

This was published 3 years ago


The weak US dollar is at a crossroads: Will it fall even further?

The US dollar is signalling a global recovery but, perversely, is also sending very mixed messages about the prospects for the world’s largest economy itself.

After reaching a three-year high against America’s major trading partners last March, just before markets recognised the severity of the threat of the coronavirus pandemic, the greenback has slumped 12 per cent against the basket of currencies of its major trading partners, depreciating about 13 per cent against the euro and a whopping 27 per cent against the Australian dollar.

For a moment at the start of this month, as the likelihood of Joe Biden’s $US1.9 trillion COVID relief package strengthened, the downward trajectory in the US dollar’s value was halted, only to resume in response to weaker-than-expected economic data.

The explosion in US debt and budget and trade deficits, and the prospect of President Joe Biden’s stimulus package has vastly increased the supply of US dollars.

The explosion in US debt and budget and trade deficits, and the prospect of President Joe Biden’s stimulus package has vastly increased the supply of US dollars.

Short positions against the dollar are at their highest level for nearly a decade (which, with iron ore prices and interest rate differentials is among the key influences on the Australian dollar), and influential economists like Yale’s Stephen Roach are predicting another massive plunge in the greenback’s value.

The weakness in the US dollar appears to conflict with a spike in US bond yields in expectation of a stronger-than-expected rebound in the American economy. That should have attracted capital to the US bond market and provided buying support for the currency.

The explosion in US debt and budget and trade deficits and the prospect of Biden’s stimulus package – which would take the total US federal government response to the pandemic close to $US5 trillion – has, however, vastly increased the supply of US dollars and for the moment, at least, that supply and prospective supply is overwhelming demand.

The rise in yields – 10-year bond yields have jumped 20 basis points since the start of the year and 30-year yields have been as many as 32 basis points higher – hasn’t attracted the foreign capital it might have been expected to, although the US stock market continues to lure investors.

That’s not a novel relationship. There is an inverse correlation between the US dollar and equity markets – and commodity prices – because a weaker greenback makes US shares and commodities that are overwhelmingly priced in US dollars cheaper.


With emerging economies also carrying high levels of US dollar-denominated debt, a weak dollar not only makes their economic inputs cheaper but reduces their borrowing costs, strengthening their economies in something of a virtuous cycle.

The “reflation trade” – the bet on a global economic recovery from the pandemic – is predicated on very strong growth from the less-developed economies; growth that will be aided by a weak US dollar.

Another significant feature in the US dollar’s weakness was last year’s decision by the Federal Reserve Board to change its strategic framework to incorporate an average inflation targeting and an inherent shift towards tolerance of higher-than-average inflation for longer than it would have in the past. The Fed is going to leave its policy rate at or near zero for at least the medium term.

Like trade wars, no one wins from currency wars.

As COVID-19 vaccinations increase and the world starts to contain the pandemic, global markets are shifting towards a “risk on” environment, which historically has weakened the greenback as capital flows to higher-risk, higher-return environments and into the US sharemarket. (It’s an environment that has also seen the Australian dollar strengthen because of its commodity exports, particularly iron ore exports, into the Asian region.)

That’s obviously a brittle environment, given the spread of mutations of the virus and the reality that vaccination coverage of a scale that brings the pandemic under control is still a long way off. But for the moment, at least, those risks aren’t deterring the US dollar bears.

Stephen Roach’s prediction of another 20 per cent plunge in the US dollar is based on ultra-loose monetary policy, a deficiency of US savings and the massive increase in deficits – particularly the US trade deficit which, despite Donald Trump’s trade wars, has blown out to its widest since the financial crisis – leading to a big imbalance in supply and demand for the currency.

There are also some long-term and more structural influences undermining the US dollar. Trump’s profligate use of sanctions, weaponising the currency, has generated efforts by even traditional US allies to reduce their exposures to the greenback.

The US dollar’s share of foreign exchange reserves is at its lowest levels for a quarter of a century. It is still dominant, at about 60 per cent of those reserves, with the threat to its status as the world’s reserve currency a long-term rather than an immediate one, but it appears to have passed its high-water mark, and the structural demand created by that status is waning.

The eurozone’s historic decision to issue collective debt last year is, with China’s ambitions for its currency, another potential influence in the longer-term erosion of US dollar strength.


If Biden’s relief package and management of the vaccination roll-out in the US does jump-start a stronger than currently anticipated recovery in the US, inflation picks up and the Fed starts making slightly more hawkish noises, it is conceivable that the greenback’s decline could be reversed.

The RBA will certainly hope so and will be watching developments in the US very closely. The Australian dollar’s strength acts as a deflationary force on the Australian economy even as the weaker US dollar powers the demand for, and value of, our resource exports.

Without shifting into negative territory, the RBA can’t lower interest rates further, although it has recently increased the scale of its quantitative easing – purchases of bonds – to keep its foot on the yield curve and pump liquidity into the economy.

Yet as with central banks in other developed economies, the RBA will be concerned about the prospect of further material US dollar weakness.

The obvious response from non-US central banks would be to buy large volumes of US bonds to put a rising floor under the greenback, although the US Treasury might not be amused and might act if it saw that occurring,

But just like trade wars, no one wins from currency wars.

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