This was published 4 years ago
ABC stands by 'Life' website amid internal staff tensions
By Zoe Samios
A Twitter feud among journalists is not unusual and rarely interesting. But a recent spat about the ABC Life website betrays ongoing tensions within the public broadcaster about its controversial foray into digital lifestyle content.
It began on May 14 when Australian Financial Review reporter Michael Roddan tweeted about the closure of BuzzFeed Australia's newsroom.
ABC Life is the last remaining content initiative from Michelle Guthrie's time leading the public broadcaster.Credit: AAP Image/ABC, Four Corners
"RIP BuzzFeed. Shut down ABC Life," Roddan wrote.
Many ABC journalists including ABC Life founder Scott Spark were quick to defend the website to Roddan and also to 7:30 reporter Andy Park, who briefly retweeted Roddan's post but has since removed it.
"Heya Andy - happy to extend the offer to you too. You might not realise, but 7:30 has featured several ABC Life stories," Spark wrote on the social media platform.
Que Minh Luu, an ABC executive producer working in scripted drama, comedy and digital content, also called out Park.
"What an interesting thing for you to retweet Andy. One of your incredible 7:30pm colleagues has produced some of the best content on that site," she said. "Love seeing the support journalists and news colleagues give each other ... what a great thing to note down for future reference".
The creation of ABC Life two years ago was meant to be straightforward. The brainchild of managing director Michelle Guthrie, who was sacked in September 2018, the website was aimed at building the national broadcaster’s existing reach among young people who spent more time online than watching television or listening to the radio.
ABC Life set out to compile content from ABC TV, ABC News, ABC regional and local, Triple J, Radio National and podcasts as well as produce its own stories. It publishes a range of lifestyle-focused content covering serious subjects such as mental health and more frivolous topics such as "Help your pet readjust to being left alone during the day", "Do you need to wear sunscreen even when inside?"* and "If a zombie apocalypse came, this is how much weight you’d lose".
The website had an average audience of more than 1.4 million in March, according to Nielsen data. It has arguably achieved the goal of reaching many Australians yet it remains one of the broadcaster’s most contested initiatives.
A common complaint about ABC Life is that the money could be better spent elsewhere. Industry sources including senior ABC staff who spoke on the condition of anonymity said that the platform is still widely unpopular within the parts of the news division who believe they have suffered during a constrained funding environment. The ABC’s $1 billion-a-year taxpayer-funded budget is currently frozen by the government.
Some news staffers also believe ABC Life’s less serious content brings unwanted attention to public broadcasters at a time when it needs to make the case for more money. Ms Guthrie was not popular among many staff and some ABC insiders are quick to point out it is the last of her projects that remains intact.
Former ABC editorial director Alan Sunderland is a supporter of ABC Life. He argues the website is a sensible way to showcase long-standing ABC content to new audiences.
"We had always done lifestyle content over the years," he says. "The thinking behind [ABC Life] was to say 'let’s get into that space that will appeal to a younger audience that will be on issues that they care about but to do it in a uniquely ABC way'".
Under Spark’s leadership, the ABC Life team has expanded. More than 20 staff now sit as part of ABC’s regional and local team and the website is expected to cost the public broadcaster $3 million this financial year.
"The content that ABC Life carries – covering relationships, families, health and wellbeing, cooking, gardening and homelife to name a few – have been a successful part of ABC Radio broadcasts for many generations," an ABC spokesman said. "ABC Life’s success has been to take those stories online and make them accessible to a whole new, younger, mobile-first audience."
Commercial rivals consider ABC Life an unnecessary step into an area covered by others that required large audiences to attract advertisers. Websites such as 10Daily, BuzzFeed, Junkee, and that focus on lifestyle content were already competing for audiences and considered the ABC’s foray into lifestyle content inappropriate and outside of existing content obligations. (Nine Entertainment Co titles including The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age and produce lifestyle content that competes with the ABC.)
Sensitivities related to the website’s relevance to ABC charter have been exacerbated recently by the closures of long-standing lifestyle titles. Weak consumer sentiment and economic slowdown driven by the coronavirus pandemic has caused a significant reduction in advertising spending which has caused the temporary suspension of titles like OK!, NW, Harper’s Bazaar, Belle and Elle, among others.
Mr Sunderland says the ABC cannot be blamed for closures. "Life is tough for media organisations out there, but it’s not tough because of anything the ABC has ever done, it’s tough because they have lost their business models," he says.
But as current ABC managing director David Anderson prepares to lay out his five-year plan for the broadcaster, a question hangs over whether ABC Life will survive.
ABC Life was discussed as part of an efficiency review conducted by former Foxtel boss Peter Tonagh and former media regulator Richard Bean on behalf of the Turnbull government which was handed to the public broadcaster last year. The review has never been made public but sources familiar with its findings said that it ranks various ABC functions (news, drama etc) in terms of how close they are to the ABC’s core responsibilities. News is considered to be “close” to the core while ABC Life was considered to be “further away” from core business.
It’s not clear how much of the efficiency review Mr Anderson took into account when he prepared his five-year plan. ABC Life supporters will be hoping he ignored it altogether.
* The short answer is no