

This was published 4 years ago

'Gutted, destroyed, betrayed': icare whistleblower victimised after speaking up

By Adele Ferguson and Chris Gillett

NOTE: The Press Council has not upheld a complaint about this article. Read the full adjudication here.

A senior officer turned whistleblower at the scandal-ridden workers' compensation insurer icare was bullied, harassed and sent threatening homophobic emails before he was driven out of the organisation with a pay-off and gag order.

Former homicide detective Chris McCann earned valour awards and other commendations during his 20 years in the police service before moving to icare as a senior compliance officer. In a joint investigation by The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and ABC TV's 7.30, he has broken his silence about the victimisation he received after he raised concerns about behaviour in the organisation.

Whistleblower Chris McCann at his home in regional NSW.

Whistleblower Chris McCann at his home in regional NSW.Credit: Kate Geraghty

“It was like a cancer running through the organisation,” he said. “So many people within icare were so self-interested.”

Mr McCann was the first whistleblower at icare to discover problems in the organisation and report them to senior management. Instead of being listened to, he says he was undermined, blocked, bullied and eventually forced out.

“I think it’s time to tell the truth and join the dots,” he told the joint investigation.

In the past few weeks an investigation led by The Sydney Morning Herald has exposed mismanagement and solvency issues with icare. Revelations include plunging return-to-work rates, a $4 billion taxpayer bailout of the Treasury Managed Fund, which covers thousands of police and health workers in NSW, the underpayment of $80 million to 52,000 injured workers, contracts awarded without going to tender and huge bonuses and salaries paid to senior executives.

Mr McCann's experience at icare has prompted a former counsel of the NSW anti-corruption body to call for a royal commission into the organisation.


Mr McCann kept extensive diary notes and paperwork from 2016 to 2018 detailing specific incidents relating to mismanagement and compliance breaches and the many executives that he told. Some still work there.

In August 2016 he wrote: “Procurement practices not being followed. Awarding friends and ex-colleagues contracts, not declaring conflicts of interest, approving invoices without substantiation … millions of dollars of contracts being awarded to people with close relationships internally and not declaring their conflicts of interest.”

I was constantly warned not to disclose any of my concerns to SIRA despite having evidence of theft, fraud, corruption, conflicts and other activities

Whistleblower Chris McCann

Documents reveal the removal of crucial information from reports he had put together.

An October 2016 diary entry describes a senior executive becoming “enraged” when he raised concerns about icare’s deficient procurement processes. Mr McCann's concerns about an icare executive who was on the insurer's payroll but still being paid by his former employer − a consultancy firm that had won a contract from icare − were also angrily dismissed.

“'F--- this, f--- that’ — how dare you come in here and tell me this,” Mr McCann says the executive screamed at him.

McCann described the executive banging on his desk when he asked him about the decision to award consultancy Capgemini Australia a contract to build a new claims management system without declaring his relationship with a senior official at Capgemini. (The project was put out to tender with a one-week deadline for submissions.)

The Herald contacted the former icare executive about Capgemini but he declined to comment. Icare also ignored questions related to the executive and Capgemini.

Icare’s claims management system cost an estimated $360 million, including software and consultants.

Mr McCann said he made numerous attempts with many executives in icare to call out wrongdoing but he was always blocked.

“I was constantly warned not to disclose any of my concerns to SIRA [the State Insurance Regulatory Authority, which oversees workers' compensation] despite having evidence of theft, fraud, corruption, conflicts and other activities,” he said.

“The more I dug the more the company and the senior people dug their heels in and didn’t like what I was asking,” he said.

Icare’s chief executive John Nagle resigned on August 3 after revelations he had been sanctioned by the board for "deficient" disclosure of a contract awarded to his wife without a tender and a trip to Las Vegas funded by a vendor without declaring it.

Other resignations include Treasurer Dominic Perrottet’s chief of staff after revelations two ministerial staff, including US Republican Ed Yap, had their salaries paid by icare in breach of regulations.

Former ICAC counsel Geoffrey Watson is calling for a royal commission or special commission of inquiry into icare. He said the misconduct at the organisation was one of the worst instances of mismanagement of funds he had seen.

“Actually attempting to prevent the compliance officer from doing his job – the only inference is the worst possible inference, and that is it was a cover-up,” he said.

In a statement icare said it takes its compliance obligations seriously and compliance reports were provided to the board on a regular basis. “Icare encourages its people to report any misconduct or wrongdoing and has processes and policies in place to support this."

Chris McCann has been unable to work since leaving icare.

Chris McCann has been unable to work since leaving icare.Credit:  Kate Geraghty

About a year after joining icare in 2016, McCann was diagnosed with a serious illness that didn’t prevent him from doing his job. He was excluded from meetings crucial to his work. In December 2017 his job was advertised without his knowledge. When he queried it, he was told the ad had been accidentally placed.

He also received a series of threatening emails from an anonymous email address and a package on his desk with a pair of rubber gloves and a message that said “You filthy poofter who comes in here … Ask your co-workers [name deleted for legal reasons] and everyone else what they think of you.”

Disturbing emails were also sent to his work email from an anonymous account. “icare does not want gay… in the workplace. You should get out. Do not touch our cups, plates or cutlery. Your type are disgusting,” one email using a fake address to his work email said.

“I used to ride my bike to work and there were days when I used to feel so depressed about both going in there and going home that I felt like driving in front of a bus," McCann says. " I felt gutted, destroyed, betrayed, and they were in effect destroying everything I had built up over those years in my career,” he said.


Mr McCann left icare in 2018. He signed a non-disclosure agreement and booked himself into hospital where he was diagnosed with severe depression and PTSD. He has been unable to work since.

“I’ve been out of there for two years. There are still people not being paid their compensation benefits, [injured workers] untreated, there are concerns about the solvency position of the business, concerns about outstanding liabilities. Can it be salvaged? I don’t know. Can it be salvaged with some of the same people that were there when it first started? Not a hope in hell.”

Icare refused to comment on the treatment of McCann. In a statement it said it investigated matters he raised with the assistance of independent third parties. “Matters that were referred to ICAC did not lead to further investigation,” it said. “Given the confidential and sensitive nature of the relevant matters, icare is unable to comment on the specifics of each investigation."

Footnote: The precise value of Mr Nagle’s wife’s contract was later reported to be $772,524.

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