

This was published 4 years ago

Rough skies ahead for Virgin Australia CEO Paul Scurrah

By Kylar Loussikian

Paul Scurrah spent the first half of this week in Canberra. The Virgin Australia chief executive was there in the hope of securing millions of dollars to keep his airline afloat, even as the government was slowly shutting the border and making flights impossible.

The coronavirus pandemic has put a serious dent in much of the economy, but the impact will be felt most acutely in the aviation industry. Already, Qantas and Virgin have grounded most of their planes. The former is standing down 20,000 staff. Scurrah, meanwhile, has said the government might need to shell out more money to keep them afloat.

This week will mark 12 months since Scurrah took the top job at Virgin, Australia’s second-largest airline. Before that, he had spent much of the last decade at rail and freight outfits like port operator DP World. But Virgin is not his first brush with airlines, not by a long shot. He was there, as he told this newspaper last month, when Ansett collapsed.

“There’s nothing that teaches you like a deep experience like that, but it teaches you a lot of what not to do and not so much of what you should do,” he said in February.

This time, however, the crisis is entirely different and much more severe than that which caused Ansett – where Scurrah was a senior manager – to collapse in 2001. For a start, almost every country has placed strict restrictions on international travel. For Virgin, their few overseas routes – to Hong Kong, Los Angeles and Tokyo – have all stopped.

Paul Scurrah: riding a tiger but still upright. Illustration: Joe Benke

Paul Scurrah: riding a tiger but still upright. Illustration: Joe BenkeCredit:

Already, Virgin Atlantic – in which, like Virgin Australia, Richard Branson is a major shareholder – has suggested the British industry will need a bailout of almost $15 billion. Another of Virgin Australia’s major shareholders, Hainan conglomerate HNA Group, is so laden with debt that the Chinese government has begun to sell off its airline assets.

More troubling for Scurrah will be the total collapse of domestic travel as the government urges the public to stay home. Virgin was already shedding routes before the virus hit, with some in the financial markets suggesting its low-cost operator Tiger Airways would have to close altogether. (Scurrah told this newspaper in February that this was not being contemplated.)

Amid this turmoil, an ugly spat between Virgin and Qantas appears to be brewing. Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce, for one, has never been shy about what he thinks of his rival. On Friday, he said the government shouldn’t nationalise “badly managed companies”, an unsubtle dig at Virgin Australia’s financial performance.


Scurrah, in his own telling, has been the underdog before. He started life as a bank teller and took sales jobs at a number of companies including American Express before turning up at Ansett.

“I grew up in a family that didn’t really have the means to travel much at all, so we’d get excited if we could go to Mansfield and stay in my uncle’s caravan,” he said a month ago. That start may have been unassuming, but he was quickly working his way up.

When Ansett collapsed, he became one of a handful of its senior staff to see the potential of the airline’s regional businesses Hazelton and Kendell. With others, he raised money and was part of the consortium which acquired them. Those airlines are now Regional Express.

Paul Scurrah (right) with Qantas CEO Alan Joyce at the National Press Club last year. Ratings agencies are concerned about Australia's "duopoly-like domestic market structure".

Paul Scurrah (right) with Qantas CEO Alan Joyce at the National Press Club last year. Ratings agencies are concerned about Australia's "duopoly-like domestic market structure".Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The challenge now, however, is keeping Virgin afloat until the coronavirus pandemic passes. And that could be a very long time. Despite troubles at HNA – which owns 20 per cent of Virgin – Scurrah will most likely count on the backing of his deep-pocketed investors which include Singapore Airlines, Abu Dhabi-based carrier Etihad and the Nanshan Group.

“I think the thing that’s been a pleasant surprise to me is how united they’ve been as a board,” Scurrah said of his major shareholders last month. “There was some belief coming in that they were not as united as they are or that they wanted to get out, but I haven’t seen any evidence of that.”

That, of course, will be tested over the next year. Those airlines now have their own survivals to think about.

Scurrah’s trip to Canberra, meanwhile, was a success. Those he could not meet in person – Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham – he spoke to by phone. At his urging, and that of Qantas, the Morrison government on Wednesday announced a $715 million relief package for the industry. That includes the waiving of aviation fuel excise and aviation security charges. The measures, backdated to February 1, mean the airlines will be reimbursed $150 million.

Whether that will be enough is unclear. Scurrah now confronts sceptical debtholders and credit agencies. S&P Global only this week downgraded the airline’s credit rating to B- and placed it on a watch list, citing “rapidly deteriorating industry conditions”.

“We consider that management is taking appropriate steps to restructure,” it added. “That said, we do not believe Australia’s duopoly-like domestic market structure has the ability to fully protect against the material exogenous shock currently underway."

In other words, it will be a long year. Especially for Scurrah.

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