

This was published 11 years ago

Making the wrong enemies: How Williams was cut down at News

By Tim Elliott

It was a bravura performance; poised, confident and deliciously foul-mouthed. It was December 13, 2011, and in the ground floor theatrette of News Ltd's Holt Street headquarters, Kim Williams was giving his first speech as CEO. All the most senior editors were there, 40 men and women, flown in from every corner of Murdoch's Australian empire.

In a talk entitled Our Way Together, Williams introduced himself, waxing lyrical on his love of Italian cinema, before proceeding to outline a fresh path for News, a company he saw as having relied too long on "feeling" and not enough on hard data. There would be an end, he said, to "the Royal Order of the Tummy Compass" - code for gut instinct - and a new regime of data-led, research-reliant management.

"Smart-arse leaks" would also no longer be tolerated. But most of all, he said, there would be absolutely no more "grin f---ing".

"I had never heard that phrase," says one of the editors present. "We were all looking at one another, a bit confused. So Kim explained: 'Grin f---king is when I say to do something, you sit there and nod your head and grin, then walk away and f--- me over.' He wanted to make it clear he was not like Harto [former CEO John Hartigan]; that there was to be a completely new regime, and that he was in charge."

Out: Kim Williams leaves News headquarters.

Out: Kim Williams leaves News headquarters.Credit: Andrew Meares

Not any more. Early on Friday morning, News Corp Australia announced that Williams had resigned, just 20 months into the job. In a letter to staff, Williams thanked his colleagues, while admitting that "the issues encountered have at times been frankly really confronting".

Confronting, indeed. In his short and tumultuous tenure, Williams had managed to not only alienate some of the company's most senior editors, most notably Chris Mitchell, editor of The Australian, and Paul Whittaker, editor of The Daily Telegraph, but infuriate Lachlan Murdoch, the man who had originally got him the job.

"News Corp might be a publicly-listed company run out of Delaware, but there's never any mistake that you are working for Rupert," former Sunday Telegraph editor Neil Breen says. "It's a family company. You run it the Murdochs' way or you don't run it at all."


Or, as one former News editor put it: "Kim got grin-f---ed."

A classically-trained clarinettist and arts administrator, Williams is highly respected both for his formidable intellect and business smarts. He was widely praised for hauling Foxtel, where he was CEO from 2001 till 2011, from a chronic loss-maker to high-profitability. It was hoped he would weave some similar magic at News Corp, re-positioning the company's digital strategy in preparation for its shift to an online subscription model. Williams wasted no time, putting the broom through senior management and removing long-time editors. Cost cutting was a key element. He streamlined back office operations, trimming 19 divisions to five. Sales functions were centralised, as were editorial roles.

But the biggest change was cultural. Williams' predecessor, John Hartigan, had been an old-style newspaperman, a blood and guts reporter who allowed his editors to run their papers as mini-fiefdoms. Williams was the polar opposite, "a nerd, a Teletubby," as one observer put it. He had never been a journalist, had never chased a yarn or nurtured a source. Instead, he stressed the importance of statistics and customer research.

"He would talk about PEAL - Planning, Executing, Analysing and Learning," says one former editor. Most importantly, he had no time for the "editor as God" ethos - one of the key pillars on which News has built its business.

Soon, he had made some powerful enemies, namely Chris Mitchell and Paul Whittaker. As time went on, the relationship between Williams and his two most senior editors, both of whom had a direct line to Rupert, became increasingly toxic.

"Whenever they didn't like something Kim had told them to do, they simply rang Rupert and had it reversed," one former News senior executive says. "It was very hurtful to Kim, and very destabilising."

The failure of FoxSports News is a case in point. The plan, cooked up in large part by Williams, and several months in the making, was to integrate the sports pages of the News Ltd tabloids with the pay TV broadcaster's content. But it necessitated having News' sports writers re-locate to Fox Studios in Melbourne and Sydney, something the tabloid editors weren't happy about. "Boris [Whittaker] and [Peter] Blunden [editor in chief of The Herald Sun], went straight to Rupert and the plan died in the click of a finger," the former executive says.

By now, however, Williams had an even bigger problem - one Lachlan Murdoch. The young Murdoch had initially been his strong supporter, but the battle over NRL broadcasting rights would end all that. As negotiations over the rights drew to a head in mid-2012, two contenders remained: Ten, the ailing network chaired by Lachlan Murdoch, and Foxtel, which had teamed up with the free-to-air operator, Nine.

"Lachlan saw the NRL rights as part of his grand vision for rebuilding Ten," a senior News executive explains. "He also felt that he had the deal stitched up, through his News Ltd connections."

But he hadn't bargained on Williams, who, together with Nine, outbid Ten at the 11th hour. According to someone intimately involved with the negotiations, "Lachlan felt gazumped. Which he was."

To make matters, worse, Williams, in an effort to get his bid over the line, agreed to relinquish News Ltd's "first and last rights" over the NRL, options they held till 2027. These were uncommonly powerful rights, effectively allowing News the last say in bidding over broadcast rights on all manner of platforms - free-to-air, pay TV, online, even technology that had yet to be invented. William's willingness to surrender them was seen by Murdoch as a deep betrayal, as his one-time-friend doing anything he could to stymie Ten's bid.

"Lachlan burst a pipe over it," says the News executive. "He went to Rupert and tried to call for Kim's head. But Rupert told him to calm down … The thing about Lachlan is that he's a good hater. He totally froze Kim out. But then, Kim is a good hater, too."

Meanwhile, Williams' editorial and executive level make-over was having a crippling effect at Melbourne's Herald and Weekly Times. "He had effectively dismantled the Herald and Weekly Times," says one former News source. "He gave most of the senior jobs to the suburban network and took away Peter Blunden's powerbase. This seriously rankled Janet [Calvert-Jones, Rupert's sister], who as the chair of The Herald and Weekly Times for 25 years had devoted much of her life to the pastoral care of the executives and the people on the floor. And since Kim took over, he has dismantled all that."

Compounding Williams' problems were News Corp's poor performances in digital, where ad revenues and audiences were not what they might have been. Williams' days in the job, it seems, were numbered.

Williams is full of surprises: he was once married to Kathy Lette, of Puberty Blues fame. He was an Australian Lego champion in his childhood. He went to court during the Vietnam War, as a conscientious objector, and defended himself.

There are no end of ways to describe him: fiercely intelligent, intensely private, scrupulously ethical, and a fingers-to-the-bone workaholic.

"He has always been extremely demanding, not only of himself, but of others," says close friend Richard Gill, who taught Williams music at Marsden High School in the 1960s. "I remember he gave me a test one day where he had prepared excerpts of 75 orchestral works, very small excerpts, on a tape recorder, and I had to identify every single one. He was 14 years old."

Williams has worked at the ABC (where he was charged with getting up a pay TV channel), the Australian Film Commission (where he became chief executive at the age of 31), and the Sydney Opera House (where he remains chairman of the trust). He was said to be "revered" at Foxtel, both by staff, and fellow executives. "He could analyse a P'n'L statement better than the CFO," says one.

Williams can be warm: he is said to regularly visit his father in-law Gough Whitlam in the nursing home Lullworth (Williams has been married to Cath Dovey, Whitlam's daughter, since 1998). He sends flowers to departed staff members, and gives huge amounts to charity.

"He is enormously generous," says Kathy Lette, his first wife. "He haemorrhages money like that but he is just supportive of creative people and the things he believes in."

And yet for all that, he remains an enigma. As Phillip Adams, who worked with Williams on the Australian Film Commission, says: "There is no-one harder, more complex and contradictory in Australian public life than Kim Williams. I don't even think that Kim understands his own complexities."

According to one former friend: "He is never at home in his own skin. And that feeds into that formality and stiffness you see."

His temper is also legendary. "He flies into rages when he totally loses control of himself," says one man who worked closely with him at Foxtel. "Face red, spittle coming out of his mouth, tears, the whole nine yards."


His ability to make enemies brought him down at News, but his brains will no doubt lift him back up.

"I am sure we haven't seen the last of him," Adams says. "Christ knows what he does for an encore but one thing is for sure - the guy's a survivor.''

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