

This was published 1 year ago

Binance Australia boss says country has ‘too many’ crypto exchanges

By Dominic Powell

For years, crypto behemoth Binance has been one of the biggest players in the digital asset space, going from strength to strength while other competitors – such as the ill-fated FTX – fell behind.

It appears the Australian market is no exception, with local boss Leigh Travers saying the business has now hit one million users – despite having been around for just two years.

Binance Australia boss Leigh Travers believes the local market has too many exchanges, saying the current downturn will likely mean the end for some.

Binance Australia boss Leigh Travers believes the local market has too many exchanges, saying the current downturn will likely mean the end for some.Credit: The Age

In a market as small as Australia, competition for users can be fierce, especially as the prices of major cryptocurrencies continue to plunge. Travers believes the local market has too many exchanges, saying the current downturn will likely mean the end for some.

The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald spoke to Travers for our weekly series You, Me and Web3, which aims to examine, challenge and demystify the ideas behind the emerging industry by speaking to the people who live and breathe it.

You’ve just cracked one million users in Australia, where does that place you in the grand scheme of local crypto exchanges?

In terms of customer numbers, I think that places us second behind CoinSpot, but in terms of volumes, we’re definitely first. Obviously, we’re looking to get to number one for customers too over time.

Did you see a big surge in new users following the FTX collapse last month?

Yeah, definitely. There was immediately a pretty big jump, particularly because we’re the only other Australian crypto exchange that has a derivatives offering. We hit all-time highs for the number of users and volumes pretty quickly after the FTX issues. And from a global perspective, I think about 50 per cent of the volume that was on FTX came across to Binance.


The other interesting one is that during November, we had a record number of new corporate accounts, such as corporate entities, family trusts, or self-managed super funds. Whether that was FTX-driven or volatility driven, I’m not too sure.


On FTX, what are your thoughts on the collapse? Is it an indictment on crypto, or more of an issue with poor governance?

It’s upsetting to be in the industry and know that others outside the industry are potentially perceiving all crypto exchange operators and everyone involved in the industry in the same way. And to see the shocking governance FTX had and its lack of accounting controls. We hold ourselves to a certain standard, and to see that it was just completely disregarded elsewhere is pretty shocking.

It’s a clear case that there were terrible controls at FTX. But in terms of that being systematic through the industry, I don’t think so. There are quite a few operators that I know in this market that are ex-traditional financial services and would never let a business they run operate in that way.

But it’s also a new market with start-ups in it, and start-ups can grow way too quickly before they have time to build those controls. Those are the risks the market needs to manage. When that growth starts to drop, I think you’re going to see that a fair few of the bad actors and those that were swimming naked will be in trouble.

Certainly, I think regulators, banks, and customers will hold the industry to a much higher account.

Binance global boss CZ Zhao said he would look at acquiring some of FTX’s assest as the bankruptcy proceeds.

Binance global boss CZ Zhao said he would look at acquiring some of FTX’s assest as the bankruptcy proceeds.Credit: Bloomberg

You say that there are many exchanges that are trustworthy and would never run their business like FTX, but everyone thought FTX was trustworthy too before it collapsed. Are users going to trust anything exchanges tell them from now on?

That’s exactly the issue, and as a result, I think we’re going to see a lot more customers taking a “don’t trust, verify” approach. That’ll include digital proofs where you can prove solvency and prove assets, which is something that we’ve done. There have also been various audits taking place.

People sometimes ask why don’t we just get the big four audit firms to come through and manage everyone? They’re not quite ready yet. I’ve been working with companies since 2014 in this space, and we have used a variety of different auditors, including the big four, and they really don’t have the appetite for Australian crypto businesses at this point.


What’s your view on the Australian exchange landscape at the moment? We’ve got a number of different high-profile companies operating for a relatively small population, do you think we have too many? Could we see consolidation?

Yeah, there probably are too many exchanges. I think AUSTRAC says there are more than 400 registered exchanges, which is just wild. And if there’s an extended bear market, they’re not all going to survive, no chance.

But in terms of M&A, what would you be looking for? You might be looking for licences, but the value of an AUSTRAC DCE license is quite low. You might be looking for profitability, but that’s quite low at the moment. Or you might be looking for customer numbers, but though they might look high, the acquirer might already have most of those same customers.

I would say it’s not that common for mergers to take place, or acquisitions, except for staffing reasons.


Is there any appetite from Binance for acquisitions at the moment?

There’s a huge appetite – we have a $2 billion fund that’s been set up just for the Web3 market. We’re on the lookout for businesses to acquire in the Web3 infrastructure space. Obviously, we look at things like licences, profitability, customer numbers and tech. But there are other areas where we can see there might be synergies. Or maybe it’s a Web2 business, and we can provide them with Web3 infrastructure, and help that business grow towards the next market.

Would you think about buying the local assets of FTX out of administration?

I don’t think that’s something that we’d be looking to target. The customers are probably looking at other platforms to use, and hopefully, there’s a good outcome for them. But for us to acquire a customer book? Probably not.

Looking to 2023, how do you think the crypto market and broader Web3 space will fare?

I don’t think we’re going to see a huge pick-up over the Christmas break or anything like that – I think that sentiment is still very subdued. Plus, we’ve got the regulatory changes that are going on, so people will be putting in a lot of work on that front to make sure that the right sort of regulations are in place, but also so that consumers can be a lot more protected than they have been in the past.

The institutional side of our business is something that we’ve seen grow quite tremendously, and we’re going to have a big focus on that. I would say that market is completely open for us; the most recent figures I saw showed the SMSF market had just $1.8 billion of a total $870 billion in crypto, so a very small portion.

Hopefully, there are also more reasonable valuations for early-stage investment opportunities so the market can start to see that there is capital coming back in and there are not those contagion risks still washing through DCG and Genesis. The market is still quite cautious heading into 2023, but there’s a lot to look positively towards as well.

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