

This was published 10 years ago

OECD tax chief hoses tech fears

By Nassim Khadem

Concerns the Australian government may erode its own tax base if G20 governments agree to change long-standing rules about how profits from companies including Google, Apple and Amazon are taxed, are unfounded, according to the OECD's tax chief.

In an exclusive interview with Fairfax Media, Pascal Saint-Amans said he had never seen such political appetite for change, and was confident that despite issues on source and residence - that is whether profits made by tech companies should be taxed at the country where the customer is and value is created (source), or the country where the product originated (residence) - would be overcome.

OECD Tax Chief Pascal Saint-Amans.

OECD Tax Chief Pascal Saint-Amans.Credit: Chris Pearce

This weekend's meeting in Sydney of finance ministers and central bank governors is about the tightening of tax rules to prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting by multinationals. The global debate arose after it was discovered several tech giants move profits through shell corporations in Bermuda to avoid paying tax bills in countries such as Australia.

Companies such as Rio Tinto have raised concerns with BEPS, saying there's a possibility of the Australian government having to forgo revenue from miners exporting to China. But Mr Saint-Amans said this was a "silly" argument that

was being used to distract from the real issue the OECD was trying to address on behalf of G20 governments, of how do you stop all multinationals from avoiding paying tax on profits.

Apple's tax liability fell to $36 million in Australia during its 2013 reporting year, despite banking record revenues of $6.1 billion for its local operations.

Google reported a tax expense of $4.1 million in 2012 on Australian revenue of $268 million and profit of $26 million, after paying just $74,000 in tax in 2011.

"The real issue with mining is these companies are headquartered in Australia and you dig holes everywhere in the world - that's the source - you strip the profit out of these countries and you don't repatriate it in Australia - you put it in countries like Singapore and Bermuda through transfer pricing arrangements and you pay taxes nowhere," Mr Saint-Amans said.

Treasurer Joe Hockey agreed that "erosion of domestic tax bases resulting from international tax planning that takes advantage of the gaps in our current taxation systems" was an issue. "Citizens expect a comprehensive response from the G20 on this, given the inefficiencies and unfairness apparent in the current system. The problems are perceived to be particularly acute for digitised online businesses, although the issues are broader than that. The strains are evident, and there is worldwide dissatisfaction with tax outcomes."


Mr Saint-Amans also singled out "patent boxes" - which allow lower taxes on profits from patents developed domestically and which the Abbott government is considering - as an example of a "harmful tax regime" that is under investigation by the OECD and may need to be restricted. "If you want to have a low tax regime, you do it for everybody in your country; you don't target," he said.

Patent box rules were recently introduced in Britain, and also apply in Ireland, Europe and China. The Abbott government is considering its use to try and compete globally. But Mr Saint-Amans warned that being attractive for investment should not come at the detriment of other governments.

"We have to provide certainty to governments [regarding] what is acceptable and what's not," he said. "It's important to clarify this area."

Wesfarmers chief executive Richard Goyder on Thursday singled out tax avoidance by online competitors as a major issue. "The Amazons of the world that operate in other countries don't pay taxes in Australia and don't employ people in Australia; those things concern me more than the issue of penalty rates," he said.

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