

This was published 5 years ago

Wall Street set to 'dive, dive, dive' as Trump reignites trade war with China

By Sarah Ponczek and Vildana Hajric

US stock futures fell sharply after President Donald Trump threatened to escalate the year-long trade war with China, disrupting calm that helped push equities toward all-time highs.

Contracts on the S&P 500 Index and Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.6 per cent at 6:28 p.m. in New York. The Nasdaq 100 Index futures lost 1.8 per cent. Major US equity benchmarks closed within a whisker of records Friday after a strong jobs report bolstered optimism in the economy.

On Monday, markets plunged with stocks across trade-reliant Asia tumbling. China's main indexes were down around 4 per cent in early trade.

"When the president puts his foot down, it makes the market go down," Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank in New York, wrote in an email. "Tariff man is back just in time to make the stock market dive, dive, dive."

The president's latest salvo unnerved investors who had grown confident the administration was close to ending its spat with China. Trump on Sunday ramped up pressure on China to complete a trade deal this week during talks in Washington, threatening to more than double tariffs on $US200 billion ($286 billion) of the Asian nation's sales to the world's largest economy, and impose new import taxes.

Higher tariffs "would seriously hurt both the global and US economic growth outlook - particularly when both US and foreign manufacturing data is already the weakest part of the economy," said Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Leuthold Group.

"However, I believe this most likely will be a negotiation threat and an agreement between US and China is indeed nearing. This, in my view, while it will create a potentially volatile week for stocks, I think any significant weakness will prove to be a buying opportunity."

Trump has deployed the threat of tariffs repeatedly as seeks concessions from China in trade talks between the world's two largest economies. He also on Sunday raised the possibility of imposing a 25 per cent tariff on another $US325 billion  in imports from China not currently covered. Such a move could disrupt the US economy as it would hit products such as smartphones and computers that have been left off lists so far.


"A resolution of the deal with China has already been priced into the stock market, and there is little room for disappointment given current valuations," said David Spika, president of GuideStone Capital Management.

"Combined with optimism surrounding Friday's labour report and recent 1Q GDP surprise, I doubt these comments move the needle for more than a day or two. Bottom line is President Trump wants to get a deal done and soon, so we wouldn't see these comments as a legitimate concern for investors at this point."

Analysts say Wall Street has already priced in a trade deal being reached, so any threat to a deal being made will be received poorly by investors.

Analysts say Wall Street has already priced in a trade deal being reached, so any threat to a deal being made will be received poorly by investors.Credit: AP

After Trump's tweets, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said on Fox News that the president is "issuing a warning." While "great progress" has been made in the talks, structural and enforcement issues remain, he said.

Trump had twice delayed increasing tariffs on $US200 billion in goods to 25 per cent from 10 per cent after agreeing to a December 1 truce with Chinese President Xi Jinping to give their negotiators time to work out a comprehensive agreement.

"For the market, if talks continue despite an increase in tariffs, the market can absorb the delay, but a shutdown in negotiations would be a clear market negative," said Quincy Krosby, chief market strategist at Prudential Financial.


Donald Trump has ramped up the pressure on China.

Donald Trump has ramped up the pressure on China. Credit: AP

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