

This was published 6 years ago

15 years of Facebook: has it made the world, and Australia, a better place?

By Jennifer Duke & John McDuling

Will Easton is standing on the 41st floor of a skyscraper on the Barangaroo edge of Sydney's CBD, where he can enjoy spectacular views of the city.

From his vantage point, the managing director of Facebook Australia can take in the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House. But employees are also amused by the fact they can look down at the growing campus of arch-rival Google (as well as the building that houses The Sydney Morning Herald newsroom) across the water in nearby Pyrmont.

Managing director of Facebook Australia Will Easton at the company's new office in Sydney's Barangaroo.

Managing director of Facebook Australia Will Easton at the company's new office in Sydney's Barangaroo.Credit: Louise Kennerley

After months of negotiations, Easton has agreed to an interview to discuss the rise of Facebook and its well-documented challenges. Easton and his Australian team of 120 moved into plush new Sydney offices two weeks ago and the mood is decidedly upbeat.

It's a scene that is strikingly incongruous with the nightmare 12 months Facebook has endured in the media and with politicians and regulators around the world.

Last year, Facebook took blow after blow as it was accused of disregarding user privacy, enabling elections to be swayed and - as one report put it - repeatedly trying to "delay, deny and deflect" responsibility. The low point for the company was having its founder Mark Zuckerberg apologise before US Congress for fake news, foreign interference in elections and hate speech on the platform.

Just this week, Facebook's global operations had yet another fight on its hands as popular US site TechCrunch claimed the company was paying teens to spy on their online activities, while legal action from US news outlet Reveal detailed instances of the social media giant appearing to dupe children into spending money on their parents' account on games without permission. Facebook disputes these characterisations.

Yet despite its myriad problems, users still can’t get enough of the $US480 billion ($662 billion) behemoth and its products. This week, Facebook said it ended last year with a record 2.3 billion users, as it posted its strongest annual profit to date of $US22 billion. The share price remains down about 23 per cent since peak in mid-2018, after a 19 per cent single-day fall in July when executives predicted lower profit margins for two years, partly due to increased investments in security with additional staff to handle content safety.

Monday will mark 15 years since Zuckerberg started the social media platform from his Harvard dorm room in what has now become Silicon Valley lore.  Zuckerberg has gone a considerable way towards achieving his lofty goal of connecting the world.

There is no doubt about Facebook's financial success. But the anniversary provides a timely opportunity to ask an important question: has Facebook made the world, and Australia, a better place?


"Our core goal was to create a platform that has allowed people to connect to the people, communities and places that they care about," says Easton.  "Many of us are now connected to people, friends and content that we wouldn’t have been able to connect to historically."

“In life and in business relationships really matter," Easton says. "That’s really been the ethos of Facebook."


Facebook's new Sydney set-up is certainly a better place for its employees. Easton does not have a separate office - mirroring how mega billionaire Zuckerberg sits out among his team on an open-plan floor in California.

The Sydney HQ, which is much larger than its former office on George Street, features all the perks modern tech workers expect, such as ping-pong tables, free food and massage chairs. But there are also some hints to the company's distinct culture.

Next to rooms with iconic Australian names ("The Castle", "Bananas in Pyjamas") is a break-out library space that has been carefully curated with Facebook chief operations officer Sheryl Sandberg’s feminist manifesto Lean In, Ekaterina Walters’ best-selling Think Like Zuck,  sci-fi novel Ready Player One and photographic book Humans of New York.

Easton, a former Google and Microsoft executive, has been Facebook Australia chief twice during more than six years of employment at the social media giant. He is a clear optimist about technology and the benefits the company brings.

But even he admits it’s not always easy being the local boss of Facebook. “In terms of challenges, clearly a photographer outside my house would be top of my list,” Easton says.

It was Wednesday afternoon on March 21 when he found himself face-to-face with a photographer from this masthead on the street outside his home in Sydney. It came after revelations political consultancy Cambridge Analytica had exploited the data of millions of Facebook users.

About 50 million people were initially estimated to be affected and Australians were quickly asking if they were among them. At the time, Facebook did not provide answers.

Easton was photographed with his luggage in tow after a firestorm week at the US head office. By Thursday, the photo was published on the front page of the Herald next to the headline “Trust me, I'm from Facebook” and a thumbs down icon.

For the first time on a large scale, users found that the digital behemoth they had trusted with their data, photos, personal messages and lists of friends now appeared not to have their best interests at heart. (#deletefacebook trended in the days after the scandal but Facebook has since posted strong growth in users.)

New information about Russian troll interference in the US election, hate speech on the platform and fake advertisements continued for the rest of the year.

One of the most shocking examples related to revelations military personnel in Myanmar used Facebook to create troll accounts and launch hate-based campaigns targeting minorities such as the country’s Muslim Rohingya group and inciting a genocide.

“People ask the question around how was 2018. On the one hand we learned a lot ... and I think it made us a better company,” Easton says, “2018 also had many highlights. It’s arguably one of our most impactful years in Australia”.

One of the major challenges as he sees it for Facebook has been “getting the media to fairly reflect how we’re operating as a business”.

“We absolutely recognise that we have to be held accountable for some of the things that happened ... equally, there are a lot of good things we’ve done,” he says, listing off charitable works and recent media partnerships such as with short-film festival Tropfest.

One of the things Facebook is trying to change is its approach to transparency and accountability, both for users on the platform and the media.

Despite this, there are some topics Easton refuses to talk about at length, likely due to layers of bureaucracy above him. One of them is the Australian competition watchdog’s wide-ranging inquiry into the digital platforms' dominance (submissions to the 378-page preliminary report are due in a fortnight, and Facebook’s global teams are still shaping the official response). Large media companies, such as Nine Entertainment (owner of this masthead) and News Corp, have been vocal in criticising the platforms.

He also won’t talk – at least not yet – about how his team is intending to defend against trolls and “bad actors” in the upcoming Australian federal election.

Easton doesn’t like to dwell on the negatives of last year – deciding to call things “challenges” rather than “lows” for Facebook.  “[Cambridge Analytica] was a really important point in time for our company. I think 2018 has been an important year for us. We’ve made significant changes,” he says.

“But the reality is every day, every month, 16 million Australian consumers and hundreds of thousands of businesses make a decision about whether they do or don’t use our products and they have ample choice in all honesty of other solutions which they could use.

“We were really encouraged in 2018. We saw a continued growth in people using our Facebook family of applications. We don’t take that for granted, we absolutely recognise that you can never assume that people trust you, you have to continue to invest in being trusted."

The view from another Aussie Facebook boss

Easton's predecessor in the top job at Facebook in Australia was Stephen Scheeler. When he left the social media company in 2017 after a four-year stint, he presented a TED talk in Sydney about being the “oldest person” hired at the company when he was 47. This made him "a grandfather in Facebook years".

“The level of influence Facebook’s platforms have in the world is something just a few years ago the business couldn’t even imagine,” Scheeler says, in an emailed response to questions from holiday in Hawaii. “Even today, I don’t think anybody truly understands the impacts, both good and bad, which Facebook is having on the world. This is probably the most daunting task ahead for Mark and Facebook’s current leaders.”

As Scheeler sees it, the issue is that nothing like Facebook has ever been attempted in the past. There is no precedent, nothing like it in terms of size or data collected or users, and this makes it hard to manage as a business leader and to regulate as a government.

“[Another] change is the realisation inside and outside the company that Facebook’s platforms are now so powerful that they can have profound and previously unimaginable effects on entire societies, governments and industries, and on the mental, emotional and physical health and wellbeing of individuals.”

For this reason, whether it’s challenges in terms of fake news, depression, bullying or data privacy, he believes the issues relate to the simple fact that all new technology from the printing press to Uber is introduced with some negatives and “Facebook is no different”.

“But I still believe the positive impacts which Facebook has on friends, families, communities, societies and businesses far outweigh the negatives ... In spite of so much recently which has gone wrong at Facebook, I’m still a net optimist about the company’s impact on the world,” he says.

Like or dislike

Millions of Australians use Facebook, Instagram and its other products each day. They see enough value in the services to return on a regular basis largely to speak with friends and family, organise events and discuss everything from politics to parenthood in groups.

Facebook has also made it cheaper and quicker for small and medium enterprises to connect with their customers;  it has been a boon for business, with many companies relying on social media as their main page for answering questions, providing information and marketing.

A report commissioned by Facebook from reputable research firm PwC Australia found 120,000 additional employees were hired by these companies in 2017 on the back of their growth from using the platform, with about a third in regional Australia.

“If you cast your mind back 30 years, for a small business it was incredibly difficult to connect and advertise outside of your local area, it was too expensive to do it regionally, nationally and definitely globally,” Easton says.

The dark side of Facebook

Easton and Scheeler may be certain that Facebook’s impact on mankind has been positive, but others are less convinced.

One of them is James Allworth, an Australian tech executive, author and podcast host, based in San Francisco. Allworth, who studied under legendary Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen, has emerged as one of the tech industry’s most respected thinkers in recent years. And one of Facebook’s most strident critics.

Asked whether the social network has made the world a better place, he demurs. “The fact that it isn't an easy-to-answer question for Facebook says a lot,” he says."Having a universal platform where you are able to find and connect with anyone is actually a really cool thing. Being able to find ways of staying in touch with people as people scatter to all corners of the globe, that is really good.”

“The other thing that is really under-appreciated is that it’s a big enabler of small businesses that otherwise couldn’t exist.”

The problem is, the positives are more than outweighed by what Allworth describes as Facebook’s dark side. “Take a look at the research that’s emerging on people’s wellbeing when they use it," he says. "And if it's bad at the level of the individual I'm not convinced it’s any better at the level of society. Bad things are happening to democracies. The confirmation bias, and filter bubbles are bad, outrage is the thing that seems to play the most on it.”

The question this raises is whether these problems are intrinsic to a platform seeking to connect the entire world, or the result of missteps by Facebook’s management team. Allworth leans to the latter.

“Some of the business practices that company has pursued over the years are absolutely despicable. It’s just reprehensible,” he says. “They just don’t think that the rules apply to them. They just think they can pull this stuff and apologise it away.”

“It's just done the wrong thing, time and time again,” he says. “I know people that work there and to a dime they're all good people. And yet somehow, this company ends up behaving in a way that's up there with evil caricatures of the oil companies or big tobacco with some of the behaviour.”

“Part of it is that I think there's a win-at-all costs mentality that’s baked into the company, and nothing's going to get in their way. And while the leadership stays there, I don’t think it's going to change.”

While few agree on what impact Facebook has had overall, Easton clearly sees a bright future for the platform in Australia. The new Barangaroo office space has room for 500 people – more than four times the current headcount – and is a statement of its planned trajectory.

“The world is evolved by people building new products and services and reiterating as they go through,” Easton says.

“If that hadn’t happened we’d all still be in medieval times. I’m a big believer that technology is for the good and we’re all going to learn as we go through this next fourth industrial revolution, but we’ll all have to learn together and work it out together.”

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