

This was published 9 years ago

Liberal leadership: New day, new government – sort of

By Michael Pascoe

A new day and a new government – well, sort of.

At least the promise of a new government, even though in his first outing as restored Liberal leader, Malcolm Turnbull was very strongly indicating he would keep his less-right-wing proclivities under strict control.

Indeed, the only concrete policy issue touched on on Monday night was to confirm the Abbott regime's whacky "Direct Action" climate policy. It looks like Malcolm has learned from his mistakes as it was his commitment to an emissions trading scheme (ETS) that allowed Abbott to take his job as opposition leader by one vote.

That is a slight worry – an early example of Liberal Party politics trumping policy from the get-go of his prime ministership. Analyse Turnbull's first public words as PM and they were as much about hosing down his party's right wing as promising the nation better government.

As far as CO2 concentrations go, if Australia went totally sustainable overnight, the atmosphere would barely notice.

As far as CO2 concentrations go, if Australia went totally sustainable overnight, the atmosphere would barely notice.Credit: Bloomberg

After all that the coalition has invested in demonising the pricing of carbon, it shouldn't be a surprise that an ETS won't be adopted any time soon – never mind that a much higher proportion of economists recommend carbon pricing than dentists use whatever that brand of toothpaste is.

That means those of us who pay income tax will continue to directly subsidise carbon polluters. You might call that a warped form of carbon tax.

In the never-never-land section of the climate change policy Environment Minister Greg Hunt and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will take to Paris, there is indeed the opening for Australian carbon emitters to take part in an international ETS down the track – just don't tell broadcaster Alan Jones and friends.


The reality is that, in concrete, measurable terms, there is actually extremely little Australia can do to reduce global carbon emissions. As far as CO2 concentrations go, if we went totally sustainable overnight, the atmosphere would barely notice.

Illustration: Rocco Fazzari.

Illustration: Rocco Fazzari.

The only genuine difference Australia could hope to make is in policy leadership – dragging the rest of the world into action. But that can't be done from the back of the pack.

So the new Prime Minister's first leadership decision has been for Australia not to lead. Depending on who's spinning it, we're either in the middle of the pack or at the back. We're irrelevant to international policy.

There will be plenty of people happy with that – those who were sucked into the carbon tax chants, and especially those worrying souls who seem to view the climate change issue as a matter of conservative religious values: a belief that somehow God wouldn't do that to us and therefore the scientists must be wrong.

(That might sound silly, but remember a very large number of believers - not just the odder right-wing Christians - don't accept evolution, think animals must be killed in particular ways and that some of God's creatures are inherently "unclean". Rational, independent thinking doesn't come into it.)

So the new Prime Minister's first leadership decision has been for Australia not to lead. Depending on who's spinning it, we're either in the middle of the pack or at the back. We're irrelevant to international policy.

The worry is that Turnbull's first policy direction flies in the face of the business confidence he rightly targets as needing to be restored through having an adult government.

The big complaint from business about carbon and all that is the ongoing uncertainty. The existing policy does not provide the surety necessary for the long-term and very expensive investments that our energy future requires. It would be very helpful for business if it could factor in the carbon cost that most think remains inevitable.

Most of our power stations are old. The big promises of sustainable energy are still just over the horizon while we need reliable base load for cities. There's a reasonable argument for it being a good green thing to build a nice big new efficient coal-fired station to replace our ageing inefficient units. (Not that that is something that can be sold to those who have elevated anti-coal to religious status.)

But that sort of investment requires policy surety. Looks like we're not getting it.

Business will forgive Turnbull that for now. There will be a degree of understanding, as well as regret, for his internal political problems. While this should in effect be a new government, it will be only sort-of.

As written here on Monday, rebuilding confidence more broadly is the primary issue. For those who missed it, the opportunity for a fresh start with a credible communicator might be just what the missing "animal spirits" have been lacking.

There have been curious things happening around business confidence and the willingness of business to invest. The same NAB survey that showed all the budget bounce had been lost also showed that current business conditions were pretty good.

Capacity utilisation is at its best level since 2012, back to its long-term average. Forward orders are significantly above their long-term average and the NAB's capital expenditure index is at +6, also well above average.

Those improvements reflect the weaker Australian dollar quietly working wonders and the impact of years of low interest rates along with flat real wages growth and reasonable population growth.

Throw in a confidence surge and, even with a severely compromised carbon policy, it could be a fortuitous time to become prime minister.

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