

This was published 6 years ago

How the new generation of activists corners boards

By Ruth Williams

Not so long ago, it was easy to spot the environmental agitators at the corporate annual meeting.

They were the ones camped out the front with drums, BBQs and colourful placards – making a lot of noise and, arguably, not much of a difference.

Things have changed. A new generation of non-government-organisations (NGOs) has found a smarter, more targeted way of sending a message – using carefully-crafted shareholder resolutions calling for companies to act on environmental and social issues.

Typically, such resolutions attract miniscule votes in their favour – often in the low single-digits – with many Australian investors and proxy advisors remaining reluctant to endorse them. But resolutions spark publicity and attention; winning votes is, of course, only part of the point.

Activists have become more sophisticated in their agitation for change at corporate AGMs.

Activists have become more sophisticated in their agitation for change at corporate AGMs.

The groups lodging the resolutions argue their activism is pushing boards, boosting awareness and leading to tangible change.

But frustrated directors complain the resolutions divert resources into dealing with "narrow" or "activist" causes, that can improperly delve into management issues that fall into the domain of the board, not shareholders.

Shareholder resolutions have been used for years by environmental and activist groups; during the 2000s, the Wilderness Society targeted big companies over old-growth logging, and unions used them as part of broader campaigns around safety, executive pay and enterprise bargaining agreements.

So far this decade, groups including GetUp and Australian Ethical Investments have at various times lodged resolutions on pokies at Woolworths, and coal seam gas at Santos.


But things have stepped up.

With peak annual meeting season approaching, at least eight resolutions focusing on social or environmental issues have landed for consideration at seven ASX200 companies in 2017: Santos and Oil Search, whose AGMs were earlier in the year, and Woolworths, Downer EDI, Origin Energy, BHP and the Commonwealth Bank.

Several of the resolutions against Australian companies deal with climate risk disclosure, and follow moves offshore by big investors, including BlackRock and the UK's Legal & General Investment Management, to use their voting power to demand detailed and robust disclosure about how companies are planning for and factoring climate risk into their operations.

Late on Friday came news that giant US pension fund CalPERS, one of the first institutional investors to embrace governance activism, was backing shareholder resolutions against BHP lodged by the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility, and Origin Energy lodged by Market Forces.

That something is going to be put to a poll of shareholders creates a degree of tangibility that really focuses discussion.

AustralianSuper's Andrew Gray

Apart from Woolworths, which is yet to publish its notice of meeting, each board targeted has called on shareholders to vote against the resolutions, saying they are not in the interests of shareholders and the company. Each published detailed responses to the resolutions, showing – in the case of some of the climate-related resolutions – the action already under way.

"The board takes climate change seriously and has already put in place a policy committing the company to playing its part in limiting climate change to well below two degrees celsius in line with the Paris Agreement," CBA told its investors.

Origin said addressing climate change was a "key component of [the company's] broader strategy".

Some of the climate change resolutions push companies to adopt a new reporting system developed by the G20's Financial Stability Board taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure, known as TCFD reporting.

Similar resolutions targeting Exxon Mobil and other big US companies this year won majority shareholder support along the way, winning over the likes of massive funds like BlackRock and Vanguard.

Exxon Mobil Chairman Darren Woods faced a shareholder push on climate change.

Exxon Mobil Chairman Darren Woods faced a shareholder push on climate change.Credit: RICHARD DREW

Some similar UK resolutions have even attracted the support of boards. So Australian companies have been warned that resolutions – especially those focused on boosting climate change disclosure – could win wider support in coming years.

The apparent success of climate resolutions has raised the prospect that wider activist groups and non-government organisations [NGOs] are poised to make use of the tactic on a broader range of environmental and social issues.

Resolving the matter

In 2014, a resolution from Canberra-based ACCR calling for ANZ to boost its disclosure of the carbon footprint of its loan book attracted just 3.1 per cent of votes.

But at ANZ's AGM that year, the bank acknowledged it was an issue that shareholders were concerned about, and pledged to give investors more information about its carbon exposure – only to be hit with another resolution in 2015.

At that year's AGM, chairman David Gonski said the company was managing the "risks and opportunities" thrown up by climate change, saying he understood that "society expects that we will assist our customers to transition to a de-carbonised economy".

That year, ANZ said it would not finance any new conventional coal-fired power plants.

ANZ chairman David Gonski

ANZ chairman David GonskiCredit: AAP

Last month, BHP revealed that the ACCR had lodged resolutions calling on it to disclose how much it had paid to industry groups like the Minerals Council of Australia, to state how its policies on climate and energy issues diverged from those groups, and that it – in some circumstances – terminate its membership of industry bodies.

BHP advised shareholders to vote against the resolution at its London AGM this month, arguing – as several companies have – that the resolutions undermined the "authority and accountability" of the board.

But it also promised to publish a previously-commissioned review of its peak body memberships before the end of the year, along with a list of whether and how its climate and energy policies aligned with those of the peak groups.

"BHP is committed to action to reduce its emissions, build resilience to climate impacts and accelerate deployment of low emissions technologies," it said.

Whether or not the resolutions prompted the companies to act, these were nonetheless seen as partial victories for the ACCR. And BHP's measures were clearly not enough to head off CALpers' vote in favour.

BHP chairman Ken MacKenzie will face investors this week.

BHP chairman Ken MacKenzie will face investors this week.

The rules

The vast majority of resolutions put to shareholder votes at company meetings are proposed and endorsed by companies' boards, such as those involving the appointment of directors, or approving the company's remuneration report.

Under Australian corporate law, however, a group of 100 or more shareholders can put forward a resolution to be considered at a company general meeting, providing it meets certain strict conditions.

Such resolutions are fairly common. A study by the Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation at Melbourne Law School counted 877 shareholder resolutions lodged in the decade from 2004 to 2013, with the numbers peaking dramatically during the global financial crisis. But the vast bulk of these – 92 per cent – related to the appointment or removal of directors.

Australian investors big and small have long been reluctant to back resolutions focused on so-called "ESG" – environmental, social or governance –issues.

Institutional investors argue that traditional "engagement" – in other words, private discussions with directors and boards – has been a better way of dealing with ESG matters.

In recent years, the Australian Shareholders Association, which represents retail investors, is yet to back an environmental or social-focused shareholder resolution.

Investing in change

But some investors say the resolutions are helping them press the case for change.

The Investor Group on Climate Change, which represents groups with $1.6 trillion in funds under management – including Australian retail and industry super funds – held its annual summit in Melbourne early this week, with shareholder resolutions among the keenly discussed topics.

Approaches to climate change are being scrutinised.

Approaches to climate change are being scrutinised.Credit: Jonathan Carroll

"That something is going to be put to a poll of shareholders creates a degree of tangibility that really focuses discussion with the company, and often puts a timeframe [on it]," AustralianSuper's investment manager governance Andrew Gray told the summit.

"We find them useful."

Ed John, executive general manager of governance, engagement and policy at the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI), drew parallels with the 2013 and 2014 campaigns by former coal industry executive Ian Dunlop to run for the BHP Billiton board.

Dunlop ran on the grounds that the company was failing to manage the fiduciary risks and impacts of climate change; his tilt was unsuccessful, but John noted that it "[opened] a discussion about climate change at BHP".

"It's probably one of those examples where that challenge came from outside the investment community but was able to be used by people inside the investment community, these funds in the room, to get real change within the company."

BT Financial Group's head of portfolio construction and sustainability, Adrian Trollor, noted that climate change-based resolutions overseas had won significant support, and had led to better disclosure of climate risks.

Alison George, head of policy at the institutional investor-owned governance advisor Regnan, suggested the resolutions could help investors think about what their self-described roles as "active owners" actually meant.

"There's no neutral once a shareholder resolution has been lodged – you're asked very simply: 'yes or no, are you for this resolution or not?'," she said.

"No matter what position you take on that, even abstaining, sends a message at least to the company and very likely other interested observers."

The danger, however, was that a weak vote could send an "unhelpful message", George said.

"I think that's something that requires thoughtful consideration and looking favourably on resolutions that are well-cast, whoever designs them."

Investors at the summit made it clear they wanted boards to start using the TCFD guidelines, which set out how companies should disclose their governance, strategies, risk management and targets relating to climate change.

Santos chairman Peter Coates is another company leader facing a shareholder resolution.

Santos chairman Peter Coates is another company leader facing a shareholder resolution.Credit: David Mariuz

But they are not yet pressing the point with their proxy votes. In the past two years, resolutions relating to climate change disclosure at Santos, Origin and AGL have all attracted small levels of support, amounting to less than 7 per cent of votes cast.


Two non-government-organisations account for most of the recent ESG-related resolutions lodged in the past few years: Market Forces, a Melbourne NGO aligned with Friends of the Earth, and the ACCR, which has been lodging human rights and carbon emission-related resolutions since 2010.

They say they are shaking up the comfortable relationships between investors and boards in Australia, and look for inspiration to the steady stream of climate, environment and social-related resolutions filed by US investors every year.

Market Forces has been pushing companies to disclose climate risk and to reduce their carbon footprints, arguing Australian companies are lagging on the issue.

"We want to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels," said Market Forces' Dan Gocher, speaking at the summit.

Market Forces has lodged resolutions at four companies this year. Gocher says it had discussed its concerns about climate disclosure with several others – and had, as a result of those discussions, withdrawn a planned resolution against one of them.

The threat of the resolution was "clearly having an impact", he says, with other groups keen to get involved.

"That have seen this work and are encouraged by it... I know there's NGOs agitating to look at, whether its deforestation, plastics... the work of ACCR and human rights. There are other NGOs out there."

The ACCR's executive director, Brynn O'Brien, says the resolutions can serve to "break an engagement deadlock".

"It's a fairly small community in Australia and I think those relationships are challenged by public engagement," she says. "People don't want their colleagues to feel uncomfortable or under pressure."

Behind the scenes, however, she says investors and shareholder organisations are "overwhelmingly supportive".
"Generally they encourage me to keep going, saying this work adds value."

Boards level

But from the board table, the view of shareholder resolutions is quite different.

Directors speak of frustration about resolutions that appear to ignore the work they are already doing on ESG issues, and create more work for boards that are already moving to engage with a bigger range of stakeholders, on more issues, than ever before.

Directors are already confronting a more adversarial corporate setting in Australia – one featuring higher shareholder voting levels, more "strikes" against big companies' remuneration reports, and increasing levels of the more capitalistic and cut-throat shareholder activism practised by hedge funds and corporate raiders. The rise of the shareholder resolution is one more issue to deal with.

Louise Petschler, general manager advocacy at the Australian Institute of Company Directors, says ESG issues are "gaining traction" not only in the investment community, but the community more broadly.

"Directors are of course alert to concerns and interests amongst the investor community," she says. "Shareholders have every right to put their views forward and often these resolutions are a sign that they have thought purposefully about the company and the areas that may impact it."

But she said the increasing instances of activists "pushing a specific agenda" could divert significant time and energy onto "narrow or activist" causes.

"I think many of the shareholder resolutions are about stakeholders, who may not be investors, trying to use some of the mechanisms that are available to investors to engage with companies on matters which are very broad ranging and... often stray into management matters," says former Broadspectrum chairman Diane Smith-Gander, now a non-executive director on the AGL and Wesfarmers boards, among others.

For years, directors, shareholder groups and commentators have bemoaned the declining relevance and attendance rates of Australian corporate AGMs. Smith-Gander suggests one factor could be the "crowding out" of retail investors by other stakeholders using the AGM for "difference purposes than it was designed for".

As for the suggestion that shareholder resolutions have helped prompt boards to act on matters like climate change disclosure?

Smith-Gander says this is a "very long bow to draw – that resolutions around climate change disclosure have had a material impact of boards thinking in this arena".

"We have had the [National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting] requirements, we have had the Energy Efficiency Opportunities regime for a number of years, we have had long conversations with governments on these matters, and the resolutions are one very small element of this much broader conversation," she says.

A case for change?

This year in the US, responsible investment advocate PRI counted an "unprecedented" 241 resolutions lodged by shareholders, tackling subjects including gender pay equality, pesticide use and food waste. But climate risk resolutions had the biggest impact, winning the backing of a majority of shareholders at oil companies ExxonMobil and Occidental and utility PPL Corporation. BlackRock and Vanguard were among the big investors that supported the resolutions.

"We look forward to continuing our shareholder engagement on the topic and providing additional disclosure about the company's assessment and management of climate-related risks and opportunities," Occidental said in response to the May vote.

In the UK and Europe, the "Aiming for A" campaign – launched by a group of institutional investors – saw climate risk disclosure resolutions passing with near-unanimous support at companies including Rio Tinto, Shell and BP during 2015 and 2016. The resolutions even won the endorsement of the companies themselves.

But there is an important difference between the investment scenes in Australia and the US, which partly explains the reluctance of investors here to support resolutions, says Regnan's Alison George.

Speaking at the IGCC summit, George says that investors here had better access to, and engagement success with, boards and directors than their counterparts in the US.

"Resolutions are largely used [in the US] to open the door to engagement, because the culture of investor-company dialogue doesn't exist there," she says. "We don't want to put that constructive relationship that we have with companies in danger."

The ACCR's Brynn O'Brien, however, argues that private engagement and public engagement – such as resolutions – are not mutually exclusive.

"They are mutually reinforcing".

As for retail investors, one reason the Australian Shareholder Association has not backed the recent shareholder resolutions, says its chief executive Judith Fox, is that its members are reluctant to vote in favour of changing company constitutions – often the first-step resolution put up by shareholders groups.

These constitutional resolutions are necessary to get around the fact that Australian corporate law restricts shareholders' rights to get involved in company management - regarded as strictly the board's domain.

Shareholders are allowed to propose changing the company's constitution to allow for resolutions on such matters, says corporate law expert Ian Ramsay, from Melbourne Law School.

But such "special" resolutions require a near-impossible hurdle of 75 per cent shareholder approval.

Fox says there may be a case for public policy reform about whether Australian shareholders should have the ability to more easily pass advisory resolutions - "should there be more non-binding shareholder resolutions, such as what we have for the remuneration report?"

The existing situation is described as "clunky" by ACSI's Ed John.

ACSI, which advises its member superannuation funds on corporate governance matters, is researching Australia's shareholder resolutions regime and comparing it with those in other countries.

But the big question is whether resolutions, as they stand, could start to attract more support.

A campaign similar to "Aiming for A" could be mounted in Australia in coming years, says John, if companies don't step up their climate risk disclosure following the release of the TCFD reporting guidelines.


"How do we deal with ... those [companies] that still say no at that point?" he muses at the summit.

"I think the shareholder resolution ... could be a next step if there are some of those recalcitrants that just will never move."

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