

This was published 6 years ago

House bubble? Hard landing? It's time to stop listening to the pundits

By Scott Phillips

I have a prediction...

There's some sweet irony in an article where I ask you to listen to me, as I tell you not to listen to others. But stick with me.

Dark clouds, or ray of light? In investing, it can be more profitable to be optimistic and occasionally wrong.

Dark clouds, or ray of light? In investing, it can be more profitable to be optimistic and occasionally wrong.

You see, we've just had yet another round of predictions. Of house price crashes. Of unaffordable retirements. Of Bitcoin, which really deserves its own, nutty, category.

Predictions made by smart people. Educated people. Thoughtful people. And those same people will almost certainly be wrong.

It's just in the nature of these things. Predictions, I'm afraid, are at best useless, and at worst, harmful.

Take the Australian house price bubble. Or should I say "bubble". Are houses expensive in Australia's capital cities? You bet. Have they seemed that way for almost two decades? You bet. Are we in a bubble? I have no idea and neither do you.

Do you remember the China 'hard landing talk? Was that in 2015? Or 2013? Or 2011? If you said "all of the above", you'd be right. And it's 2017. There was even, at some point, talk of China running out of foreign exchange. It was supposed to bring that country to its knees… sometime last year.

What about the 'sell everything' stock market call from a major investment bank early last year? So far, nothing -- the market is actually up. The double-dip post-GFC recession? No. Or the certainty of a Hillary Clinton presidency? Not quite.

The 'Warren Buffett's lost it' headlines of 1999, 2008, 2010 and 2014? Shares of his company, Berkshire Hathaway, are currently selling for US$280,000 each -- much, much higher than at any of those points.


Ah, but didn't some people correctly forecast the GFC? Surely they're worth listening to? Maybe -- but it's too early to tell. No, I'm not being churlish. If you're going to a doctor for a cancer diagnosis, you want to know she's been right more than once in the past, right? And if she was, that she's right far more often than not?

I thought so.

But these "forecasts" are just so incredibly visceral. They're uttered by smart people, and presented with thoughtful data and analysis. They're almost all compelling in their possibility. And humans are hardwired to pay more attention to fear and negativity. Besides, the plane that lands safely never makes the news, right?

And the conviction. Strong. Unquestioning. So-sure-he'd-bet-the-house. Sometimes even literally. And, to a person, I don't doubt their sincerity. It just all seems to clear to them. So unmistakably obvious.

So the pundit gets his headline. If he's lucky, he'll be right and will get highly paid speaking gigs and a lucrative consultancy from now until the next crisis, when someone else takes his spot.

You know who doesn't get the headlines? The guy who says "I have no idea specifically what's going to happen next, but the weight of evidence suggests that economies grow, quality companies succeed, and the market goes up, over time and on average, by about 10 per cent per year".

Which isn't the headline writers' fault. If they wrote that headline, no-one would read the story.

So it goes.

And an important caveat, too. These pundits shouldn't be ignored. As I said, they're smart, educated people with important perspectives on the market and the economy.

But what I would do is throw away the prediction, and read the reasoning, instead. Whether the market will fall by precisely the right amount on precisely the right day is irrelevant, because it almost certainly won't happen.

But when those people talk about household debt, unaffordable prices and systemic risk -- among others -- we should listen. Because those are important perspectives that can help.

And remember, too, why many of those predictions don't come true: because we have government agencies tasked with avoiding them. Where many prognosticators fail is in assuming you can simply extrapolate a set of facts to an inevitable gory conclusion.

But our regulators and legislators see the same data. They understand the same issues. And they're actively working to address those same risks.

Foolish takeaway

We don't hear about many planned crimes, because they're not committed, thanks to the intercession of law enforcement. Ditto the economic catastrophes that never happen.

And those that do happen? Almost no one is predicting them. Which makes listening to the pundits doubly dangerous -- we can end up jumping at shadows, and still being run over by the oncoming train.

Thinking about potential outcomes is a very useful exercise. But here's something I've found to be more useful: in investing, it can be more profitable to be optimistic and occasionally wrong, rather than pessimistic and occasionally right.

And if you're going to listen to predictions from the pundits, ask for a track record.


New report: The "blue chips" of tomorrow aren't the blue chips of yesterday. If you want to look forward rather than backward, we've released our three best ideas for 2017. Click here to learn more.

Scott Phillips is the Motley Fool's director of research. You can follow Scott on Twitter @TMFScottP. The Motley Fool's purpose is to educate, amuse and enrich investors. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691).

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