By Nassim Khadem
Financial planners will reap hefty commissions and incentives pressuring them to sell inappropriate bank and insurance products to consumers, according to detailed analysis of the Abbott government's roll-back of financial advice reforms.
In a bid to hit back at the lobby efforts of the big banks and retail funds, Industry Super Australia has launched a report that suggests the government's changes to Future of Financial Advice reforms passed by the former Labor government will allow conflicted payments and volume rebates worth billions of dollars per year to planners.
The government's changes come just days after a multi-party Senate committee recommended a royal commission on the Commonwealth Bank financial planning scandal involving allegations against its former staff committing fraud and forgery and a cover-up by management.
Despite the scathing Senate report, which singled out the Australian Securities and Investments Commission for failing in its duties, the government's regulations came into force on Tuesday.
Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said conflicted remuneration for financial advisers had been banned since July 2013. "No matter how often Industry Super repeats an inaccurate assertion does not make it true," he said.
"ISA are fighting hard to protect a commercial advantage for their members in a competitive market."
But Industry Super Australia chief executive David Whiteley said the sales culture was being brought back. ''Financial advice will not be impartial; it will be heavily influenced by various sales incentives,'' Mr Whiteley said.
The ISA report, Commissions By Another Name, said the government's changes, if passed by the Senate, would ''permit incentives to drive misselling of complex products given that basic banking products are already completely exempt".