

This was published 9 years ago

How Atlassian ignored 'smart people' to reach the top

This article originally ran on August 10 and has been updated with the latest developments

By Rose Powell

Everyone who knows anything about technology companies will be familiar with multi-billion dollar success story Atlassian. What they may not know is one of the company's most distinctive traits isolated it from many potential mentors, investors and even employees in their early days, and the concerns haven't disappeared entirely yet.

Founded by Scott Farquhar and Mike Cannon-Brookes in Sydney in 2002, the enterprise software company this week filed for an initial public offering in the United States, a crucial step toward a $3 billion-plus listing.

Atlassian founders Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar will hold 67.2 per cent of the total shares outstanding after the IPO.

Atlassian founders Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar will hold 67.2 per cent of the total shares outstanding after the IPO.Credit: FDC

From its modest beginnings, Atlassian now brings in millions in revenue every year and has grown to more than a thousand people, none of whom are sales staff.

"We had a hunch early on that sales people break software companies," Cannon-Brookes says.

Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes.

Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes.Credit: James Alcock

"But convincing people this model would work has probably been the biggest struggle we've had. We've had a lot of smart people who wouldn't join the company or give us money or advise us because it made no sense to them."

At first, the decision to eschew sales people was simple: they were too expensive. But armed with their hunch and powered by a popular first product, issue and project tracking software JIRA, Cannon-Brookes and Farquhar decided to sell the product directly on their website.

Without sales salaries and commissions to pay, Cannon-Brookes says they were able to knock "a zero or two off the price" and aimed to sell ten times more copies online in the same time it would take a human to sell them.


Dealing with doubters

It worked financially, with the company raking in almost $2 million in their second year, but dealing with concerns about how fast and far the model could grow became a drain on the founding pair, both in their early 20s and growing a company for the first time.

"There were fires burning all over the place all the time," Scott Farquar and Mike Cannon-Brookes faced many challenges early in the life of Atlassian.

"There were fires burning all over the place all the time," Scott Farquar and Mike Cannon-Brookes faced many challenges early in the life of Atlassian. Credit: Louise Kennerley

"Almost everyone we spoke to would say well done, but you can't sustain that and grow without sales people," Cannon-Brookes says.

"The best people we spoke to kept saying it wasn't going to work. We realised maybe we were driving it off a cliff. But we didn't know, so we'd find more smart people who would also say it wasn't going to work. Some still do."

But every time they copped this advice, the sales volume of the company was a bit bigger. Like most startups, not everyone paid their bills on time so the budgets kept shifting and it was a panic to even make payroll some months, but the customer numbers kept moving up.

"At first people would say you won't get past $20,000 without sales people. Then $50,000. And then $100,000, then a million and even a billion. You realise they were just picking a number in the future, because our company didn't fit their world view."

We had a hunch early on that sales people break software companies.

Another factor that didn't thrill some advisors was the idea of a major technology company based in Australia. The company had more than 1000 US clients within three years, including many major investment banks.

Sticking it out in Australia

"The number one thing we heard was 'you don't have sales people and that doesn't make sense'. And then, usually we'd hear 'you're in Australia and that doesn't make sense either'."

While it would have been too expensive to uproot the Sydney team and shift the company to the US, the Atlassian founders did take this piece of advice, opening a New York office in 2005, where most of their clients were.

"We opened up the office, I put on a suit and ran up and down Wall Street, shaking hands and letting them know we were there to help if they needed us," Cannon-Brookes says. "But no one ever visited, people just called."

The key benefit to having a US office was being able to provide customer service responses in the same time zone, fixing issues in minutes rather than hours that could easily turn into a day or two. But the hiring market was hard and Atlassian eventually moved the office in San Francisco, which boasted the range and depth of technical talent dreamt about by startup founders.

Atlassian launched another office in Austin a few years later but its headquarters remain in Sydney. Australian staff outnumber the US teams by two to one.

Despite a relatively remote base, Atlassian's customer numbers and product range grew steadily, and sometimes unsustainably. It now sells its software into more than 140 countries.

Seven years into the company, Farquhar and Cannon-Brookes realised they needed to change how they ran the business or risk burning themselves and staff out.

Fighting exhaustion

"We were doing everything. There were fires burning all over the place all the time. We were almost entirely consumed just trying to manage those rather than being proactive," Cannon-Brookes says.

Both were turning 30, engaged to be married and exhausted after seven years of survival mode. With a team of more than 100, the pair began spending hours together out of the office, looking at the ocean or drinking their way through the Hunter Valley, trying to work out what came next. While they jokingly discussed selling the company and moving to Tahiti, they knew they wanted to take the company to the next stage.

"When you get to that size, you get a gut feel if what you're running has the potential to be 150 person company or a 1000 person company. When we realised it was 1000, you get really scared and then we realised we needed to change a lot of stuff to make it work."

Both took a long holiday, and when they returned they raised $60 million from Accel Ventures, which has also backed Facebook and Dropbox. It gave them the space and funds to grow more sustainably, not one cent of which went on sales staff.

"One thing we are really lucky to do is be a proponent for the future of technology in Sydney. Because if we grow faster than the community, we're stuffed," Cannon-Brookes says.

"Also, we've both got kids. I want my daughter to be able to work in tech here, if she wants to work in tech, not all the way over on the other side of the world."

Whether it is their children, or the founders who leave Atlassian to launch their own technology startups, or the hundreds of entrepreneurs who gather to hear advice from Farquhar or Cannon-Brookes at conferences, their journey has made one tip particularly valuable and it's shared first out of all the advice Cannon-Brookes can give.

"Part of an entrepreneur's job is to change the world in some way. You don't do that by adopting someone else's world view. You just never really know until after you make a decision if their idea or yours was a better plan."

This is part of an ongoing series of Startup War Stories. If your business has survived a crisis moment or near-death experience you would like to share, you can get in touch at rose.powell [at]

A selection of previous stories:

Why Vinomofo sold their company, and then bought it back from their investors

Chris Koch risked his life for a failed PR stunt

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