

This was published 7 years ago

Malcolm Turnbull flounders on power

By Scott Phillips

I want to lay off the federal government. Really, I do.

But they just keep asking for it. Not so much popping their heads above the parapet for a look around, but rather by venturing outside the castle, with red and white concentric circles painted on their suit jackets.

So, a couple of weeks after I took aim at Treasurer Scott Morrison (and his predecessors) for squibbing proper tax reform, I find myself raising the sights a few degrees to the top of the parliamentary tree.

Because this week hasn't quite been Malcolm Turnbull's finest policy outing. The Prime Minister is at full stretch as we speak -- seemingly in full vote-gathering mode on one hand, panicked about higher energy prices, while the ACCC looks into Google and Facebook. The other hand is grasping desperately towards the right of his party, doing whatever he must to cling to his job.

The Prime Minister has put himself in a dangerous position this week, says the Motley Fool.

The Prime Minister has put himself in a dangerous position this week, says the Motley Fool. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But like the man with one foot on the boat and the other on the wharf, he's in a dangerous position.

And it results in some very unusual spectacles.

The product of such efforts was a series of meetings and announcements relating to energy giant AGL's planned closing of its Liddell power station. A name no-one knew a week ago is all of a sudden on everyone's lips.

AGL, you see, is planning to close Liddell in 2022. The company has determined that it makes no financial sense to keep it open. Plus, it's a coal-fired station and CEO Andy Vesey and his board know that, ideology aside, the future of energy is not in burning those black lumps.


(Yes, like the one the government handed around in one of the more bizarre parliamentary spectacles of recent times. But that's another embarrassing story.)

Hard-nosed business

Vesey and AGL are no bleeding hearts. They have no hard-left agenda. Instead, they are duty- (and legally-) bound to look after the financial interests of their shareholders. They have read the tea leaves. They've sniffed the wind. And there's no coal-burning-smoke on it.

They have decided that investing more money into coal, given the financial risk, just isn't worth it, in the face of rapid technological and societal change. And, it must be said, in the absence of policy certainty when it comes to a price on carbon.

Which enrages the Coalition's hard right. And scares the most desperate of politician -- the one in a marginal seat -- who's worried about higher power prices costing votes.

And so we have the pro-market, small-government, pro-environment Prime Minister doing his best impression of running a 1970s command economy, and summoning CEO Vesey, again, to Canberra.

Because, you know, the government knows best how to run a power company. And it wants the market to decide the best way to generate electricity. And… oh, the votes? And the climate change deniers? And Malcolm wants to remain PM?

I have a view on climate change. You have a view on climate change. The irony here is that it's the government's own unwillingness to put a stake in the ground that's caused this unholy mess.

Power company CEOs have their own view on climate change too. So do shareholders. But the companies themselves would happily go on polluting -- and I don't mean that judgmentally -- for as long as it makes financial sense to do so. That's what they should do -- directors have a responsibility -- known as a fiduciary duty -- to maximise the long-term value of the company, after all. The government should be then regulating appropriately, to ensure the best trade-off of long term costs and benefits.

Which is ironic, when you think that politicians seem to act as though their responsibility is limited to maximising votes at the next election.

So, to recap: we have a corporate CEO taking a long term view and acting in the best interests of his constituency, and a government throwing a tantrum because that conflicts with their ability to win the next election and with the beliefs who cite 3% of scientists as the basis of their world view on climate change.

You might need to read that again.

And Bill Shorten? He's having the time of his life just staying out of the way.

Financial types have a phrase: sovereign risk. It's usually applied to a third-world country, where there's a chance a dictator will seize your mine or change the tax system to capture all of the gains for himself.

It's not supposed to apply to a country that embraces democratic capitalism, and regulates to limit corporate excesses. A country that supports market forces.

A country like Australia.

Foolish takeaway

Politics can do strange things to a person. The compromises needed to gain and retain power can lead to contortions never once imagined. I can't imagine what that cognitive dissonance must be like for Malcolm Turnbull right now -- pulled out of shape by the competing demands of a fractious party. At the end of the day, he carries the can. But it's plain that these are not his policies; rather a patchwork of deals done to stay in The Lodge.

AGL shareholders should be thankful they have Andy Vesey, who is prepared to think long term, and stand up to the forces of populism and hardcore ideology -- something that must be a daunting task.

It's time for the government to take his lead.


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Scott Phillips is the Motley Fool's director of research. You can follow Scott on Twitter @TMFScottP. The Motley Fool's purpose is to educate, amuse and enrich investors. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691).

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