

This was published 8 years ago

TV networks on track for election year licence fee cut

By Dominic White

Commercial television networks' hopes of an election year dividend have been strengthened after the Department of Communications recommended that the Turnbull government cut the free-to-air industry's $153 million annual licence fees.

Fairfax Media has learned that Communications Minister Mitch Fifield has received advice from government officials this month following a detailed review recommending that the free-to-air TV industry be given relief from its licence fees.

Communications Minister Mitch Fifield has been advised to cut TV licence fees.

Communications Minister Mitch Fifield has been advised to cut TV licence fees.Credit: Wayne Taylor

Network bosses have lobbied the government hard, arguing that their licence fees are among the highest in the world and do not reflect competitive pressure for audiences from unregulated digital platforms such as Netflix, Facebook and Google.

If the Treasury enacts a fee cut as part of the May budget it would the be the first since the Gillard government rushed through a permanent effective reduction in TV licence fees from 9 per cent to 4.5 per cent of revenues in March 2013, the last federal election year.

A cut could prompt investors to re-rate sharemarket valuations for the troubled sector.

It could also help to ease the passage Senator Fifield's proposed loosening of media ownership restrictions as it would meet the demands of Kerry Stokes' Seven West Media, which has been the strongest advocate for licence fee relief.

Seven chief executive Tim Worner said last week that clashes between regional television networks and National MPs over the imposition of local content obligations in the forthcoming media reform package was distracting attention from licence fee relief, which he said was "the real change" that is needed in media regulation.

However, a cut could upset Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation and its cable and satellite television television joint venture Foxtel, which has argued that its free-to-air rivals should not be given further cuts unless they give up privileges such as preferential access to sports broadcast rights.

Sympathy for free-to-air case


The government has expressed sympathy with the free-to-air industry's case for a fee reduction: in Britain broadcasters pay just 0.21 per cent of revenue in fees, a fraction of the percentage their Australian counterparts pay.

However, Senator Fifield has cautioned that the government is in "difficult fiscal circumstances" and indicated that it would need to identity "offsets" – revenue-raising or cost-saving measures – in order to approve a cut.

Last March, when he was communications minister, Malcolm Turnbull killed hopes of a near-term licence fee cut for commercial free-to-air television as the government prepared to face a tough 2015 budget.

But within two months then-prime minister Tony Abbott agreed to review licence fees after he met the chief executives of Seven West Media, Nine Entertainment and Ten Network Holdings and their regional affiliates.

That review has now been completed and found broadly in favour of the broadcasters' case, Fairfax Media understands.

Senator Fifield will consider its findings before deciding whether to include it as part of the budget submissions process, which begins shortly.

A spokesman for Senator Fifield said : "The government's consideration of broadcast licence fees is ongoing."

A licence fee cut in another tight budget year could prove politically controversial as Seven is controlled by Perth billionaire Mr Stokes and Ten Network's share register includes billionaires James Packer, Gina Rinehart, Lachlan Murdoch and Bruce Gordon, who also owns WIN Corp and 14.95 per cent of Nine Entertainment Co.

A cut could also stoke the ire of News Corp unless the government gives Foxtel, which is also owned by Telstra, greater access to sports rights, which are limited under the so-called anti-siphoning list.

Foxtel and its lobbyists have presented research to Mr Turnbull showing that the government could reap a $1 billion dividend by stripping excess spectrum from free-to-air television networks and selling it to mobile phone companies.

The free-to-air networks have previously made clear they are resistant to horse-trading any spectrum in return for a cut in licence fees, but some observers see it as an obvious "offset".

The Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association (ASTRA) has suggested the networks could hand back 80 megahertz of spectrum after the adoption of signal compression technologies, which the government is encouraging the free-to-air industry to adopt in full.

Foxtel fears its free-to-air rivals could be allowed to keep any liberated spectrum for new services and channels once they adopt compression technologies.

The government has been conducting two reviews of spectrum licensing which have been delayed due to the change of minister and are yet to be finalised, it is believed.

Independent television producers have meanwhile called for safeguards to stop any licence fee savings from being redirected into what it calls "cheap foreign imports", or "to fuel a sports rights arms race, at the expense of other local content genres".

Screen Producers Australia has said Labor missed an opportunity when it rushed through a permanent 50 per cent licence fee cut for broadcasters in its final term, by failing to tie the cut to spending targets to increase investment in local drama and children's television.

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