

This was published 8 years ago

Budget 2016: Scott Morrison puts superannuation in the spotlight in low-spending budget

By Mark Kenny and James Massola

Bold superannuation changes that hit high income earners but leave 96 per cent of Australians untouched are at the centre of Treasurer Scott Morrison's first, low-spending election-eve budget.

As the Reserve Bank took the unprecedented step of cutting interest rates to a record low on budget day, a suite of super changes that will hit the Liberal base and raise net $2.8 billion in revenue were unveiled. A new diverted profits tax that targets multinational tax avoidance and raises $3.2 billion was also announced.

Offsetting that, a tax cut from 28.5 per cent to 27.5 per cent will please eligible small and medium businesses and over time the number of companies receiving the discount tax rate will grow. By 2026-27, all business will pay a rate of 25 per cent, "which is where we need to be to be competitive", the Treasurer said.

"We raise $6 billion in our changes to superannuation, we raise that from some four per cent of super account holders in the country, and we invest $3 billion of that back in the other 96 per cent," he said.

Small personal tax cuts that raise the third income tax bracket from $80,001 to a new threshold of $87,001 and which "made some space" for taxpayers were also unveiled, though Mr Morrison said the cut would deliver at most about $316 per year to people at the top end of the tax bracket.

However, Labor's claim that the government has done more for the top end rather than the majority of taxpayers has been given a fillip by a lift in the income threshold triggering the second highest 37 cent income tax bracket.

"I'm not claiming this is some great big tax cut at all, that's not its purpose, what I'm seeking to do in this budget is expand the middle income tax bracket," Mr Morrison said.


Taken together, the Treasurer said the super changes recognised the system should not be "one size fits all" and that more flexibility for older Australians, women and carers was needed.

The overall tax package, according to Treasury modelling, would deliver a one per cent increase in GDP and "a $16 billion lift in the Australian economy. That's what investing in jobs and growth is all about."

In a cautious blueprint which aims to make a virtue of not "splashing money around" despite the looming election, the government has banked on getting a tick from Australians for sound economic management and for setting a path towards a comparatively small $6 billion deficit in four years rather than through the usual pre-election vote-buying.

The budget has been designed to stamp Malcolm Turnbull's authority on the Coalition heading into the election campaign and to emphasise the fairness he promised, in sharp distinction to the politically disastrous 2014 Abbott-Hockey budget.

The budget makes dramatic changes to the way rich individuals can utilise generous superannuation concessions through a new $1.6 million limit on the total size of retirement accounts, limits on the amount of post-tax income that can be tipped in, and a crimping of the concessions available to those earning above $250,000.

But the promise of a "stronger" economy was immediately called into question by the Reserve Bank's decision to cut the cash rate to just 1.75 per cent, with the bank citing difficulties in the global economy, and the slow-down in China.

In his statement, Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens said Australia's recent inflation data was "unexpectedly low".

"While the quarterly data contain some temporary factors, these results, together with ongoing very subdued growth in labour costs and very low cost pressures elsewhere in the world, point to a lower outlook for inflation than previously forecast," Mr Stevens said in his statement.

With revenues continuing to slow, stripping billions from the budget, the Treasurer said now was not the time to be spending money, despite the temptations of the July 2 poll.

"Our new spending commitments have been more than offset by our disciplined restraint and better targeting of spending in other areas," Mr Morrison said.

"This is not the time to be splashing money around or increasing the tax burden on our economy or on hardworking Australians and their families."

Those at the bottom end of the income scales will be eligible for a new low income superannuation tax offset which will ensure that there is now tax penalty - ordinarily 15 per cent on contributions - for those paying into their retirement savings accounts.

In all, superannuation reforms raise $2.8 billion over four years. The tougher rules on multinational tax avoidance $3.2 billion over four years and adoption of Labor's 12.5 tobacco excise hike will raise $4.7 billion over that period.

These savings and revenue measures will be offset by personal income and business tax cuts and the additional assistance for small business which costs $9.2 billion over four years - a net improvement of $1.6 billion over four years to the budget bottom line.

Since the 2015-16 budget, the deficit has blown out by a further $36.3 billion over four years; a deterioration of $10.2 billion through until 2018-19. Following the first quarter when the CPI had entered a period of deflation, the CPI been revised down a quarter of a percentage point to 2 per cent in 2016-17 and down another quarter of a percent the following year.

Economic growth is also expected to cool in 2016-17 before recovering to trend growth of 3 per cent in the following three years.

Unemployment, currently running at 5.7 per cent, is forecast to fall to an average of 5.5 per cent over the next four years. This represents a more bullish outlook on the jobs market than Treasury had made in the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook delivered before Christmas.

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