

This was published 5 years ago

Funeral industry 'cashing in on confusion': Choice

By Jenny Noyes

Grieving families are having to navigate opaque pricing, upselling and misinformation from a funeral industry dominated by large, profit-driven businesses that are "cashing in on confusion", consumer advocate Choice says.

The group is pushing for NSW – where regulations are under review – to require funeral providers to display greater pricing transparency, as well as monitoring and enforcing compliance in an industry that "regularly flouts existing price transparency laws".

Choice is pushing for better pricing and transparency regulations for Australian funeral service providers.

Choice is pushing for better pricing and transparency regulations for Australian funeral service providers. Credit: Cathryn Tremain

In a new report on Australian funeral homes, Choice surveyed 548 people who had recently organised a funeral, and made "mystery shopper" calls to 36 funeral homes to find out the going rate for basic funeral services.

The survey found almost half of respondents had "no idea how much a funeral should cost", while two-thirds "didn't think to negotiate on price" and one in five didn't believe they had any options for reducing the price they were quoted.

After requesting a quote from the providers, "some funeral homes got back to us with quotes within 48 hours, others had to be chased, while some never supplied a written quote at all," Choice's investigative journalist Saimi Jeong said.

An inquiry into the cost of a direct cremation – the most basic and affordable funeral option, with no viewing or funeral service included – returned a response from just 24 of the 36 providers contacted, and only 11 provided written quotes, Jeong said.

When you're grieving, the last thing you need is the added stress of paying for expensive extras

Saimi Jeong, Choice

Of those who provided quotes for direct cremation, prices ranged from $2400 to $5600 – a variation Jeong found "startling", given it involves the provision of the same basic services: transporting and storing the body, filling out paperwork, liaising with the crematorium and providing a coffin.

In a price breakdown of the most expensive direct cremation, from a White Lady funeral home, more than half the money quoted went to an "opaque" professional services fee ($2900), while the cost of the coffin was $1800, Jeong said.


Choice also saw "unexplained" price differences for services such as body viewings, she said. "On one end of the scale a provider was charging $110 for people to view their loved ones, while another charged an outrageous $1600."

The unexplained price differences indicate "many funeral homes are clearly charging inflated prices and profiting off a lack of price transparency", Jeong said. "When you're grieving, the last thing you need is the added stress of paying for expensive extras."

The report also identified issues with funeral homes advertising as "family-owned" businesses when many are actually owned by ASX-listed companies InvoCare and Propel Funeral Partners.

Jeong said the websites of formerly family-owned funeral businesses acquired by InvoCare and Propel often continued to advertise as being a "family business", despite the acquisition changing not just the ownership but the nature of the services provided.


One family, which had used the same funeral provider for decades, had a "distressing" experience when it changed hands to InvoCare, and would no longer offer a projector for viewing photographs unless an upgraded package was purchased at a cost of "thousands".

While family-owned businesses are not necessarily cheaper, "it's important for people who are grieving to have that choice and know who is actually running the funeral provider they are going with", Jeong said.

In a statement, a spokeswoman for InvoCare said the company embraced price transparency and "provides itemised costings through all our brands for the services provided to families", from its budget direct cremation options to premium full-service brands such as White Lady.

"We do not consider our brands to be expensive and the vast majority of our customers have
stated the value they received met or exceeded their expectations," she said.

Propel Funeral Partners has been approached for comment.

The Choice campaign comes amid a review of Fair Trading NSW's regulations, including the proposed addition of pricing information standards for the funeral industry.

"Choice supports NSW Fair Trading's efforts to help consumers understand prices and compare options, and asks that they go a step further by ensuring funeral providers clearly indicate what services are required under law and what services are added extras," Jeong said.

The costs and pricing of interment services in NSW cemeteries are also under review from the Independent Pricing and Regulation Tribunal, with a draft report due next month before final recommendations are made at the end of the year.

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