

This was published 1 year ago

Fool’s gold: Tearing down crypto’s ‘quasi-libertarian pyramid scheme’

By Dominic Powell

Over the past four years, the amount of money spent by pro-crypto firms on lobbying US policymakers has more than quadrupled, topping $US9 million ($13.8 million) in 2021.

While this is small fry compared to the billions spent on lobbying in other industries, it sets alarm bells ringing for the likes of Stephen Diehl, a British software engineer whose writings about the Web3 industry have positioned him – somewhat reluctantly – as one of the industry’s biggest critics.

Computer programmer Stephen Diehl has become one of crypto’s biggest sceptics.

Computer programmer Stephen Diehl has become one of crypto’s biggest sceptics.

Over the past year, Diehl and a raft of other crypto sceptics have ramped up lobbying efforts of their own, trying to warn policymakers about what he perceives as the major pitfalls of crypto and its emergence as a “quasi-libertarian pyramid scheme”.

The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald spoke to Diehl for our weekly series You, Me and Web3, which aims to examine, challenge and demystify the ideas behind the emerging industry by speaking to the people who live and breathe it.

When did crypto first come to your attention?


I’m a software engineer, and I’ve been working in the software industry for about 15 years now usually around things in the intersection of financial services and asset management. I first saw crypto come onto the scene around 2012, but I regarded it as this technical curio. It was kind of inconsequential.

And then around 2017, it started to really pervade the technology sector in a way that I had never seen before. And it emerged from this technical curio into this quasi-libertarian pyramid scheme, and increasingly started attracting large amounts of capital from the industry. Then around 2018, that’s when all hell broke loose, and it went on a wild rip in the market, and a lot of institutional investors were getting on board.

I’d been sceptical of the technology for a while, then about two years ago, I started writing what most people in the technology industry were saying in private, but weren’t saying publicly. And my writing has been fairly popular in the sceptical camp, and now I’m the go-to person for the media in Western Europe for a contrarian perspective on these issues.


How do you feel about being in that position? Is it something you embrace or regret?

I’m kind of regretful in the sense that it feels like there’s nobody else to do it. There’s so much boosterism out there that it can be hard to find the contrarian perspective, or even just the mainstream economics reading of it.

People get recruited into the scheme by being told they can make money for free by doing nothing. And that’s very seductive.

The thing about most computer scientists and economists is they don’t take crypto seriously. But they don’t take it seriously enough to even comment on it because the economists think of it as tulips, and the technologists think of it as broken technology. There are more interesting things to talk about in both economics and technology.

So they generally don’t opine on the subject because either they don’t understand it, or they don’t take it seriously. So, reluctantly, I fill the role of reiterating the mainstream view of technology and economics publicly. And I guess there’s a market for that.

What’s your main critique of the crypto/Web3 space?

I come from a very traditional economics perspective, just the normal sort of Keynesian perspective on money. And at the heart of crypto seems to be a paradox, which is the better something is at being money, the worst is at being an investment, and vice versa.

Crypto exchange Coinbase was a major lobbyist last year.

Crypto exchange Coinbase was a major lobbyist last year.Credit: Bloomberg

Crypto pretends to be both simultaneously. There is this inherent logical contradiction baked into its entire structure. The better crypto is at ‘going to the moon’, the less it functions as money. But also, if it’s going to remain stable and be a medium of exchange for commerce, it will never be a great investment.

Crypto really wants to pretend both of those things can be true simultaneously. And that contradicts all economics.

So is your biggest issue with crypto from an economic perspective rather than a cultural one?


I have many criticisms of it from very different perspectives. Crypto resonates a lot with this heterodox rethink of economics, which is very popular in certain American right-wing circles. They like to have commodity-based hard money, they want to abolish the Federal Reserve. Crypto definitely resonates with that audience.

Also as an investment, it’s income free: bitcoin doesn’t generate any income. You can just trade it to the next fool, which means that the entire premise of the scheme means that you have to keep recruiting more and more people into it. And that’s metastasised into this really toxic culture of trying to bring more and more people into the scheme and telling them economic absurdities to just get them to invest.

You were one of the main organisers of the recent Crypto Policy Symposium and you were also behind the congressional letter campaign warning policymakers about crypto. How important are these counter-lobbying efforts, considering the considerable amount of pro-crypto lobbying that goes on?

Unfortunately, yes – especially in America where money can buy policy. It’s really important the leaders in Washington don’t just hear from people who are self-interested and actually hear from the public. There has to be this sort of grassroots counter lobbying, just to tell people on the Hill the mainstream view and why it may not necessarily be the best thing for society.

Without the work we’re doing with the Policy Symposium, they’re just purely going to hear from the lobbyists’ very biased views.

Is one of the issues with crypto the fact that the public doesn’t truly understand it, and that, as you said, technologists and economists have better things to talk about? Has that let this pro-crypto view thrive and flourish over the past few years?

Absolutely, the public doesn’t understand it at all. People get recruited into the scheme by being told they can make money for free by doing nothing. And that’s very seductive.

If I take like an average person, like a nurse in the NHS, she shouldn’t have to understand Keynesian economics, how the Federal Reserve functions, how money is created, and seigniorage - profit made by a government by issuing currency, all this stuff to deconstruct the crypto narrative. The average layperson shouldn’t have to do all those things. They should be protected from the worst excesses of the financial services sector by sensible public policy.

Unfortunately, with crypto, none of that exists, so it has this massive recruiting and marketing budget to bring more people into the scheme. But the public is not inoculated against this, so a lot of damage gets done.

Right now, we’re in a deep bear market for the crypto space. Do you think that’s enough to change minds and change the trajectory of the crypto narrative?

Last year, especially with like a big marketing push in the Superbowl ads with Matt Damon, I think the crypto industry burned a lot of people, 70 per cent of those that invested during the pandemic are now down on their investment. Until crypto can have parabolic returns again, I don’t think the public will take much of a look at it anymore because it’s not a good investment. And you only sell a greater fool asset for so long because there’s a finite number of fools in the world.

I don’t think there’s going to be much resurgence anytime soon, I think it’s going to be in a slump for a while. And hopefully that will be enough time to push some regulation, reform, and hopefully curtail the worst of what we saw last year.

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