

This was published 5 years ago

How to fix the ABC: the two issues facing the public broadcaster

By Jennifer Duke

It was a sombre mood in the ABC’s Ultimo offices on May 9 when then-managing director Michelle Guthrie fronted staff via video-link about the cut to the broadcaster's funding in the 2018 federal budget the night before.

She looked so uncomfortable the presentation to Aunty’s almost 5000 national employees is internally described as similar to a “hostage video”.

Former chairman Justin Milne and ex-managing director Michelle Guthrie have left a series of concerns about how the ABC and the government work together.

Former chairman Justin Milne and ex-managing director Michelle Guthrie have left a series of concerns about how the ABC and the government work together.Credit: Four Corners

In the brief address, she criticised the $83.7 million cut and additional efficiency review imposed on the broadcaster by the Turnbull government.

“More than 80 per cent of Australians value the ABC, a point that should not be lost on anyone seeking government,” she said at the time.

Four months later, she was sacked by the ABC board leading to the resignation of chairman Justin Milne after revelations he’d encouraged her to fire journalists the government didn’t like.

This shake-up has left two major questions about how to fix Aunty. First, how can the broadcaster ensure freedom from government pressure when relying on it for funding?

Second, how can Australians be comfortable the ABC's board and management is truly independent?

Rebuilding the board

When some of Sydney’s biggest names in media and politics gathered at the ABC offices to launch advocacy group ABC Alumni on Wednesday afternoon, there were some tough words for the public broadcaster's directors and Prime Minister Scott Morrison.


Multiple Walkley Award-winning journalist and ABC personality Kerry O’Brien told about 150 attendees, including recently elected member for Wentworth Kerryn Phelps and former NSW premier Bob Carr, that the public broadcaster’s board “still has question marks over its head”.

Media commentators have argued the directors should explain to the public why they didn’t do more to stop Milne’s intervention in editorial matters, such as telling Guthrie to fire high-profile journalist Emma Alberici because the government “hates her”. Board sources adamantly deny not acting appropriately at the time.

“Everybody in the country who supports the ABC across the political spectrum ... should be watching Scott Morrison as the government goes through the process of appointing a new chair,” O'Brien said, pushing for independence in the process of hiring.

“A board that is appointed at arm's length from government, not the appearance of it, not the bullshit version of it, the real one.

“A government that can’t guarantee that, is a government that should be judged ... as found wanting.”

When the government is searching for an ABC board director, a nomination panel is set up to select candidates, though the government can choose someone who is not shortlisted to sit on the board. The current ABC board includes several directors hand-chosen by Communications Minister Mitch Fifield. There is a nomination panel for the chairman though the Prime Minister can select a preferred candidate (Justin Milne was a friend of Malcolm Turnbull's), and the managing director is chosen by the board.

The choice of Vanessa Guthrie as a director in February 2017, who is chairwoman of the Minerals Council of Australia and not chosen by the panel, was particularly controversial as it came at a time the government was criticising the broadcaster's coverage of coal mining and energy security.

University of Melbourne senior research fellow Denis Muller has urged for the managing director role to be separated from the job of editor-in-chief, and for more transparency in the selection process.

“If the minister is going to appoint somebody other than someone on the nomination list, he should have to say why and why he isn’t choosing those who are nominated,” Muller says, “It imposes a discipline on the government and stops them from being able to stack the board with mates.

“The same process should happen with the chairman when they vet him.”

The call for greater transparency around board appointments was shared in submissions to the ongoing inquiry into allegations of political interference at the ABC by ABC Friends, the journalists’ union and The Australia Institute, which recommended a cross-party committee be added to both hiring processes.

However, there is far less agreement when it comes to the question of funding.

Follow the money

Milne summed up the tension between the ABC and the government clearly after his resignation; in particular, hopes for an extra $500 million for a digitisation project were front-of-mind in his job.

"You can’t go around irritating the person who's going to give you funding again and again and again if it's over matters of accuracy and impartiality,” he said in an interview on 7.30 at the time.

Earlier this month, he described the government as “our shareholder, they’re our banker, they’re our regulator, they’re our occasional inquisitor” on Four Corners.


The government chooses how to spend taxpayers’ money and decides on the ABC’s triennial funding, which has been the system since 1989. If the government chooses to freeze the ABC budget's indexation (ultimately resulting in a funding cut due to rising costs) then it can.

While budget decisions may be made for a range of reasons, such as the complexities for government bean counters trying to balance many areas in need of funding, Milne was clearly concerned about keeping politicians on-side.

This inherently introduces a concern the ABC is held hostage to the government's decision and could shy away from criticism to ensure future funding.

Among those questioning whether this funding model works is acting managing director David Anderson, who is considered a frontrunner to keep the role in future.

His recent submission to the inquiry argued prohibiting advertising ensured the public broadcaster was unencumbered by commercial imperative, but “while the corporation has absolute discretion as to the application of such funds available to it, as the majority of its funding is delivered through government appropriation there is an inexorable link between government and the corporation”.

He welcomed “consideration of alternative funding arrangements” provided they included indexation settings to counter rising costs and funding set “a number of years in advance”.

A global search

Not every country funds its public broadcaster in the same way. Some public broadcasters take advertisements (including SBS), though this can raise issues of commercial independence.

The ABC is not allowed to take advertisements on most of its platforms, though it does allow ads on YouTube and around its content on Apple News. This only forms a small portion of its revenue (in the last annual report, the ABC was given $1.04 billion in government funding and generated $65.1 million from other sources). About $180 million is spent a year on transmission services.

Some countries charge residents in the form of a television licence fee, sometimes levied alongside an electricity bill like in Scandinavia. TV licences are particularly common in Europe, and is how the BBC raised £3.8 billion ($6.75 billion) funding of an overall £5.1 billion.

Households in Britain are charged about £150 ($266) to legally access broadcast television and there are 66 million people in the UK. Experts say more people using laptops, tablets and phones to access content could mean a device-focused levy would be more appropriate.

Canada’s TVO (covering 14.2 million people in Ontario) accepts charitable donations and bequests. In fiscal 2017, 31,400 people donated funds to the public broadcaster. This provided an additional $2.9 million net revenue from individual and corporation donations and sponsorships, though the majority of the funding ($39 million) came through the government.

Transparency and scrutiny

Muller does not believe changing to an overseas method would be most appropriate, warning relying on charity or sponsorship dollars could be “dangerous” and may lead to even lower levels of government funding.

Instead, he said triennial funding should simply be stated at the start of the period and any later changes should be “subjected to debate in Parliament and subject to public scrutiny”.


“[The government] shouldn’t be able to just do it in the papers and hide it on page 506,” he said. "It needs to be transparent and subject to questioning”.

ABC Friends has recommended a five-year rolling funding, with three years underpinned by legislation, while the journalists’ union has suggested external independent advisers help determine the triennial funding. Some industry sources queried who would select the independent committee. The Australia Institute recommended public submissions about the ABC funding should be called for by the Department of Communications when each triennial period is coming to an end, with a consultation process and reports required.

Opposition communications spokeswoman Michelle Rowland said in a statement Labor would restore the $83.7 million cut in the budget, and supported a “stable funding trajectory” for the public broadcaster. However, she did not respond to further questions about whether a change in the triennial model was supported.

Fifield said in a statement the ABC had “greater funding certainty than any other media organisation in the country and the government will continue to follow usual budget processes".

A report from the Senate inquiry into these issues isn't due until March, however with Anderson keen to rebuild trust in the public broadcaster and bring stability to staff, it's likely there will be some big issues raised at the first public hearing on Friday.

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