

This was published 9 years ago

eBay's corporate behaviour aired in court stoush

By Michael West

If the Tax Office wants to know what online giant eBay has been up to in Australia it might contemplate sending an officer down to the Supreme Court of NSW to peruse the pleadings in the case of eBay International AG and eBay Australia and New Zealand versus Glen Gaunt.

eBay is suing its former sales manager Gaunt and his estranged wife Dana Joab for what it alleges is breach of fiduciary duty by Gaunt. Gaunt and Joab strongly deny the allegations.

eBay appears to have laid bare a questionable corporate structure as part of a court case.

eBay appears to have laid bare a questionable corporate structure as part of a court case.Credit: Kimberly White

It is not so much the merits of the case that will interest the Tax Office but the light the evidence in the case sheds on eBay's corporate behaviour and its tax arrangements.

An investigation by Fairfax Media last month showed eBay had paid a paltry $6.2 million in income tax over the past 12 years, despite billions in revenues. It even manages to duck paying the GST.

In documents filed with the corporate regulator, eBay Australia represents its business activities as being involved in "recommendation".

"The principal activities of the Company during the year were the recommendation of market penetration strategies and advertising and promotion activities."

In contrast, documents seen by Fairfax Media show clearly eBay has been very much involved in sales and in analysis, marketing, technical support and buyer and seller support for its websites. Gaunt himself led the sales team.

Separately, documents seen by Fairfax Media show a range of activities not disclosed to the regulators. And the profits from these appear to have been siphoned off to Switzerland while many of the costs of the operation have been lumped into the eBay Australia accounts.

Besides heavy travel, professional fees and "other" costs, the staff bill was $22 million in 2012.

We also draw the attention of the Tax Office to paragraph 43 of the company's affidavit: "Suspicion was also aroused by the target amount of sales to Admedia (an eBay client) was, in a number of months, $127,000. It was noted that $127,000 plus GST, was $139,700 per month."


We put the question to eBay as to why it was calculating GST when eBay does not collect GST. eBay declined to respond.

Its lawyers Norton Rose did respond though. "eBay does note that your comments in relation to GST are a misunderstanding as to the pleadings and the evidence served on this point," Norton Rose partner Simon Johnson wrote in an email. He declined to elaborate on this alleged misunderstanding.

So we don't know if eBay collects the GST or not but we do know it appears to be telling the Supreme Court of NSW that it includes GST in its calculations.

Then there is the matter of destruction of in-house documents relevant to the lawsuit.

Lawyers for Gaunt and Joab sought to get access to a range of documents under discovery for their defence. They were told, however, by eBay's lawyers only earlier this month that eBay had a data retention policy which meant that many of these documents had been deleted.

"We are instructed that under eBay's email retention policy and under eBay's data retention policy for terminated employees … the email inbox and other data of eBay staff is deleted every 90 days, and 30 days after termination. Our client has conducted searches across its databases including its 'backup systems' and confirms that it no longer holds the relevant records for the above employees," the letter from Norton Rose said.

eBay declined to respond to questions as to when this data retention policy had been implemented. Notwithstanding the short 90-day email retention policy, it is strange that documents relating to a lawsuit were not kept.

The company's affidavit says eBay commenced an "investigation" into Gaunt and Joab in late 2012. Proceedings were filed against Glen Gaunt in late 2013. Yet it was not until August 13 – less than two weeks ago and just ahead of a directions hearing next month – that Gaunt and Joab were told they could not have documents in the discovery process because they had been destroyed.

"eBay does not propose to engage with you in relation to your queries concerning the litigation which is presently before the Supreme Court of NSW," eBay's lawyers told Fairfax Media in an email last week, before issuing another letter threatening legal action.

It would be a good thing if the Tax Office were to engage with eBay though. Whatever the merits of its claim against former employees, as far as tax goes this lawsuit might focus the ATO's attention on Australia's dominant e-commerce multinational.

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