

This was published 8 years ago

Price investment not enough, say Woolworths suppliers

By Catie Low

Woolworths' $150 million investment in cutting prices, improving service and fixing its loyalty scheme will not be enough to stem the "leakage" of shoppers to Coles and Aldi, according to some of the chain's important suppliers.

One grocery supplier, who would talk only on an anonymous basis, said $150 million sounded like a lot of money but his business would spend hundreds of millions a year promoting its products in supermarkets and it was just one supplier.

He said the $75 million, which is what Woolworths called out as the investment in reducing prices, was not going to be noticeable, "it's such a small drop in the ocean".

"They've got more to do than just throw money at promotions. I would rather see the store presentation lift and staff undertaking restocking better," the supplier said.

Woolworths says there won't be any shortage of potatoes after the collapse of a big supplier, while Coles says it can't be blamed because Oakville Produce is not a material supplier.

Woolworths says there won't be any shortage of potatoes after the collapse of a big supplier, while Coles says it can't be blamed because Oakville Produce is not a material supplier.Credit: Bradley Kanaris

He said their sales illustrated that traffic rates were still on the slide at Woolworths.

"On our existing portfolio, at Woolworths we are still seeing run rates decline and that's a traffic issue because on those same products in Coles, we are seeing growth."

The chief of Australia's biggest supermarket chain, Brad Banducci, announced Woolworths would spend $150 million in the half on pricing, customer service and its unpopular loyalty scheme, following the release of its lacklustre third-quarter sales result.

About half of this will be spent on price reductions, despite little evidence the $400 million Woolworths has already sunk into reducing prices is bringing back shoppers to The Fresh Food People.


Deutsche Bank analyst Michael Simotas acknowledged it took time for customers to notice price reductions but he said it was "worrying that the investments in price and service that Woolworths had made so far had yet to produce tangible results".

Supermarket insiders suggest Mr Banducci will spent a large chunk of the $75 million earmarked for service and loyalty on getting the right staffing levels on Saturday and Sunday, which are now the biggest trading days of the week for both the major chains.

Another important supplier said Woolworths was still the most "difficult" retailer to deal with and he said that while Mr Banducci was "talking the talk", his buyers weren't "walking the walk" and it was business as usual lower down the line.

"They only talk to us when they want to talk to us ... they are very poor communicators, they are very difficult to have a meaningful conversation with and what that means is they don't engage and they miss opportunities," he said.

"You could argue that's fair enough, to be on those terms if you are coming from a position of power but when they're coming from a position of weakness and they are still losing [market] share, why are they still hitting us with a big stick?

"In defence of Brad, it will be difficult to instigate rapid change because there is a perception problem with consumers, which will take time to turn around."

Consumers are yet to be convinced Woolworths is as cheap as Coles, according to another supplier who is concerned that Woolworths should differentiate itself from Coles rather than engaging in an ongoing price war.

"While they could be making a statement about range, they are going the other way and it's all about price, price, price," he said.

"They've got these big stores and they could do a lot with them but they are so heavily focused on price and I don't see it as a battle they can win."

Woolworths was contacted for comment.

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