

This was published 6 years ago


Investing: You’re doing it wrong

By Scott Phillips

Take it from a Nobel laureate: “People aren’t dumb. The world is hard.”

I was in the car this week, and trying (largely in vain) to catch up on my podcast listening. One particular favourite is Freakonomics, born out of the book of the same name, and the episode I was catching up with was an interview with Nobel laureate and behavioural economics guru Richard Thaler. (Yes, yes, not an "official" Nobel prize, for those who care enough to raise it.)

Along with everything else in his life, apparently Nobel laureate Richard Thaler has a stake in a money management business.

Along with everything else in his life, apparently Nobel laureate Richard Thaler has a stake in a money management business.Credit: TT News Agency via AP

Along with everything else in his life, apparently Thaler has a stake in a money management business. When asked about its approach, Thaler replied: “So we’re explicitly thinking about, what are a class of situations in which people are likely to make a mistake?”

Which got me thinking about investing in general, and the mistakes most people make. Not because, they’re stupid. Indeed, as that episode was titled, “People aren’t dumb. The world is hard.”

Here are some mistakes I see many people - amateurs and professionals, alike - make, and how to overcome them:

Confusing volatility and risk

This is a doozey. And not only is it committed by professionals, they actually embed the mistake in their language. Apparently, they’d have you believe, there is "upside risk". There’s not, of course. So tortured is their language, risk isn’t the chance of something going wrong, but any unexpected movement, in either direction. The rest of us aren’t immune, either. We see share prices (and the total market) move around from day to day and say, “See, the market’s risky”.

Tell that to the people who invested through a welter of volatility over the past 30 years, while $10,000 invested on the ASX would have become $113,400, according to Vanguard. If a 10-fold return is "risky", sign me up.

Missing the portfolio forest for the individual stock trees


There is no shortage of people prepared to tell me about the one big winner they’ve had. And many more who’ll complain about the one stock that lost them a small fortune. The former are convinced they are geniuses, while the latter are looking for someone to blame, or are swearing off investing forever.

Then there’s the group who obsess over each individual purchase, as if every one of them needs to be perfect. Of course, we’d all be perfect if we could, but as fund manager Peter Lynch said: “In this business, if you're good, you're right six times out of 10. You're never going to be right nine times out of 10.”

Investing well is having a diversified portfolio, and putting the odds in your favour, not trying to be right 90 per cent of the time. You’ll have losers. You’ll have winners. Just make sure the latter outweigh the former. It doesn’t matter what individual stocks do - what matters is the return you achieve on average and over time.

'At least I didn’t lose money'

This is a close cousin of the one above. So keen are many people to avoid volatility that they obsess about not being "wrong" each time they buy a stock: “Hey, at least I didn’t lose money."

So, they still have their $10,000 - meanwhile those who achieved an index return have the (hypothetical) $113,000 I mentioned above. How smart does “I didn’t lose money” sound now?

The sensible investor has two courses of action: either beat the market with smart stock-picking, or simply get the market return by buying a low-cost index fund. Actively choosing a market-lagging return (or getting it by default) is the poor (literally) cousin of those other two. If you’re retired, and seeking income stability rather than total returns, you’re off the hook, but the rest of us should either be beating the market or matching it.

Foolish takeaway

Franklin D. Roosevelt almost certainly wasn’t talking about investing when he reminded us that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. But he might as well have been. Though if that were the case, more accurately, he might have said "we have nothing to fear, but ourselves".

As Thaler said, not because we’re dumb. But because overcoming our subconscious biases is hard. But they’re not subconscious any more: I’ve just outlined them. It doesn’t mean they’ll go away immediately. Perhaps not ever. But now you know, you can manage them. Overcome them.

Embrace volatility. Expect mistakes and losses. Eschew the "safety" that might be the biggest risk of all. Put long-term compounding to work, instead.

Scott Phillips is the Motley Fool’s general manager. You can follow Scott on Twitter @TMFScottP. The Motley Fool's purpose is to educate, amuse and enrich investors. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691).

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