

This was published 8 years ago

RBA minutes show another rate cut is possible – but hey, you knew that

The Australia dollar got overexcited about what the Reserve Bank said about interest rates. Nothing has actually changed.

By Malcolm Maiden

Another day, another Aussie-dollar move of minimal meaning. The currency rallied more than half a cent on Tuesday after the minutes of the Reserve Bank's rate-cutting meeting on May 3 came out.

It was all about lowered expectations for a follow-on rate reduction from the Reserve after its budget-day cut, and it is not just the markets that care. As financial system inquiry head David Murray observed on Tuesday, record low rates are already pressuring returns on savings.

Aiming for healthy activity-creating inflation: Reserve Bank govenor Glenn Stevens.

Aiming for healthy activity-creating inflation: Reserve Bank govenor Glenn Stevens. Credit: Christopher Pearce

It was the perception of the odds on another rate cut that changed when the minutes of the May meeting came out, however, not the odds themselves: they remain reasonable but not totally compelling.

The reserve left its cash rate at 2 per cent in April, saying inflation remained subdued, the dollar was as high as it had been since mid-2015, and the prospects for the economy here continued to be reasonable. A 2 per cent cent rate was right weight, but new data on the economy would be assessed and low inflation left room for further easing, it said.

On May 4 it cut the cash rate to 1.75 per cent. The convention is that the Reserve doesn't give guidance about it which way it is leaning when it moves rates, and April's comment about inflation creating room for rate cuts was not repeated in its announcement.

The central bank did, however, make it quite clear why it decided to cut.

The growth outlook still looked OK and the economy was continuing to rebalance after the commodity boom, it said, but renewed strength in the value of the Australian dollar could complicate the process, and inflation was lower than expected earlier in the year.

The bank's outlook for inflation had been lowered, it said – and with pressure on house prices easing as regulators leant on home-lending activity, the risk-reward equation on a rate cut had shifted towards a rate reduction that would both boost the prospects for sustainable growth and have inflation "returning to target over time".

The central bank's focus on lower-than-desired inflation was news: and when the Reserve issued its quarterly statement on monetary policy three days later, traders decided that more rate cuts were a virtual certainty.


The new, lower inflation forecasts were revealed: 1.5 per cent for the year to June this year, 1-2 per cent this calendar year, and 1.5-2.5 per cent from then until the middle of 2018.

That is short of the Reserve's target for "healthy" activity-creating inflation of 2-3 per cent in the year to June just finishing, and potentially below it as far as the forecast period extends. The Reserve doesn't want high inflation, but it doesn't want it to disappear either, because inflation's alter ego, deflation, is corrosive. If prices are falling, inactivity is rewarded as the prices of things that might otherwise be acquired continue to decline.

Price weakness was broad based in the economy, the Reserve said in its statement on monetary policy. Low wage growth, heightened retail competition, softer conditions in rental and housing construction markets and declines in key business costs were all contributing.

The market odds on more rate cuts shortened markedly when the monetary policy statement came out. Now, after Tuesday's release of the minutes of the May 3 meeting, they have lengthened again, although not to the point where a cut at some point is no longer expected.

It's all market theatre.

The Reserve says more in the minutes than it says in its rate announcement, of course.

Its comment that the merits of waiting for new information or acting immediately were discussed, and that the board members were "on balance ... persuaded" that an immediate cut would underpin growth and help push inflation higher, was particularly useful. It suggests that waiting longer was actively debated. It was the main reason the market decided to lengthen the odds on another cut.

As in the announcement itself, the removal of a comment in the previous minutes that low inflation was making room for cuts if needed, was convention rather than hawkishness, however. As noted above, the Reserve rarely guides on its future stance after meetings when it moves rates. The next indication on that front will probably come in the statements it issues after its next rate-setting meeting, on June 7.

And, of course, when it does guide again, the Reserve will say the obvious. That what it does in future will be informed what it learns. Activity and inflation pressure will be the key indicators, including wages numbers today, jobs numbers on Thursday, and economic growth numbers on June 1. If the Reserve remains undecided, quarterly consumer price index data on July 27 will set up the August meeting, which is the focus of most of the rate-cut speculation.

Weak inflation does make the Reserve more likely than not to cut again. That was the case before and after the latest minutes came out, however. The central bank will want more evidence before it moves, and the CPI report in late July is likely to be the clincher.

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