

This was published 7 years ago

This time the stock market's different, isn't it?

By Scott Phillips

Those who fail to learn from history, we are told, are doomed to repeat it. The original quote, from George Santayana, talks of remembering the past, but the newer version is more useful.

I remember the floating of the Australian dollar. I vividly recall the 1987 stock market crash, the Asian financial crisis, the bust and the global financial crisis (GFC).

Recall the 1987 crash that followed the leveraged buy-out boom.

Recall the 1987 crash that followed the leveraged buy-out boom.Credit: Anton Cermak

I don't remember the Poseidon nickel boom, and there's no-one alive who can give a first-hand account of the South Sea Bubble or Tulip mania - but those latter examples are just as instructive as the more modern events.

Ironically, though, the fact that those latter examples are well known to history didn't help when it came to the former, proving, once and for all, the wisdom of the call to learn from the past … but also the near-futility of same.

I could probably write a doctoral thesis on this very phenomenon, and still not truly scratch the surface. Because we have a lot to thank evolution for - and a few good reasons to take issue with it.

Chief among them is that we have developed abilities that exceed our mental and emotional capacity to manage.

Take the investor's two mortal enemies: fear and greed. Rationally, those are two extremes of a very long continuum, with a great deal of time and space between them. But we're not rational, no matter how smart and, well, rational you think you are.

That, combined with a tendency to forget history, is a very dangerous combination.

But I'll layer in one more complication: it's not all history we forget - just medium and long-term history. Recent history we are very, very good at.


Exhibit A: The GFC. Or, more precisely, the five or six years either side. In 2005, 2006 and 2007, investors merrily ignored the lessons of the crash or the 1987 slide before it. Instead, they looked to all of the money being made, and - greed riding victorious - gaily jumped on the "shares only go up" bandwagon.

Then, reality. The markets tanked, losing around half of their value. Previously optimistic, confident investors became frightened. Panicked. They ran for the hills. Fear, well and truly in the ascendancy, drove the lemmings off the cliff.

In the next couple of years, then, investors learned the new "lessons", avoiding shares like the plague.

While those shares doubled in value.

Now what?

Now, after almost a decade of gains, confidence has returned. Fear has been sidelined. What crash? What lessons? There are only blue skies ahead, right?

Oh dear.

And it's not just in the wake of the GFC. The same thing has happened every decade or so in living memory. And before that. But investors seem blinkered to that fact.

And so we have people piling into Bitcoin. And the so-called "story stocks" that promise the world. Peer-to-peer lending is attracting people in droves, offering higher yields. And never mind the increased risk.

Risk, you see, is for down markets. For worriers. For those who want to risk missing out on the good times ahead.

After all, what could go wrong, right?

For Bitcoin, see: graphene/lithium/miners. For peer-to-peer lending, don't forget Estate Mortgage. Just Google it.

Foolish takeaway

No, not every new thing is a bubble. Excitement isn't always unfounded.

But ask yourself: Are you investing in these things after doing your due diligence, to understand the possible downsides, and the relative potential gains? Or are you just seeing the dollar signs?

Yes, yes, you're the rational one. The rest of "them" will get burnt, but not you. Now, think again. Honestly.

Maybe you're the exception. We all like to think we are. But next time you're tempted to chase those gains, remember this article. And ask yourself: Are you just chasing yesterday's gains, and in doing so setting yourself up for more problems?

New report: The "blue chips" of tomorrow aren't the blue chips of yesterday. If you want to look forward rather than backward, we've released our three best ideas for 2017. Click here to learn more.

Scott Phillips is the Motley Fool's director of research. You can follow Scott on Twitter @TMFScottP or email at The Motley Fool's purpose is to educate, amuse and enrich investors. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691).

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