

This was published 10 years ago

'Patent box' rules would open new multinational tax dodge, warn opponents

By Georgia Wilkins

Multinational companies such as Google and Apple will have another way of lowering their taxes in Australia under controversial new tax breaks on patents being pushed by big business, an advocacy group has warned.

Multinational corporations have been lobbying the Federal government to introduce UK-style 'patent box' rules in Australia, saying they would strengthen the economy by keeping more companies in Australia.

Australian tax authorities may be facing another tax loophole readily able to be exploited by large multinationals if Australia introduces 'patent box' legislation similar to that in place in the UK.

Australian tax authorities may be facing another tax loophole readily able to be exploited by large multinationals if Australia introduces 'patent box' legislation similar to that in place in the UK.Credit: Michel O'Sullivan

But Tax advocacy group the Tax Justice Network has urged Canberra to resist the calls, saying the patent box rules introduced in the UK last year have created a new way for large businesses to avoid tax in the countries in which they operate.

''It would be contrary to the aims of [the OECD's profit shifting] action plan for Australia to adopt a harmful tax practice like a patent box arrangement,'' it said in a letter to the Treasurer last month.

The UK's patent box rules allow companies to reduce their corporate tax rate on profits gained from certain types of patented intellectual property.

It is distinct from tax reductions for research and development because it applies to patents already in use.

This means that a company, which has developed new technology overseas, can register its patent in the UK and dodge tax in the country in which the technology was developed.

Cochlear chief financial officer Neville Mitchell told Fairfax Media in March that the tax breaks would be particularly beneficial for the manufacturing industry.


''If you're all in the same area and work in the same areas, there is a huge advantage," he said. "But it is when you start getting distortions [due to tax incentives], which then encourage production to move."

But the Uniting Church's justice and international mission, which advocates alongside the Tax Justice Network, said in a letter to its members that it would create a race to the bottom, with governments seeking to undercut each other with lower and lower taxes.

''The net result is lower and lower global tax revenue to fund health services, education, aged care, disability services, maintain public transport, provide roads and fund police and courts for the vast majority of people,'' it said.

''At the same time more profits flow to people who are already rich and have far more than they need.''

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer Steven Ciobo would not comment on the tax breaks at a conference last month.

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