

This was published 7 years ago

Glencore gate crashes Yancoal's plans to buy up NSW coal assets

By Brian Robins

Chinese-controlled Yancoal is considering its response to the last-minute bid lodged at the weekend by Swiss-based Glencore to acquire Rio Tinto's NSW coal mines as it awaits Rio's decision on whether the rival offer is "superior".

If Glencore's $US2.55 billion ($3.4 billion) cash bid is successful, it could emerge as the dominant player in the Australian coal industry. Earlier in the year, Yancoal bid $US2.45 billion for the Rio mines.

Yancoal's bid for Rio's NSW coal assets is under threat

Yancoal's bid for Rio's NSW coal assets is under threatCredit: Anthony Taylor

Yancoal officials were locked in meetings at the weekend and a formal statement is likely early in the week.

Glencore had sought to merge with Rio in 2014. It was rebuffed at that time but there has been ongoing speculation it would still pursue a deal with the Ango-Australian miner, despite the recovery in asset prices over the past 12 months or so.

Yancoal is to make pay an initial $US1.95 billion in cash, followed by five $US100 million annual payments to Rio. Its offer also included a potential further $US2 a tonne royalty payment to Rio if the price of coal shipped via Newcastle exceeded $US75 a tonne.

The Glencore offer is similarly structured, paying $US2.05 billion up front with five annual $US100 million payments along with the same royalty structure. It has also agreed to acquire Japanese trader Mitsubishi Corp's stake in the Rio mines for $US920 million in cash, paying an initial $US520 million and $US100 million a year for five years.

Door could be open for 50:50 deal

However, conceding the purchase would stretch its balance sheet, Glencore has signalled it would sell down a 50 per cent stake in the mines subsequent to any deal being finalised. This could open the door to joint ownership with Yancoal if Glencore's offer wins Rio's backing.

In a brief statement, Rio acknowledged receipt of the Glencore offer for the assets, and said it would respond "in due course".


Rio has a shareholder meeting scheduled for June 29 to consider the Yancoal offer, which already has most government approvals in place. Glencore's bid is yet to be considered by the Chinese authorities, which can be slow and deliberate when considering the competition implications of deals of this sort.

The Glencore bid came as little surprise, although it has left Rio with little room to manoeuvre, with its bid emerging so close to the meeting.

"In deciding whether the Glencore offer is superior, apart from the extra cash upfront, any deal [with Glencore] would now be delayed potentially into 2018 to be concluded," one source close to the transaction said.

"After Rio upset many Chinese interests when it pulled out of an earlier deal with Chinalco, it must decide the future commercial implications from upsetting its Chinese partners again if it pulls out of the Yancoal deal without just cause."

Chinalco retains a 10.1 per cent voting interest Rio.

Glencore said the purchase would "unlock large-scale mining and operating synergies" since a number of the Rio assets are near its own mines in the Hunter Valley. The acquisition would also give Glencore a 36.5 per cent stake in Port Waratah Coal Services, which operates one of the largest coal loading facilities globally at Newcastle.

Under the terms of the deal with Rio, the Anglo-Australian miner was unable to solicit competing offers for the coal assets on the block, but if a rival bid does emerge it must be at least $US100 million higher, and fully cash, with Yancoal to have the right to counter offer.

Strategic retreat

The NSW coal mines being sold by Rio mainly produce steaming coal, which is mostly used to generate power. Rio has taken a strategic decision to get out of steaming coal, which is typically a lower priced product than coking coal, which is mainly used in the steel-making process.

Rio's decision to sell these steaming coal assets comes as some traditional export customers are reducing reliance on coal for electricity, to cut carbon commissions.

China has already indicated it wants to cut coal use and earlier this month South Korea's newly elected President, Moon Jae-in, said his country would boost gas and renewables, casting doubt over the future of its coal-fired power stations. South Korea is the fourth largest coal importer globally, sourcing much of its needs from Australia.

The move by Rio to sell the mines comes as it has moved to slash debt after a period of weak earnings following the recent fall in commodity prices – difficulties that also damaged Glencore, forcing it to undertake a deep restructuring and offload assets.

The industry's recent woes also ensnared Peabody Coal, the global coal miner, which fell into financial administration from which it has only just emerged. The fall in oil prices and the low price of gas in the US has pushed coal out of the electricity sector, resulting in mine closures and job losses there.

The recent rebound in coal prices has enabled Glencore to signal newfound confidence in its future, approaching global grain trader Bunge with a view to acquisition, and now putting $US2.55 billion on the table for the NSW mines. It would cost more than $US11 billion to gain control of Bunge.

Rio's NSW coal output runs at about 22 million tonnes a year, mostly of thermal coal. Glencore produces about 70 million tonnes a year at its Australian mines, also mostly thermal coal, from a spread of mines across Queensland and NSW. Glencore said the deal would give it control of 81 million tonnes of production capacity in the Hunter Valley alone.

Yancoal is smaller, producing about 16 million tonnes a year, mostly of steaming coal, operating mines in Queensland and NSW.

Glencore said the purchase had already been approved by Japan's anti-trust authorities although it would need Foreign Investment Review Board approval. Yancoal has already gained FIRB approval.

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