This was published 6 years ago
Wesfarmers and its $12 billion vanishing act
Stephen Bartholomeusz
Senior business columnistOne of the more unusual and curious facets of Wesfarmers’ demerger of its Coles food and liquor businesses is that about $12 billion of assets will disappear in the process.
They won’t actually disappear. They’ll be "de-recognised" and will presumably appear as a one-off significant item in Wesfarmers’ accounts next year. The vanishing trick that Wesfarmers' Rob Scott is performing will, however, transform the future financial metrics of both Wesfarmers and Coles.
Wesfarmers couldn’t regain its historic reputation as a high-returning company while the Coles food and liquor operations remained within its portfolio.Credit: Sasha Woolley
The $12.05 billion of assets involved are the goodwill and other intangibles created when Wesfarmers acquired the Coles group of companies for about $19.3 billion in 2008.
While it might appear a piece of financial legerdemain, ‘’de-recognising’’ the intangibles associated with the food and liquor businesses is inescapable, given that Wesfarmers will no longer own Coles post-demerger and Coles can’t recognise its own acquisition goodwill as an asset.
Getting rid of those intangibles has a transformative effect on both entities.
Based on its earnings (excluding significant items) last year, Wesfarmers had a return on capital of 11.2 per cent. If discontinued operations, mainly the Curragh coal mine and the aborted attempt to implant Bunnings in the UK were excluded, the return on capital would have been 16.8 per cent.
After the demerger, based on the 2018 results, Wesfarmers’ return on capital would jump to 25.9 per cent on total capital employed, which will fall from $25.9 billion to $11.8 billion.
Similarly, where Coles’ return on capital employed last financial year was 9.2 per cent, after the demerger and after taking into account the extra costs of operating as an independently-listed company, Coles’ return on capital would soar to 32.5 per cent. Its total capital employed plummets from $16.4 billion to $4.35 billion.
A significant strand to the motivation for the demerger was to remove the drag Coles represented on Wesfarmers’ returns. The most compelling statistic in all the demerger presentations was that, while it accounted for 64 per cent of Wesfarmers’ total capital employed, it generated only 32 per cent of its earnings.
That imbalance and the scale of Coles within the group’s and its balance sheet meant that Wesfarmers couldn’t regain its historic reputation as a high-returning company while the food and liquor operations remained within its portfolio.
The goodwill it took on in 2008 when it acquired Coles and its sibling brands – Kmart, Target and Officeworks – has bedevilled Wesfarmers ever since. That’s partly because of its sheer quantum and partly because of the way it was apportioned.
The Coles acquisition involved $16 billion of goodwill within the $19.3 billion acquisition cost.
It is arguable that was an inflated number given that the Wesfarmers offer was announced in 2007, before the financial crisis, and at a moment when its shares had soared (within a raging bull market) to a then-record price above $41. It took nearly six years for them to recover to that level.
As the bid was funded predominantly (about two-thirds) with scrip, it was Wesfarmers’ overblown share price that drove the level of acquisition goodwill that has in turn depressed the group’s returns on capital ever since.
It could be argued that the aberrative nature of that pre-crisis market and Wesfarmers’ share price and the way the accounting standards treat acquisitions have artificially distorted and weakened those returns, even though it has nearly trebled the earnings of the Coles group businesses in the decade since they were acquired.
The counter-argument is that, had it not acquired Coles, Wesfarmers could have exploited that then-record share price to acquire something that delivered higher returns; that there was an opportunity cost to Wesfarmers shareholders that was reflected in its returns on capital and which was captured by the accounting treatment of the acquisition goodwill.
At the time Coles was the biggest business in the group and Target the most profitable, so most of the goodwill was attributed to those brands. Coles got the $12 billion, Target $2.4 billion and Kmart only $273 million.
Since then Target has imploded and almost all of its goodwill has been written off over the past four years.
The accounting standards don’t allow the goodwill assigned to Kmart, the great success story among the former Coles brands, or Officeworks or, indeed, Coles to be written up to reflect the dramatic increase in their profitability and value. (Had they allowed write-ups it would, of course, have depressed Wesfarmers’ returns even further).
Between the Target write-downs and now the demerger most of the acquisition goodwill associated with the 2008 takeover will have evaporated.
While that might appear to make a combination of Wesfarmers and Coles appear somewhat more leveraged than the current group because of the shrinkage in their asset bases, it will super-charge their returns on capital in future.
It will, it could be argued, better reflect the actual capital employed within Coles while finally ridding Wesfarmers of the returns-depressing legacy of the interaction between the accounting standards and a bubble-inflated share price at the moment of its biggest and boldest acquisition.