

This was published 5 years ago


Will a new discount supermarket chain threaten competition?

There was much fanfare on Friday as German supermarket giant Kaufland finally announced the approval for its much-anticipated Australian launch. But is the hype warranted?

That depends on whether this supermarket - or hypermarket as it is called - will ultimately grow into an industry disrupter like Aldi, or a Costco whose small number of warehouse-style outlets haven’t really moved the dial on the market shares of the major supermarket chains, Coles and Woolworths.

German supermarket retailer Kaufland is opening up in Australia.

German supermarket retailer Kaufland is opening up in Australia.

If the sharemarket is any guide, the launch of Kaufland won’t have much impact in the short to medium term. Coles and Woolworths shares didn’t react at all.

Why would they? Even if Kaufland becomes a major force in the Australian supermarket industry, it would be years before there are a sufficient number of stores to challenge the status quo.

Costco was slated as the great threat to supermarkets when it entered the Australian market in 2009. It hasn’t happened. Too few stores to steal enough shoppers and too few stores to force the big supermarket chains to alter pricing models.


The general consensus among industry experts is that Kaufland will be targeting about 30 stores in its second stage of development - which represents about 4 per cent of market share.

If this is as far as Kaufland goes, Coles and Woolworths won’t need to worry. Online disruptors would present a far bigger threat.

Kaufland has one thing in common with its fellow German grocery supermarket group, Aldi - it keeps its plans to itself.


Kaufland now has three outlets and a distribution centre approved in Victoria and a few more in that state awaiting the green light from planning authorities.


But it has needed to overcome fierce opposition from vested interests to even get this far. Shopping centre owners mounted the challenge to keep Kaufland from setting up shop nearby - seeking to protect existing tenant supermarkets.

One of Australia’s largest landlords, Vicinity, mounted a case against Kaufland’s Victorian approval applications, saying the interloper would have “deleterious economic impact on the established retail hierarchy’’.

There is no doubt that Kaufland will need to fight every step of the way to receive approvals for any new sites.

It has taken Aldi many years to get to a market share of around 10 per cent - even though it has a more attractive pricing offer than its major Australian competitors.

But there is no denying Aldi has forced its big competitors to reduce pricing on many items.

Kaufland hasn’t revealed exactly how many sites it aspires to open in Australia. But it does want to open others along the eastern seaboard and clearly Sydney is high on the wish list.

The three sites that Kaufland has had approved this week are not within shopping centres. Rather, it has focused on destination sites that will attract shoppers who are willing to travel for better deals. It will offer the added attraction of seeking to emulate a neighbourhood shopping precinct with adjacent coffee shops, a dry cleaner etc.

In that respect, Kaufland looks like a hybrid of Aldi and Costco.

If its offshore operations are a guide, it will attract the cost-conscious shopper, rather than the convenience shopper. But, unlike Aldi, it will offer a larger suite of branded products alongside its own house brands.

“Kaufland will be a one-stop destination supermarket. Our aim is to provide all Australians with more service and choice, highlighted by our principles of simplicity, quality, variety and price,” it said.

These will be larger-format stores that contain more than just grocery items. Tom Youl, a senior analyst from IBIS World,  sees Kaufland as a mix of supermarket and discount department store.

As such, its format could place pressure on the likes of Kmart and BigW.

He also believes that if Kaufland is a price disrupter, it would likely place more pressure on Aldi than Coles or Woolworths.

It is certainly noteworthy that Kaufland chose Australia because the margins were attractive.

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