

This was published 9 years ago

Tony Abbott's chance to get on board with women

By Elizabeth Knight

The highly conservative Australian coalition-led government has had something of a problem with women, certainly in perception. It has now been handed an opportunity to be at the vanguard of breaking new ground on gender equality.

A bill quietly introduced by independent senator Nick Xenophon that seeks to legislate 40 per cent representation by women on government boards is now grinding its way through the system.

Leaning in: Independent Senator Nick Xenophon is pushing a bill on gender equality for government boards.

Leaning in: Independent Senator Nick Xenophon is pushing a bill on gender equality for government boards.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Before one should become prematurely excited by this prospect, there are a couple of things to note. It is not yet a slam dunk. The coalition is yet to give it a tick, but nor has it publicly argued against it.

In a practical sense legislating a 40 per cent quota won't change too much from where we are today. Thanks to the previous government's policy to implement a 40 per cent target for female membership of federal government boards the numbers are already pretty close - currently at 38 per cent.

Illustration: Kerrie Leishman

Illustration: Kerrie Leishman

So why legislate?

Because there is evidence that since 2013 when the Gillard government put the target in place, the proportion of women on government boards has slipped from 41 per cent and there is a real chance that unless legally fortified it could slide further.

In the business world the mention of the words 'female quotas' and boards pull down the shutters.

The chairmen of most public company boards are happy with the concept of targets and many companies have these buried in their governance principles. Despite this apparent willingness to embrace more gender equality at board level, less than 20 per cent of directors in Australia's top 200 listed companies are women.


And some still companies have no women on their board.

Legions of groups have mushroomed over the past ten or more years to pursue the gender cause and many organisations from the Institute of Company Directors to the Australian Securities Exchange and the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors have been campaigning for improvements.

(Indeed Xenophon began this gender crusade having been lobbied by two of Australia's most experienced and highly respected public company directors, Carol Schwartz and Caroline Hewson.)

The heightened activism has yielded some results.

By the end of 2014, women were occupying almost 300 seats in ASX 200 boardrooms (19.3 per cent of all directors), which was a more than doubled presence since 2010.

Thus the far more important reason for instituting government quotas is that it creates a role model and template for the rest of business. If government boards run smoothly with appropriate gender representation it might demonstrate that organisations don't fall apart (quite the opposite) when women have a seat at the table.

One of the often-cited reasons for not appointing more women to government and publicly listed boards is that the talent pool isn't large enough. This argument defies logic given women are graduating at the same rate as men in disciplines like business, economics and law.

Sure there are not as many women with direct senior management experience in the candidate pools but there are plenty of women from related disciplines that could bring different skill sets to boards.

The other regularly espoused argument against quotas is that is tampers with free market mechanics. This makes sense but for the fact that the 'free market' is not free of entrenched attitudes and inertia.

The real test should be free from bias or even fairness. It should be about performance.

Xenophon points to what he describes as a significant body showing that boards with more balanced gender representation lead to better financial outcomes for companies, as opposed to those with boards that consist entirely of one gender.

He cites a recent (and independent) study undertaken by Credit Suisse in September 2014 which found companies with more than one woman on the board returned a compound of 3.7 per cent a year since 2005 over those with no women on the board.

A paper produced by Professor Robert Wood from the University of Melbourne's Centre for Ethical Leadership summarises over forty pieces of research that support the argument that gender equality on boards leads to better outcomes.

Xenophon has handed the federal government a perfect opportunity to show leadership in the gender debate.

While we are a long way from the cutting edge gender reforms of Norway, which mandates 40 per cent female representation on all publicly listed companies, the progression of this bill will be an interesting one to watch.

The only caveat is that all aspiring directors for government boards should be mindful of some of the pitfalls the more seasoned directors have pointed out.

Only last week a prominent company director criticised government boards for lacking diversity, for retiring talented members on political grounds and of 'blacklisting' business people who speak up with views different from government.

Elizabeth Proust, the chair of Nestle Australia and Bank of Melbourne, also warned business leaders were being sidelined in the political debate because they feared retribution from politicians if they were critical of government policy.

Maybe it's a case of be careful what you wish for.

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