

This was published 5 years ago


China is not a currency manipulator, says the US through gritted teeth

By Stephen Bartholomeusz

The US Treasury Department has determined that China is not manipulating its currency - but that is at odds with the tone that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his department adopted in the commentary accompanying that conclusion.

Looking at the objective evidence, China was never going to be declared a manipulator because, of the three criteria the department uses to assess whether its trading partners are intervening inappropriately, the only one that it met was that it has a trade surplus with the US greater than $US20 billion ($28 billion).

The other pre-conditions for a declaration are that the country has a current account surplus of more than 3 per cent of its gross domestic product, and that there is evidence of repeated interventions in currency markets.

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin: China's not a currency manipulator, but the Trump administration remains watchful.

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin: China's not a currency manipulator, but the Trump administration remains watchful.Credit: Bloomberg

There had been a concern that, regardless of the facts, the Trump administration would open a new front in its trade war against China with an adverse declaration, using the recent devaluation of the renminbi against the US dollar as ammunition.

Instead, Mnuchin's Treasury has put China on notice that it is being watched closely, with the department’s executive summary stating that the recent strengthening of the US dollar and decline in China’s currency, if sustained, would exacerbate persistent trade and current account imbalances.

Mnuchin said his department was "working vigorously to ensure that our trading partners dismantle unfair barriers that stand in the way of free, fair and reciprocal trade" and that of particular concern was China’s "lack of currency transparency and the recent weakness in its currency".

These, he said, posed major challenges to achieving fairer and more balanced trade.

China's currency is down, thanks to Trump

The problem for the trade warriors in the US is that, while the Treasury points to China’s history of massive trade surpluses and significant interventions in foreign exchange markets to depress the value of its currency, that is indeed history.


Over the past decade, the renminbi has appreciated and China’s current account surplus has fallen from its peak of almost 10 per cent of GDP in 2007 to 0.5 per cent in the year to June.

To the extent that China's currency has depreciated in the past six months – by about 9 per cent against the US dollar – there has been limited intervention, and that intervention appears to have been an attempt to slow the decline.


Rather than manipulation, the better explanation for the fall of the renminbi is China's slowing economy and, of course, the $US250 billion Trump tariffs.

Meanwhile in the US, the Trump tax cuts and spending represent a massive shot of stimulus into an economy already operating near capacity. US interest rates are rising – they are rapidly diverging from the rates in other developed economies -- and the Federal Reserve Board is draining liquidity from the economy by shrinking its balance sheet.

So naturally the dollar is strengthening against other currencies, especially China’s.

The Trump tariffs, because they will affect China’s export volumes, will also reduce demand for the renminbi, which could lead to further depreciation. A lower renminbi relative to the US dollar does blunt the impact of the tariffs, but that’s an outcome rather than a strategy.

Donald Trump and his team might believe China manipulates its currency to gain an unfair advantage in trade with the US, harming the US economy and costing it jobs and investment, but the evidence of the past decade doesn’t support the accusation.

Opening a new front in trade war

That may not stop the US government from continuing to try to label China a manipulator, with Trump saying recently his administration was looking at changing the formula used to assess possible currency manipulation.

If the US Treasury wasn’t able or willing to distort the facts on China’s currency’s behaviour to fit the administration’s prejudices, it hasn’t stopped the administration from opening a new front in its trade conflict with China.

The Trump administration announced on Wednesday that it plans to withdraw from an international postal treaty that dates back to 1874 that sets the fees that the national postal services in more than 190 countries charge to deliver mail and parcels across borders.

For nearly half a century, the postal rates for developing economies, including China’s, have been lower than those for developed economies like the US.

The discount for China relative to US companies or individuals when shipping parcels internationally can be as much as 70 per cent, giving China’s online retailers, for instance, an advantage over US retailers and creating what the administration has claimed is a US subsidy of about $US300 million a year.

While the US has given notice of its intention to withdraw from the agreement, it could take up to a year for that exit to happen and for the US to impose its own rates on international mail.

If it proceeds, it will provide another dimension to the trade assault on China and the US government's wider attempts to extricate itself from the multilateral agreements and institutions that it generally played a key role in developing.

The Universal Postal Union, a United Nations agency based in Bern in Switzerland, is one of the world’s oldest multilateral institutions.

The US played a pivotal role in its history, with calls by the then US Postmaster-General, Montgomery Blair, for an international postal union in the 1860s eventually leading to the creation of the agency just over a decade later. Now the US government plans to tear up its membership card.

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