

This was published 13 years ago

How fraudsters can easily bring the watchdog to heel

By Michael Pascoe

MEMO Greg Medcraft: Don't blow your honeymoon period as the new Australian Securities and Investments Commission chairman by lending your name to naff media releases.

Last week's ASIC announcement of its successful civil action against Firepower conman Tim Johnston could have been a Lewis Carroll, fantasy but in fairness to the watchpuppy's PR department, the whole court case was a trip through the looking glass.

A quick refresher: Tim Johnston is the ''fuel pill'' conman behind the Firepower scam, the bloke who shouted extravagant and patently false claims about magic fuel additives from the top of Australia's most public mountain - sports sponsorship. With a little help from his associates, Johnston suckered a bunch of high-profile mugs and ordinary punters into buying shares in Firepower, promising them fabulous riches when the company listed, which, of course, it never would.

Firepower ripped substantially more than $100 million off foolish investors.

It certainly made money for Tim Johnston and for some of his mates, such as the colourful property development identity Warren Anderson and spruiker Quentin Ward, who presented himself as a financial adviser. Johnston used sports sponsorship to promote his scam.

Among others, Firepower adorned the jerseys of the Western Force rugby union team, the South Sydney Rabbitohs rugby league side, racing cars and, most infamously, the Sydney Kings basketball franchise. Johnston bought the Kings, which meant they were wiped out when Firepower was exposed.

That Firepower was a nonsense should have been self-evident, but it took a series of Sydney Morning Herald articles in 2007 to blow the racket. That was four years ago. Firepower was officially liquidated in 2008 - three years ago. And this week, following an application by ASIC, the Federal Court banned Timothy Francis Johnston from managing companies for 20 years. Quentin Ward was banned for only six years. Gee, that'll teach 'em.

It is believed that Plod's investigations are slowly continuing, with an eye to possible criminal action, but in the meantime we're treated to this from ASIC: ''ASIC chairman Greg Medcraft welcomed the court's decision and endorsed the statement by Justice Gilmour that Mr Johnston's conduct 'is the kind of conduct which diminishes investor and public confidence in commercial markets'.

''Mr Medcraft said the case highlighted the importance of investors having all the information they need to reasonably make an informed decision about a company.

'' 'Where this does not occur as a result of the failings of gatekeepers like directors and advisers then ASIC will not hesitate to act,' Mr Medcraft said.


'' 'We will continue to hold gatekeepers accountable, to ensure investors are confident and informed'.''

Oh, please. Johnston a gatekeeper? I wonder if ASIC checked him for unpaid parking tickets. Four years after a huge fraud was exposed, ASIC is celebrating a relatively technical victory about the way the Firepower gang sold shares. ASIC did hesitate to act - not moving until the game was pretty much over, just as it failed to move on Storm Financial until it was kaput.

But the surreal aspect is that ASIC and the legal system treats Firepower as if it was something like a real enterprise instead of a fraud.

Banning Tim Johnston from managing companies for 20 years would have been like banning Ronald Biggs in absentia from catching trains.

ASIC has nothing to be proud of in the Firepower matter. It is belatedly tidying up a mess it allowed to blossom.

Michael Pascoe is a contributing editor.

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