

This was published 6 years ago

Big investors backed shareholder campaigns on climate, human rights

By Ruth Williams

It had already been a challenging year for BHP by the time its new chairman, Ken MacKenzie, took to the stage at the company's AGM last November.

Illustration: Joe Benke

Illustration: Joe Benke

The complex repercussions of the deadly Samarco mine disaster in Brazil two years before rolled on and combative hedge fund Elliott had spent much of the year using its toe-hold shareholding to push for a radical shake-up.

Against that backdrop a resolution lobbed by a tiny group of retail shareholders coordinated by a Canberra NGO, questioning BHP's membership of groups like the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) and its response to climate change, seemed like a third-order issue.

BHP had already been on the front foot; pledging to review its peak body memberships, and to spell out how its policies on climate and energy diverged from the MCA and others.

"Our climate change strategy is tied to economic growth, so our sustained growth is not possible without an effective response," MacKenzie told shareholders in a speech emphasising the importance of BHP's social licence.

But some big investors, it seems, were not satisfied. As MacKenzie finished his speech it would soon be revealed that the votes backing the resolution had reached a discomfiting level of almost 10 per cent. Not only that - there were also a high number of abstentions, more than 5 per cent.

Who had ignored the board's call to vote against the resolution? The answer to that question was not widely known until now.

Proxy voting disclosures, compiled by proxy intelligence firm Proxy Insight and made available to Fairfax Media, throw up some surprisingly big names - and not just at BHP.

Analysis of several votes, including at the Woolworths, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Origin Energy and Oil Search annual meetings, shows some of those who sided with NGO-led rebellions are serious hitters in the investment world.


In BHP's case they included Australian asset manager BT Investment Management, part-owned by Westpac Bank with $98 billion in funds under management, and big European asset managers Deutsche and Nordea.

Also voting yes were a clutch of industry super funds from Australia, and the US$300 billion-plus Californian pension fund CalPERS. And then there was Schroders - the London asset manager that, according to Bloomberg data, ranks among BHP's top 10 shareholders.

And as for Elliott and its stake? It hasn't disclosed how it voted, and declined to tell Fairfax Media when asked.

The good oil

Oil Search faced a resolution from Melbourne NGO Market Forces in May, calling for the disclosure of risks posed to the oil and gas explorer and producer's operations from climate change.

In a rare move, proxy advisors ISS and CGI Glass Lewis recommended their clients vote in favour - "to reinforce shareholders' interests in receiving climate change disclosure, accompanied by the fact that the Board is willingly providing and improving its disclosure on this matter," ISS wrote.

Indeed, at the AGM in Port Moresby, chairman Rick Lee was at pains to set out Oil Search's climate credentials, including its commitments on transparency, saying the company was "passionately interested" in the issue.

Proxy Insight's research shows that the asset management arms of Norges Bank - a top 20 shareholder, according to Bloomberg - HSBC, Aviva, BMO Global, BNY Mellon, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo all voted with Market Forces. As did Australian industry funds Local Government Super, Hesta, TWU Super and Club Super; and giant North American pension funds CalPERS, CalSTRS, and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board.

Market Forces, after considering the action taken by the company, agreed at the meeting to withdraw the resolution - but not before a screen revealed the agenda item had attracted the support of 20 per cent of stock voted - a significant bloody nose for a board.

These sorts of shareholder resolutions, targeting environmental and social issues, have in the past attracted little support in Australia - on occasion getting less than 1 per cent of the vote.

But the Oil Search and BHP votes, along with the voting disclosures compiled by Proxy Insight, show how support for them is spreading beyond the ethical investment and activist realms to the mainstream.

There are more resolutions being filed and, investors say, the tiny NGOs coordinating them are getting better at drafting resolutions that investors will actually vote for. Which is important when those NGOs will often have different priorities to the globe-striding institutions whose support they seek.

"We are not returns-driven, but I think there is a growing recognition in the mainstream investment world of the power of this method," says Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility executive director Brynn O'Brien.

It was the ACCR that homed in on BHP and its peak body memberships, bringing into focus an issue that was being discussed among companies and investors world-wide. Others have focused on the disclosure of climate risks - a pressing issue for many investors.

New chairman Ken MacKenzie speaks at BHP's AGM in November.

New chairman Ken MacKenzie speaks at BHP's AGM in November.Credit: Bloomberg

But it is a trend that is sparking headaches for boards, with some directors arguing the resolutions are time-consuming and costly, and at times demand information that companies have already agreed to provide.

The Australasian Investor Relations Association has called for a tightening of the rules on who can lodge resolutions, amid concerns that the use of them "could get out of control" - greatly increasing the workload on boards and management in the process.

But the groups coordinating the resolutions say their work is getting results, and some in the investment community agree.

"Anecdotal comments from the director community suggest that responding to shareholder resolutions is massively time-consuming and potentially distracting for boards," says Dan Smith, general manager of proxy advisor CGI Glass Lewis. "But it forces them to confront issues important to some shareholders that had previously been given low priority."

Packed agenda

Market Forces is considering potential resolutions for several upcoming AGMs, including QBE and Santos.

The ACCR was this week searching for the required 100 shareholders needed to lodge a peak-body focused resolution as the deadline looms ahead of Rio Tinto's AGM in May.

"We have met with the ACCR and are having a constructive dialogue with them around climate change policy issues and the role of industry associations," a Rio Tinto spokesman said.

For its part, Market Forces does not regard double-digit tallies as successes.

"We need to focus on the 80 per cent who, for some reason, don't think disclosure of climate risk is worth voting for," says executive director Julien Vincent.

BlackRock is the world's biggest asset manager, and its voting decisions are closely watched.

BlackRock is the world's biggest asset manager, and its voting decisions are closely watched.Credit: Bloomberg

The number of investors supporting such resolutions is still dwarfed by those who vote against them. Some resolutions in 2017 were certainly fizzers, with motions at CBA and Downer EDI securing only about 3 per cent support - athough the likes of Deutsche and pension giant ABP backed the CBA vote.

Last month, the corporate regulator reported the average vote on such resolutions in 2017 was just 6 per cent. However, the votes on several of the best-supported resolutions were not included because, for various reasons, they did not proceed to a formal vote at the AGMs - even though institutions' proxy votes had already been lodged.

The picture behind the scenes is more complex than the headline numbers suggest, Smith says.

"To be clear, the nominal low votes in favour of resolutions don’t mean that action isn’t happening behind the scenes, or that companies aren’t listening," he says.

"Just look at BHP with the MCA membership."

In the Europe and the US, environmental and social issue-focused shareholder resolutions are more common, and - as seen with oil giants ExxonMobil and Occidental last year - sometimes even get up. But Australian investors have traditionally been wary.

A key issue is that, unlike in other jurisdictions, shareholders in Australia can't put forward advisory resolutions on issues deemed to relate to the management of the company.

To get around this, groups first put forward resolutions to change the company's constitution to allow advisory resolutions - a "clunky and unhelpful" system, says Ed John from the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors, which wants reform of the laws.

Constitutional change is considered a step too far for many Australian investors, who refuse to back such motions (this was not an issue at Oil Search, with PNG corporate law allowing shareholder proposals). And because these first resolutions never succeed, the subsequent resolutions do not formally proceed, even though most investors have already directed their proxies.

But there's also the fact that Australian investors, unlike those in the US, have good access to boards and directors, and can often raise concerns in face-to-face meetings - a less adversarial and, it is argued, more constructive form of engagement.

So what has changed? First, Paris.

Investors, as they seek to price risk in their own portfolios, want companies to start using a landmark set of reporting rules nailed down by the G20's Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) last year, anchored on the Paris agreement's pledge to keep global warming to "well below" 2 degrees. The resolutions at Santos, Oil Search and Origin called for disclosure in line with the TCFD rules.

Regulators have also put financial institutions on notice over the need to consider climate risks.

And institutions world-wide, keen to burnish their responsible investor credentials, are becoming more willing to flex their muscles on so-called "ESG" - environment, social and governance - issues.

Decision points

At the Origin AGM in October, a resolution based on climate disclosure won almost 14 per cent of the vote (Origin and BHP published the votes on all their shareholder resolutions, including those that did not formally proceed).

And at Woolworths the following month, big industry funds including Australian Super, CBUS and HESTA joined Deutsche in voting for an ACCR resolution on human rights reporting. The final tally on that vote was not known, as the ACCR withdrew the resolution before the AGM after commitments from the company.

Investors were selective about which resolutions they backed. Australia's biggest industry fund, Australian Super, voted for the human rights resolution at Woolworths and the climate resolution at Origin, but against those at Oil Search and Santos. It declined to comment.

BT Investment Management voted for the resolution at BHP, but against others including those at Woolworths and CBA.

It says it keeps its reasons for voting on specific resolutions confidential, but its preference remains to "engage directly with the company and advocate for change privately".

Colonial First State Global Asset Management, whose shares were voted in support of a Santos resolution on climate change reporting, says the group does not "see a shareholder resolution as the end point for any issue and instead incorporate the concerns expressed into our ongoing engagement program".

And AMP Capital's Karin Halliday has said publicly that the investment manager abstained from voting on some shareholder resolutions last year, a move she said had led to more dialogue with companies. AMP is yet to release its proxy voting record for last year's main AGM season.

MLC Investments and Macquarie Investment Management Global both voted against the climate resolutions at Santos and Oil Search (they have also not yet disclosed for the later AGMs).

And among Australia's other industry funds, Local Government Super, VicSuper, HESTA and MTAA backed multiple resolutions while opposing others, and CBUS voted against all the climate resolutions while supporting the human rights resolution at Woolworths.

Kristian Fok, chief investment officer at CBUS - which is active in investor groups targeting climate change risk - says the fund considers each resolution on a case by case basis, but cites the constitutional change issue as a factor in its decision-making.

CBUS supports ACSI's push to give shareholders the power to lodge non-binding advisory motions at AGMs. "Shareholders have successfully used this mechanism in other jurisdictions to make improvements on important issues such as climate change and human rights," Fok says.

Among offshore institutions, Deutsche Asset Management - the arm of Germany's Deutsche Bank with US$875 billion funds under management - backed multiple resolutions including those at Woolworths, BHP and Commonwealth Bank. It has made measuring climate change risk a priority.

Deutsche Asset Management voted for multiple shareholder resolutions in Australia.

Deutsche Asset Management voted for multiple shareholder resolutions in Australia.Credit: AP

"If a company has good governance in place, then usually environmental and social issues are also covered and taken care of," says the group's head of corporate governance, Nicolas Huber, who says Deutsche "strives" to support shareholder proposals.

"We take a close look at each proposal, and if it is transparency related, and helps reduce environmental and social risks, then we support it."

The US's biggest pension fund, the US$300 billion CalPERS, was also an enthusiastic supporter, backing all but the climate change resolution at Commonwealth Bank. It declined to comment.

Dozens of other pension funds from North America and Europe - including the US$400 billion Netherlands giant ABP, the Ontario Teachers Pension Fund and CalSTRS - also threw their support behind multiple proposals.

Then there were the passive investment behemoths Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street, whose voting decisions are closely watched - mainly because of their sheer market power. They have been selective in their support for climate resolutions in the US.

In Australia, State Street Global Advisors chose to abstain at Commonwealth Bank and Santos.

State Street's head of ESG investments and asset stewardship, Rakhi Kumar, says the group will vote against management on resolutions if "company disclosure, practice and board governance structure were found to be inadequate, or did not meet market practice".

"We abstain on resolutions if companies have demonstrated progress or are receptive to our feedback during the course of engagement."

Voting records released to date for Vanguard show it did not support the resolutions at Santos and Oil Search.

At BlackRock, its head of investment stewardship in Asia Pacific, Pru Bennett says it did not support any Australian resolutions last year.

"If we thought issues raised in a shareholder proposal were valid and we had a refusal from the company to address the issue or to engage... we may in those cases support the shareholder proposal," she says.

Fair game?

When it comes to shareholder resolutions on environmental or social issues, Bennett is sympathetic to some of the complaints coming from companies.

"It's very frustrating when there's a shareholder proposal requesting greater disclosure, or that is critical of the company, and when we review [what] that company is doing on the subject [it] has been very transparent and the shareholder proposal is based on disclosure of up to two years ago," she says. "These things can be very distracting to management."

This was a key argument of Santos, in responding to a Market Forces climate resolution last year.

"The company... already factors in climate change related risks and opportunities into its strategic and planning processes, and reports comprehensively on relevant climate change metrics," it said.

Oil Search says it was already "on track" to adopt the TCFD rules before Market Forces' 2017 resolution landed.

(Market Forces says it closely examines companies' public disclosures before deciding whether to proceed with resolutions.)

Some companies take a sanguine view, with one describing the resolution process as "fair game".

"If the resolution has merit, then you deal with it."

But the AIRA, whose members liaise between companies and investors, says there is potential for the number being put forward to get out of control, unreasonably increasing the workload on board and management in the process - especially if the laws were changed to make it easier to lodge advisory motions.

AIRA chief executive Ian Matheson proposes scrapping the rule that allows a resolution to be placed on an agenda with the support of 100 shareholders - leaving in place the requirement for 5 per cent of issued capital.

It's a measure, he says, that would acknowledge the amount of time it takes companies to deal with the proposals. "One hundred shareholders these days is such a minuscule number for most companies," Matheson says.

Some of the climate resolutions had been constructive and led to "enhanced disclosure" by companies, Matheson says. But on the ACCR's human rights-focused resolution at Oil Search, he says that "what they were asserting was complete rubbish", pointing to the work the company had done for the PNG community.

O'Brien strongly rejects Matheson's criticism of the ACCR's Oil Search resolution, saying they showed a lack of understanding and that the proposal had highlighted "serious risks" to the company. (Oil Search has said its current approach "adequately addresses" potential human rights risks).

"It is not a straightforward task to recruit 100 individual shareholders in any company," O'Brien adds. "The process usually takes several months, and long conversations with many groups, including large Australian investors, about the need for the resolution, the research basis for it, and the likelihood that it will improve a company’s performance against key risk indicators."

Full disclosure

The Proxy Insight research is based on disclosures from investors around the world. But it only shows part of the picture, because the extent to which investors are transparent about how they vote, and when they choose to release this information, varies wildly.

Members of Australia's Financial Services Council - such as AMP and BTIM - are required to disclose their voting records on their websites within three months of the end of their financial year, which is why there is more information on the Oil Search and Santos votes, whose AGMs were held in the second half of 2016-17, than those whose AGMs were in November.

Others disclose more frequently, and some don't disclose much at all. Government-owned institutions the Future Fund and the Victorian Funds Management Corporation, for example, just publish an aggregate of their voting decisions and their proxy voting policies, with the Future Fund saying it "engages privately" with companies on governance matters.

O'Brien, among others, points to a "disconnect" between institutions calling for increased disclosure on some issues, while practicing less than full transparency on their own governance matters.

One of the most enthusiastic backers of resolutions in Australia, industry fund LGS, is one of very few world-wide that discloses its decisions before an AGM.

"We see transparency and disclosure as fundamental concepts to being a responsible investor," says its head of sustainability, Bill Hartnett.

LGS supported the resolutions, he says, because it believed it was "vitally important" for investors to signal the importance of ESG issues to boards. Resolutions in Australia had "matured significantly" in recent years.

"We have long expected to see a rise in shareholder resolutions in Australia," he says. "This eventuated in 2017 and promises to continue in 2018."

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