became more frugal.
"The market appears to have drawn conclusions about the outlook your board does not share," Mr Waters said.
"Following a recent review I'm pleased to reaffirm our previous guidance (for 4 to 7 per cent net profit growth) today," he said.
Mr O'Brien said he was encouraged by recent sales trends, which had improved across the business after Woolworths started Christmas marketing and promotional programs earlier than usual to boost sales.
"These improved sales trends are pleasing, given the soft first quarter, and, as the chairman has said, we are reaffirming our previous financial year 2015 net profit guidance today," he said.
Woolworths shares closed 67¢ higher at $31.75. The stock had fallen 14 per cent this month amid mounting fears the Australian grocery market was facing similar challenges to Britain's, where leading chains Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda and Morrisons had lost sales to Aldi and discounter Lidl.
"You shouldn't draw conclusions about overseas markets," Mr Waters said.
Aldi had been a serious player in Australia for many years and now had 300 stores – "they didn't come overnight. It's increasing competition but it's not new competition," he said.
There were also crucial differences between the Australian and British markets. New store space had grown at 4 per cent in Australia in recent years, compared with 7 per cent in Britain, the average store size in Australia was 2000 to 3000 square metres compared with 5000 sq metres in Britain. The price gap between major supermarkets and the discounters was much smaller in Australia than Britain.
"We don't blindly say it couldn't happen here, but we do find significant differences between what's happened here and there," Mr Waters said. "The last thing I'd say about Aldi is it's a very successful business but it's a different model . . . we just have to keep beating them."
Woolworths' reassurance failed to convince some analysts, who believe local supermarket margins, the highest in the world, are unsustainable and will come under pressure from discounters and changing shopping habits.
"Margins are so high you'd have to say there's some level of vulnerability," said UBS analyst Ben Gilbert, who issued a report last week saying that, judging by the experience in Britain, the United States and France, discounters would drive a rebase of profits at major chains.
In a new report, Ferrier Hodgson said the supermarket game was changing and the entry of Aldi and Costco and the resurgence of Coles had been major turning points for the grocery sector.
"Valuable lessons can be learned from the UK market where the German discounters are converting consumers to more cost-effective options and changing their perceived value matrix in the process," said Ferrier Hodgson retail partner
"The era of high margins is most likely over and supermarket and grocery business models will need to change," he said.
Mr Waters also revealed Woolworths auditor, Deloitte, had recently reviewed its accounting practices to ensure there had been no pre-reporting of supplier rebates to prop up profits, as has been the case in Britain.
"Tesco had a big profit fall because they were pre-reporting rebates. We are absolutely confident it didn't happen at this place," he said. "Deloitte recently confirmed to the board what we expected to be the case."
Woolworths also addressed investor concerns about growing home-improvement losses, expected to be $180 million this year after losses of $169 million in 2014.
Woolworths remained confident the home-improvement business would be a material profit contributor for the company over time and believed the rationale for entering the market was just as valid now as it was in 2009.
"Home improvement is a $45 billion market with 5 per cent annual growth and only one significant retailer who has about 17 per cent market share," said Mr Waters. "In a fragmented market dominated by one player, our home improvement business is entering its next phase of growth, from start-up to a scalable business."
Analysts welcomed the trading update and improving sales trends, but questioned if higher pre-Christmas promotions might put pressure on margins.
"The next six weeks will be critical in determining Woolworths' second- quarter profitability, and will depend largely on whether they have to promote more," said Morgan Stanley analyst Tom Kierath.
"Christmas trading will be the key driver of performance for the quarter," said Deutsche Bank analyst Michael Simotas. "Management is clearly aware of the importance of improving the sales performance, and appears to have taken some action to address it.
"There may be some exchange of margin expansion for sales growth, but we think this is sensible and believe that margins can be sustained."
Mr O'Brien said the strategic plan laid down in 2011 was delivering results but there was still a lot of work to do, particularly in general merchandise and home improvement.
"Today, I have every confidence that our strategy will continue to deliver growth and solid shareholder returns, with consistent, reliable financial performance," he said.
"Like any listed company, there will be short-term fluctuations in share price. However, we have a history of outperforming the market and our peers over the long term."
Shareholders re-elected Mr Waters, Jillian Broadbent and Scott Perkins and approved a performance rights issue to Mr O'Brien under the long- term incentive plan, after questioning the decision to cut the performance period from five to three years.