

This was published 5 years ago

Telstra investors are not the only ones revolting over CEO pay

By Colin Kruger & Jennifer Duke

A massive shareholder revolt at Telstra has sparked fresh calls to rein in executive pay with a leading company director and Reserve Bank of Australia board member declaring chief executives are overpaid.

Telstra copped one of the largest shareholder rebukes over executive pay in corporate history at its annual meeting in Sydney on Tuesday, sparking a strong speech from chairman John Mullen when he defended chief executive Andy Penn's $4.5 million package at the same time as taking aim at the salaries for corporate leaders.

Telstra chairman John Mullen.

Telstra chairman John Mullen. Credit: Nick Moir

"I personally believe that executive salaries are too high across the board, but changing this takes time and needs to be embraced by all of corporate Australia not just one company or one industry, as the marketplace for talent is international and is industry agnostic," he said, adding that a major overhaul of bonuses could be required.

Mr Mullen's comments came as other business leaders have voiced similar sentiments.

National Australia Bank chairman Ken Henry warned in 2016 that the gap between the pay packets of chief executives and what average workers are paid could not get any wider. NAB recently recrafted its pay arrangements.

“I think CEOs are paid too much, but it’s a global issue and it's not something you can solve within one company or, one country,” Graham Kraehe, who is chairman of Bluescope Steel, Brambles and a former member of the Reserve Bank board, told Fairfax Media.

'Corporate Australia has lost some trust': former RBA board member Graham Kraehe.

'Corporate Australia has lost some trust': former RBA board member Graham Kraehe.Credit: Jessica Hromas

Mr Kraehe said that fallout from the bank royal commission had intensified the pressure on Australia's blue chip boardrooms to show more discipline in how much they pay to executives.

“Corporate Australia has lost some trust and I think corporate Australia needs to show some leadership in saying this is an issue,” he said.


Mr Mullen defended the Telstra board's decision on Mr Penn's remuneration when investors had fared so badly from a falling share price and slashed dividend.

He said the average salary for a chief executive could vary widely between countries.

"If Andy was a CEO in Japan, he'd probably earn $600,000, in the US he'd earn $25 million, here he earns $4 million and a bit," said Mr Mullen.

"The multiple difference in the US is 300 times between the CEO and the average employee, UK is 180 odd and here we're 50-something. So, we're certainly way down the pecking order in terms of that but still 50 times is a lot."

The Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union of Australia (CEPU) which represents Telstra workers seized on Mr Mullen's comments as part of its campaign against including the 8000 workers being sacked as part of the latest cost cutting efforts.

Union poster outside the Telstra AGM.

Union poster outside the Telstra AGM.Credit: Jennifer Duke

“These executives are so far out of step with reality it’s unbelievable," said Shane Murphy who heads the communications branch of the union. "The top six executives are collectively paid 200 times more than the average Telstra worker. The inequity is ridiculous."

In the face of a 62 per cent vote against Telstra's remuneration report, Mr Mullen also criticised the major investors and proxy advisors - who advise corporate investors how to vote at AGMs - who, he says, are making it impossible for company boards to devise effective remuneration structures.

"The whole question of remuneration has become the single most difficult issue for big company boards," he said, adding that a distinction must be drawn between share price performance and management performance.

"Some observers out there seem to think that directors sit around like the witches in Macbeth scheming as to how they can manipulate incentive schemes to give improper benefit to already excessive executive salaries."

The no vote from investors was larger than those registered at the AMP and Commonwealth Bank in the wake of culture controversies at those companies.

Mr Mullen floated the idea of a return to pay practices which have been out of fashion for decades such as a fixed salary "commensurate with the difficulty of the role" which would be paid half in cash, and half in shares held for the long term.

The Australian Shareholders' Association (ASA) supported the pay arrangements but did not back Mr Mullen's broader attack.

"It’s fair to say shareholders and proxy advisors are not always in agreement on the remuneration framework. This is no different this year than from other years," said ASA chief executive Judith Fox.

"What it points to is the need for a board to tell their story in such a way that they get the majority of shareholders support for their decisions on remuneration."

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