

This was published 5 years ago

The Big Interview: Full transcript of interview with David Crawford

By Stephen Bartholomeusz

David Crawford has graced the corporate stage for decades. From the wreckage of the 1987 crash, through Christopher Skase and Alan Bond and through to long-lived roles on the boards of some of Australia's biggest companies, Crawford has seen some of the biggest moments in business up-close.

Notoriously private, Crawford agreed to sit down with Stephen Bartholomeusz for the latest installment in the Big Interview series.

Below is the full transcript of that interview.

Stephen Bartholomeusz: David Crawford, thank you for joining us and agreeing to the Big Interview series. You recently retired from your last non-executive role. Half a century or so of public life is ending. How do you feel about that?

David Crawford: I'm very comfortable about it ending. I've had a great time. I've enjoyed what I've done, and I've been able to observe a number of changes that have taken place over the time that I've been in public life. I think there comes a time when you need to move on, have younger people come in and have their chance to have a say.

David Crawford's time at the top is business is drawing to a close.

David Crawford's time at the top is business is drawing to a close. Credit: Justin McManus

SB: When you graduated from Melbourne Uni with a law commerce degree, did you ever imagine you were going to spend more than three decades in such an unfashionable area at the time as insolvency practice? [Laughter] Then another couple of decades as a non-executive director of some of the biggest companies in the country. What were the aspirations coming out of uni?

DC: I was actually hopeful of getting a job. [Laughter] It was as simple as that. I had started to do commerce as a course and frankly didn't like it. I wanted to go into the law, and I wasn't able to do that until I finished my course. I then did law as a part-time student. By the time I’d finished that and could have started practising in the law, my family had got used to eating. [Laughter]

In those days you got very little if you were an articled clerk. I continued on in effectively the accounting side, but was able to and did mix with a lot of people in the legal side, and that's where I progressed. Frankly, I'm very happy I did.


SB: I think when we first met, or first crossed paths back in the early 1980s, it would have been during that period when the international Massey Ferguson, and international Harvester businesses collapsed.

DC: Yes.

SB: You handled the Australian end of what was a very messy insolvency. It's seen as something of a landmark for what happened and the way it happened, and something of a transformation in the way insolvencies were handled subsequently in this market. Can you tell us a little bit about what happened, and what you think the implications of the way it was dealt with might have meant?

DC: I think what happened was that in the period leading up to the collapse of those companies, the banks had started to lend on what they called a negative pledge basis. In the past, they had taken fixed asset security to support their investments, all their lending.

What took place in the couple of years before those collapses, borrowers started to struggle with lenders' requirements, and the concept of negative pledge lending came in. Negative pledge lending is nothing other than the organisation that's borrowing the money commits to the people who are lending the money that they will not take any security from any other person. Therefore, by negative pledge, it meant that the banks did not obtain any real security - asset security - over the lending that was put in place.

When we came along for Massey Ferguson - which was the first of the major negative pledge companies to go under - we were talking to lenders who had never before been faced with the fact that they had no security whatsoever. In fact, they stood in very much the same position as any unsecured creditor. That caused them to take a deep breath, get their lawyers involved and try and find a way around it. Of course, there wasn't a way around it because the negative pledge was a contract. What that meant is when we were called in, we had to think about how we could maximise what assets were available, what the company was capable of doing, and seeing if we could find a workout.

SB: You preserved those companies as going concerns.

DC: In essence, we were able to do that in most cases. What it required was a different attitude, a different way, for banks to work with the people that they were lending money to.

SB: Those experiences, did that colour the way you approached some of the later larger insolvencies that you had to manage?

DC: Absolutely, it became the way to proceed. Of course, as you've rightfully said, it meant that businesses had the opportunity of being rehabilitated. That made a huge difference to the way in which finance was able to be put in place. It made a huge difference to how you did a workout, and you had to work with both the creditors and the lenders to achieve an outcome.

SB: I assume, particularly in those early encounters the banks with negative pledge lending, that there would have been some interesting moments.

DC: Yes.

SB: People in your profession - your former profession - have reputations of being quite tough and aggressive. You've never come across like that. I take it there's some steel inside the velvet?

DC: [Laughs]. I'm not sure there's too much velvet, nor is there much steel. The world had changed, and I was fortunate in the people that I worked with. When I joined KPMG, or as it then was - it had a different name...

SB: Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co.

DC: Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co. When I joined them, they had a very strict rule that you had to work with the whole of the firm and ensure that the work that you did was very professional. You're always given - we started, very soon after I joined Peat Marwick, to introduce what we said was two insolvency practitioners working on any project. We were always having to seek counsel - one to the other - to ensure that you didn't get too big a head, you didn't get out on a limb, you didn't go and make unwise decisions. It was really a case of working together within the firm, with the firm standing behind you and backing you in the course of actions that you were taking.

SB: Initially, you worked with the late great Jim Poulton.

DC: Yes.

SB: Lovely man.

DC: Yes.

SB: Then your protégé was Lindsay Maxsted who's now chairman of Westpac, and on boards of half a dozen other things. You must be quite proud of the role you played with Lindsay.

DC: I'm proud in the sense that I am absolutely thrilled with the way he's gone on, as others have gone on. He has followed on the process that we had which was to act professionally, to do the right thing, to not take people for granted, and to seek to achieve the best possible return for creditors and the lenders.

SB: I've seen you interact with Lindsay, and there's almost a sort of father son relationship going on there.

DC: [Laughs]. He's not that young. [Laughter]

SB: We might have to cut that out. [Laughter]

You really came to prominence in the wider public awareness during that period - in the post of '87 crash period when there were entrepreneurs going over like dominos. The Holmes a Courts, the Bonds, the Skases, the Elliotts and the like. I've always thought that the Adsteam wind up, which you presided over, was the most complex of any of them, just given the sprawling nature of the business. Woolworths, David Jones, Petersville Sleigh, Howard Smith, Penfolds, Industrial Equity and a host of others. A maze of cross-shareholdings and inter-company debts.

When you were first given that task of trying to sort out the wreckage, how did you approach it? What was your first thought about the way you should approach it?

DC: It was a fascinating issue. Of course, as often happens in cases like this, the banks had been trying to work out how they should deal with the issue. In fact, it was quite surprising to me when I became involved that a number of the banks didn't really have a clear understanding of the extent of the Adsteam businesses, and the way they superimposed themselves on so many major companies.

Spalvins had made an artform of taking particular positions in major corporates and intertwining them such that it was very difficult for the banks and others to find out what had happened. In fact, Ron Brierley was one of the few people that actually spent quite some time, and I mean quite some time, in trying to work out what was happening, what was the real status of the Adsteam empire. It was huge.

As to your question, when I was called in - I was called in as I said after the banks had been working on this for some time - but I was called in and really asked if I would chair a meeting of the banks when Mr Spalvins would be turning up in about an hour's time. It was the intention of the banks at that stage to put the company into receivership. That was the stated intention. We had the meeting with Mr Spalvins. Mr Spalvins left and he was told that he was going to be replaced.

The most important thing we had to do was to think about what would be done to protect the businesses or to maximise any returns. We ended up having to speak with the major banks in the first two days that we were involved, and getting them to understand that the value that was within the Adsteam Group was the businesses that were scattered around the globe, so to speak. If they did not support those businesses, the businesses would just collapse and they'd lose a poultice of money.

SB: This was all happening in the early '90s when there was a recession occurring. The impact for the wider economy could have been quite profound had these companies been allowed to just collapse.

DC: Absolutely. It would have been an absolute disaster if that had occurred. To the bank's credit, we got them around the table in 24 hours and we got them to agree that they, instead of being in a position of standing pari passu with all other creditors, we got an agreement that the banks - the major banks - would stand behind the creditors.

SB: Put more funds in.

DC: Put more - effectively put more money in.

SB: And take equity.

DC: And take equity, yes. That took a little bit longer to get them to that stage. It was a fundamental decision made in the first couple of days that the banks took a backward step in order to ensure that the trade creditors would continue to support the businesses. By that means the creditors got paid, the businesses were kept going, and the banks had the opportunity to work out how they wanted to take the business forward.

SB: Adsteam's also unusual in that, well, John Spalvins might have been a bit too clever. There was never any suggestion of impropriety on his behalf. Some of the other ones you've dealt with, of course, there have been suggestions of impropriety. You and I have talked about this before. Christopher Skase has often been characterised as the worst face of those 1980s entrepreneurs. I think primarily because he fled to Majorca. You handled the windup of Qintex.

DC: Yes.

SB: I assume you had some meetings with Chris.

DC: Yes.

SB: How did you see him, and do you think that characterisation of him is unfair?

DC: He was a very opinionated individual, and full of his position. He was a salesman, and he got to talk to the major banks. They were astounded, absolutely astounded, when it came to the stage to call in receivers. They just weren't across what they had committed to in lending. You laugh now, and thinking back on it it's very strange that some of the major banks could have become so involved, and had such exposure to an organisation which was really froth and bubble. Chris was - he was a masterful communicator, but you can't talk your way out of froth and bubble.

SB: On the scale of improprieties, how do you rank him alongside, I don't know, an Alan Bond, or a Brian Yuill, or others of that ilk. Laurie Connell?

DC: People, as you mentioned, like Laurie Connell and…

SB: Brian Yuill.

DC: Brian Yuill, but also Bond. I put Bond pretty well at the top of the list.

SB: He stole $1.2 billion. [Laughter]

DC: He was an amazing person. When I was appointed as receiver, he came to talk to me in the lounge one day. We were travelling between places. He came to talk to me and he said - very clearly he had his acolytes around him saying that he was going to take - sue me for every penny I had. I shouldn't take it personally, but he was going to take me to the absolute cleaners.

SB: And you said…

DC: It's up to you, Alan. You wouldn't believe it, but literally as we were then - about an hour later - walking out to catch a plane, he caught up to me and he said: 'David, in your business, you must come across a lot of opportunities with people who are struggling and things, and you must know where we can get some cheap things. Could you just keep us in mind?' [Laughter]

I mean the front of the man was just unbelievable.

SB: He was perhaps the best sales person I've ever come across. His ability to characterise black as white and vice versa was astonishing.

DC: Yes. He was able I think to do it - people haven't necessarily picked up on this but he paid his people extraordinary amounts. If the going rate for a CFO was, say 100, he would pay 300. He absolutely bought loyalty with his people. When we had to go in - and at that stage we were acting as receivers for the court - we just couldn't get any information out of his people. They just refused to talk to us or have anything to do with us.

SB: Didn't help that his CFO was in Poland.

DC: That's where he ended up, that's right.

SB: Last one on those '80s characters. You and - would it have been Lindsay - ended up in control of Harlin Holdings, John Elliott's vehicle.

DC: That's right, yes.

SB: Effectively control of the largest shareholding in Elders.

DC: Yes.

SB: Harlin overdosed on debt because it was forced to make a bid for Elders. It was too successful.

DC: Yes.

SB: John was a larger than life character through that period. He was talked about as potential prime minister of the country.

DC: Yes.

SB: What was your impression of him?

DC: I'd known John for quite some time. He was a little older than me, not a great deal older, but he was always larger than life. He had very good quality people working around him, and he was very much in control of that operation, as I saw it.

He worked hard, but other people within his organisation seemed to come out much better than he did, in the sense that they structured themselves and did things which John didn't do in the early days. I think there came a time when he suddenly decided that he wasn't getting the same sort of rewards as others within his organisation did. I think that's where he moved off and…

SB: Took too much risk.

DC: Yes, yeah.

SB: When you retired from KPMG after what, 30 odd years at KPMG? You then moved pretty quickly into some quite interesting non-executive roles.

DC: Yes.

SB: You've been in real demand. You've been chairman of Fosters, Lendlease, National Foods, South32, amongst others. Director of BHP for 20 years.

DC: Yes.

SB: You were on the Westpac board for a time.

DC: Mm.

SB: I'd like to ask you about a couple of those, BHP in particular, because 20 years is a long time to be in one place. A lot happened during the 20 years.

DC: It sure did.

SB: You were at BHP before Paul Anderson arrived in 1998 I think.

DC: Yes.

SB: He transformed a company that was in trouble at the time. When you got to BHP, what was your impression of the place?

DC: BHP was the big Australian at the time that I got there. It was - it had been run very much in the way it had for the last 30 years, 40 years however long it was. It was very much at that stage recovering from the traumas of the issues that took place with Homes a Court et cetera.

They were back on their feet but they were a little shell-shocked, I would say, at the time that I joined them. They were very, I'd say conscious of their position in the world, and they were - I won't say staid's not the right word, but they were fixed in the way in which they thought they should be operating. It was a very different situation when Paul Anderson came in.

SB: Someone who'd worked for BHP for a long time said to me that before Anderson, BHP was Australian company which had somehow stumbled its way into having a big international business, but it saw itself as Australian company with international operations.

DC: Yes.

SB: Post Anderson, and particularly post the Billiton merger, it became a global company, saw itself as a global company, and was structured as a global company. Is that a fair assessment?

DC: I think it's very fair, very fair. I think when Paul was appointed, he came in at a time that there was need for change and he set about that. He was only there unfortunately for a short time, but what he did was amazing. He really got people to focus on what was necessary for a company of that standing, that stature, and with its assets what they could do by changing the culture, and getting people working together in the best interests of the company.

SB: On his exit, the legacy was the Billiton merger which has been criticised that BHP has been said to pay too much for assets that, with the benefit of hindsight, haven't been worth anywhere near as much as they paid for them. You were sitting round that table. Would you disagree with that as a conclusion?

DC: I think you've got to look at the context in which the Billiton merger took place. BHP had some wonderful assets in waiting, if I could put it that way. They were assets in terms of having been discovered, but they weren't anywhere near ready for being developed. Billiton at the other time had a lot of assets which were ready for development, and potentially could have gone on.

What I think happened with the Billiton merger was that Billiton provided, in those early days, the ongoing day-to-day bread and butter support if you like for the company, while the other businesses were brought on stream. I'd say it was a merger that worked, achieved and enabled BHP to build itself up using those assets it had acquired, but hadn't yet brought on line.

SB: As an observer I would have said the other underrated aspect of what Billiton brought to the table was it helped complete that shift in the nature of BHP, the cultural shift. Some of the people who came into BHP had very significant impact on that. One of them was Marius Kloppers.

DC: Yes.

SB: Who is one of the more interesting CEOs - one the smartest CEOs -- I've ever come across. He also had some eccentricities. You saw him more closely than I did, so what was your view of Marius?

DC: Ah Marius. You've captured it very well, I think, in what you've had to say. Without any shadow of doubt, he was the person who had the best understanding I've ever seen, experienced or anywhere else, of understanding the minerals business. He knew - didn't matter whether you're talking about copper or you were talking about other aspects, other disciplines, he was right across those. Very smart. He actually was a very - shall I say - supportive person for some of his people, but he didn’t suffer fools kindly.

SB: Sounds like you, David.

DC: [Laughs]. He dealt with them, I think, in an open way, a direct way but, as I said, didn't suffer fools kindly. He was, I think, outstanding in his understanding. Of course, he single-handedly, changed the way in which BHP was able to bring about the…

SB: Pricing of iron ore, coal.

DC: Pricing of iron ore and all the other areas. Yes, very good.

SB: BHP and I suppose the other company in your portfolio, you chaired Lendlease for quite a long time. You make decisions today and you don't know the outcome in a real sense perhaps for a decade, if not more. How difficult is it to sit around the board table and sign off on an agreement to go ahead with something which might cost multiple billions of dollars when you don't know whether the returns are going to come or not, and you won't know for a decade.

DC: That's always the difficult question. It's the question which shareholders from time to time come and want clear answers to. I think what you need to do is understand that you're working as a board member in the long-term interests of the corporation. You have to weigh up those issues in the context of dealing with the long-term interests of the shareholders.

You're not going to make all the right decisions. You're going to make some bad decisions as you go along. If you're using the best available information at the time, and you don't have people who are touting a particular course of action to suit their own individual positions - if you got people who are seriously thinking in the interests of the corporation, you'll get more decisions right than you do if you act differently.

SB: In a different sort of way but similarly at Lendlease, effectively you’ve got depleting resources.

DC: Yes.

SB: You need a construction pipeline for Lendlease, you need new mines for BHP. If you don't do anything, it's like a liquidation. If I'm a shareholder today in one of those companies, I'd say what's wrong with that? Liquidate it, give me all the cash.

DC: Well, yes, but aren't you looking at the concept of the organisation? You can't just look at it in the interests of what Joe Bloggs sitting out here wants to get, as opposed to people over the other side. Not everyone wants to do that. They have the choice and they come in expecting that it is a company that's going to survive into the future.

SB: So, you're a stakeholder person rather than a shareholder- only person.

DC: Yes, yes.

SB: I think people forget that the fiduciary obligation is to the company. It's not to today's shareholders.

DC: It is. That's absolutely right.

SB: Having lived through a couple of decades on the BHP board, it also means you've gone through several commodities cycles, and in your previous incarnation you'd see the several economic cycles. What do you learn from that experience? How important has that experience been to the way you've seen your roles?

DC: I've been extraordinarily fortunate I think because I've met, as I said earlier on, and dealt with the very best of the people in business, and the worse people. You learn a huge amount by listening to other people. My father always said to me you never learn anything if you're talking. Learning and listening is very important in these things. As you go through these cycles, it's amazing how you sort of absorb that information, and it's amazing how often you call on that. The memory remains there, and you call on that in new situations.

We've seen in the 40 or 50 years I've been doing this, as you've said, different cycles. A lot of the cycles are just being repeated by new people coming in who've never dealt with them before.

SB: If you look for instance at global credit markets, there's a huge amount of debt around today. There’s a lot of leverage, and risk doesn't seem to be getting priced appropriately because of what's happened since the GFC. History would suggest that's not a good combination. Certainly your history would suggest it's only a good combination for insolvency practitioners. When you look round the world, and look at the state of corporate balance sheets, particularly those higher risk debt markets, are you uncomfortable?

DC: Yes. You can get uncomfortable but in my old days of insolvency practitioners, we used to run a book. I would be watching what was happening around and you could literally identify sometimes two years in advance, sometimes one year in advance, but you could identify which companies were likely to go down the gurgler. It was surprising that out of your top ten if you didn't select the ones that were going to go under, probably you weren't doing your job. I would say that that should have been happening with the lenders and the people who were dealing with those companies to have picked it up.

SB: Sitting inside a boardroom, you've got what seems like a mass, an increasing mass of legislation, regulation, and then this overlay of ESG type requirements. Do directors spend too much time ticking those boxes, as they say, the corporate governor's boxes? Not enough - commercially not enough focus on risk for instance. We're seeing that with the banks more recently. Does that threat of litigation that comes out of all this stuff make you more risk averse and more insular in the way you look at things?

DC: That's a very complicated question. I think it's very important to be addressed at this time. Particularly since the recent (royal) commission and the findings that came out of that, we're seeing a whole lot of businesses change their practices, or questioning the practices and how they should be proceeding to go forward. You've got regulators indicating that they're going to take a ‘stand and deliver’ type mentality and the people who are out there trying to make a quid have to go through the legal situation as a matter of first call.

Now that's probably putting it starkly but I think that's what's happening. I think you'll find a lot of people questioning what's the risk and reward here. Why do you as a non-executive director put all of your assets at risk for the purposes of a corporation where you get paid a pittance to do the job, and you're pilloried if anything goes wrong.

SB: It doesn't make a great deal of sense.

DC: I'd have to say if I was starting on my non-executive director career today, I would be seriously thinking that I should be looking elsewhere than becoming a non-executive director.

SB: At various times you have looked elsewhere. You've been the author of a number of the most significant sporting reviews - sports funding more generally. The AFL, you did the ground breaking one for the old VFL which led to the creation of the AFL. You did one for soccer which perhaps hasn't had quite the same pay of return as the AFL review had. When you look back at those reports and what's come out of them in terms of the competitions, do you think what you did was worthwhile? Are you happy with what was done with those reports?

DC: I'm very happy with what happened with what's now the AFL. I think that's an organisation which has grown and grown, has got the right sort of governance involved, and is really a standout in terms of what they've been able to achieve. I think if you look at some of the other organisations who have had that opportunity, but haven't grasped the nettle, you see that they haven't achieved and the AFL just remains as a standout there.

It's disappointing that some of the others like soccer haven't progressed as they should have, and could have. I know when I did the review of soccer, the reason the review was done was because the then person in charge said that he couldn't understand why Australia, with all of its characteristics, all of its outdoor sporting prowess, hadn't been able to crack soccer as a major sport.

That was the start of it. We did the review. We got a real change to start with, but subsequently it's fallen back again.

SB: Why was it that you were commissioned to do these latest sporting reviews? Were you passionate about sport?

DC: I love sport, yes. I love sport, I play…

SB: You were on the MCC board for quite some time?

DC: Yes, yes indeed.

SB: Is cricket the favourite or…

DC: Cricket's favourite, yes I still - very much so. Same as you I think.

SB: Anything with a ball in it.

David just to wrap this up. After a lifetime of doing these challenging, stimulating things within the corporate community, but also not for profits. I know you've had significant involvement in not for profits, including Scotch College, the ultimate alma mater. What are you going to do with your days?

DC: I'm not worried about what I'm going to do. A lot of people have asked me that. I'm very happy - I did make a statement before I actually left KPMG, when I was about to leave. I said that I'd like to go and do some more work at the university, and maybe a bit more fly fishing and things like that. I've been able to do some of that but not the things that I said I wanted to do. I'm looking forward to being able to do that.

I'd like to spend some more time with the young people, the people who are coming through university and the like. Happy to - if any of them are interested - to listen or be a bit of a mentor, things like that. Strangely enough, I'm actually looking to catching up more with the family.

We've got a lot of lovely grandchildren. They seem to enjoy our company, so I'll keep doing that. I look forward to skiing and - can't play football anymore unfortunately, but things like that.

SB: We wish you well David and thank you.

DC: Thanks very much [Steve].

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